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Mormon speculation: Jose Gabriel's letter about the RCC


I am somwhat hesitant in posting this now because of the recent post regarding LDS hate speach. But I will continue with this post. First let me state that the LDS Church is not against the Catholic church. It is not in our doctrine that the Catholic church is evil or that it's leaders or members are evil.

The doccument I am going to post is not church doctrine nor is it comming from a church official. I copied the text of this document from a photo-copy of a paper one of my mission companions let me read. His document was also a photocopy. I don't know how many times it was copied or where the original came from. The original is not written by Jose gabriel but someone else, as the main portion of the document is an extract from Gabriel's letter. I have not done any research into Jose Gabriel so I don't know any of his history.

i copied this text from my copy of the document hopefully word for word. I did exclude any spelling or grammer mistakes that were crossed out on the document. I don't know who originally crossed them out. The other spelling and grammer mistakes are left in and I don't know if that is how is was written in Gabriel's letter or if they are the mistakes of the person who wrote the extract. Anye words or letters I could not read or I had to guess are marked with [ ] brackets.

Again this is NOT Mormon doctrine nor does it represent the church's or its members' views. It is merely an interesing read. If it's too long just skip to the lists at the bottom they are the interesting part.


Here is the text:

The account that follows was a letter from an ex-monk whose name was Jose Gabriel, who later joined our church. He studied243 religions in 24 years, in that time he was a Dominican monk, being called at a young age by the Catholic Church for his scholastic merits. He knew the Mormon Church was the true church 6 years before his baptism in 1960. Since then he has been excommunicated by the Catholic officials and lives as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in San Jose, Costa Rica. The letter was dated the 9th of September 1967, and was directed to President Brewstone. (Mission President)
This is an Extract:
I, Jose Gabriel, a servant of Jesus Christ and ordained after the order of Aaron by the elders of the Lord and by the hope placed in Jesus Christ, we share in this life, by the grace of the Holy ghost, to glory of God, whom we will see face to face at the last day, and this being our hope, we shall accomplish the will of God.
Bro. Brewstone, in the name of our Lord, I desire to share my thoughts with you. Not as an admonition, but as one redeemed in Christ and who is the same time our brother, In other word, if it was not for the church of Goad, I would not be among those redeemed by him.
As a man, I could have [unreadable] the world to the highest power. the [Po]peship, but for what purpose would it have served, but to have lost my soul for eternities. And as it is written "What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lost his own souls."(mark 8:36). This is why I feel happy. I know that I have triumphed, and so I shall be one of the blessed of Jesus Christ.
I recall that hour when the opportunity to speak with a missionary was presented to me, and I observed his sincerity concerning he spoke. When at the end of our conversations he said: "I respect you for your vocation and the work that you labor in, but I pray that God will reveal the truth to you." I bid farewell to that young man on the 12th of May 1960 at 12:00 and as always he left some pamphlets. these which i read and later burned to avoid problems with the monastery community.
When they called me for an apostolic office of the Vatican to assist in an official and private meeting with the clergy, I was able to see clearly what is was to deceived the truth. the director told us: "For us the future servants of the Roman Catholic, it is to our convenience to respect the orders from now on in all that shall be imparted to us. You shall render complete colaboration with the secret missions. this is the principle reason why you are gathered here. We shall swear allegiance to the Pope this day."
At the beginning of the preliminary meeting of the 2nd council of the Vatican, we all swore before the table of the diplomatic body of the cardinals, and the congregations of Peter. There was in the aforementioned attendance a delegation that was presented to us, and at the conclusion [of] the meeting it was told to us that they are " The Body Stranglers, " who punish the irresponsible and irrespectful. this attitude reminded me of the young missionary and after some thought I concluded maybe he was right concerning what he had spoken.
I took the book " The Reality of [unreadable] I believed it meant the section on (Joseph) Smith, in which I found a chapter censoring the Mormons and it said like this: .."It is just and true the intentions of Joseph Smith, but.." and furthermore San Isidro said: "The doctrine of Joseph Smith is not recommended by the officials and authorities of our church because he is looking for an order of God." He gives us recognized publications (i.e. references) and revelations and confidences. The apostolic order says: If in these days which may be the last days, the true should surface (i.e. be restored), the Catholic Church should not permit it’s progress. It should do everything in its powers to annihilate the revelation (i.e. knowledge) when it shall be revealed to men."
If you can imagine Bro. Brewstone what a man can say after knowing this and also many scriptures in respect to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Furthermore, you should be proud of the church of Jesus Christ that is true by revelation and not by vain philosopies. We know the truth also by studies, and by technological and apostolic tests things that further confirm the truth .
Some of the delicate things that we studied in Vatican are the following:
01. Adam shall be punished for his own sins and man shall not be punished for it.
02. Adam fought against Lucifer(The Shining One) in the pre-existence under the name Michael the Archangel.
03. The black race disobeyed god, rejecting him after the flood. this race continued one of the sons of Noah married a woman descendant of Cain.
04. The pre-existence is real.
05. This life permits us eternal progress, and today we are under the veil of forgetfulness, such that we cannot remember anything about the pre-existence unless it is revealed by revelation.
06. After this life, man will continue in his present state except he shall be celestial and in his various glories.
07. God is real person but he has no blood.
08. The Son is another personage.
09. The Holy Spirit is distinct from the Father and the Son.
10. Prophecy is necessary for the church , otherwise it would not be true church.
11. Man should perfect himself in this life.
12. All of humanity before Christ must be baptized in the name of Christ.
13. During the millennium th saints will be united and shall visit the earth when they desire (i.e. at will).
14. the new Jerusalem will be distinct from Zion. The first shall be in Palestine and the second in America.
These and other 200 points I have, which are learned as a monk and which of a cause of question.
19 dashes
01. Everything is confessed to the monk.
02. The monks study and know the truth but accept the [other].
03. The monks study the true gospel and philosopies but they don’t study dogmas.
04. The monks know that they study false doctrines, they believe that it will be forgiven when they die.
05. They understand that children need no baptism.
06. The confession is recognized in the Catholic church as valid, but the Latin words which are pronounced say he that confesses will have his sins again in the final judgement.
07. the monk and the officials of the ancient church began in the apostasy in the year 100A.D. and it was completed in the year [325] A.D. with Emperor Constantine.
08. The restoration is taught in the monastery of the Vatican. [This is how] we know that Joseph Smith was a prophet. We know by our studies of all the churches and ancient teachings. We also know that the restoration must have come to pass in the year 1820 and 10 years later the church of Jesus Christ would be organized. We have and study the revelations of Joseph Smith in Latin.
09. In 1870 the Pope was recognized as infallible and without fault.
10. they believe the virgin should not be worshipped. the officials do not believe in the "SAINTS".
11. We as monks recognized 2 levels of the priesthood.
12. We know Adam was baptizedand hold the priesthood.
13. The monks and priests on the highest levels know these things, but the lower officials, and the members know and believed the dogmas.
14. We know the descendants of Cain cannot hold the priesthood.
15. The highest officials believe they must guard the truth from the rest of the church.
16. You can buy indulgences for 1,000 years for $15,000.
17. It is believed that the most dangerous churches for the Catholic Church are: The Mormons, the Adventists, the Jehovas Witnesses, because they believe Christ has already returned.
18. The papal crown has the number 666 ([A]pos 13:18)
19. the papal crown was retired from the public view and is seen only during papal coronations.
20. Some of the officials and priests have sexual relations with nuns and other women and the children aborted before they are born.
21. There are three halls of supplication in Central America where those who do not copperate are killed and...
22. A red cross in the church signifies that the Bishop has the right to kill under the order of the Pope.
23. The symbol of death signifies that it is a place where [tortures] and death occur.
24. With all the wealth of the Catholic church, you could finance all of the North American countries for 40 years.
01. The Catholic church killed President Kennedy.
02. President Fidel Castro of Cuba received his power from the Catholic church.
03. The Catholic church wants to unite all the Protestant churches.
04. The Pope has the promise (i.e covenant, bond) with Satan because I have seen them together.
05. the Catholic church exist for money.
06. Divorce can be bought for money.
07. Almost all the governments are controlled by the Pope, about1/2 of the Presidents and Kings.
08. These are secret organizations of the catholic church according to the following diagram.


Also let me state that I do not agree with many points in this document. It does not represent my views either. It is just an interesting read.


I thought it was interesting. Maybe other people might be intersted in reading it. And I wanted it to be part of a series of Mromon Speculation topic that I want to do.


After all I spent how many hours copying it onto the computer I might as post it. And dont' worry i have a bunch more speculative topics up me sleeve. I just want to shake things up a bit.


Well-Known Member
I thought it was interesting. Maybe other people might be intersted in reading it. And I wanted it to be part of a series of Mromon Speculation topic that I want to do.

This reminds me of something that would get passed around by missionaries. I hope they don't take it seriously. It's a good example of what might be an urban legend, but I don't think this one ever got much ground. I've never heard of it anyway.


You're are right it does seem a bit like one of those "make Mormons feel good about themselves" things.


Well-Known Member
You're are right it does seem a bit like one of those "make Mormons feel good about themselves" things.

This is probably one of the most "out there" one's I've ever seen.

I've always wanted to start a collection of Mormon urban legends. This would definitely be a part of the collection.


One of the missionaries put together a "deep doctrine" book that had tones of stories. Some of the were really good. This letter wasn't from that book though. I've been trying to get my old companion to send me the book so I can copy it but no luck. They are a rarity because the mission president banned them.


Well now here is something interesting. I fonud that the Mission President in the San Jose Costa Rica Mission 1965-1968 was President Ted E. Brewerton

Brewerton = Brewstone?

Just doing some research. This was the most interesting thing so far.


Well-Known Member
You're are right it does seem a bit like one of those "make Mormons feel good about themselves" things.
Sheesh... I hope not.

Most LDS I've met don't get pleasure from attacking those of another faith.... especially with something as obviously false as this.

My favorites are:
"You shall render complete colaboration with the secret missions. this is the principle reason why you are gathered here. We shall swear allegiance to the Pope this day."
Very DaVinci code.... secret missions and decoder rings...... :eek:

There was in the aforementioned attendance a delegation that was presented to us, and at the conclusion [of] the meeting it was told to us that they are " The Body Stranglers, " who punish the irresponsible and irrespectful
:p Awesome... I wanna get a "Body Stranglers" t-shirt.... beware all you heathens!

Hehe... peace all,


Hehehe Body Stranglers.
Sheesh... I hope not.

Most LDS I've met don't get pleasure from attacking those of another faith.... especially with something as obviously false as this.

What I meant is that "it' makes mormons feel good" not because it attacks the Catholic church but because it's saying that the Catholic church knows that the LDS church is the true one. If you were LDS and you thought the Catholic church knew all along that the LDS church was the true one, that would make you feel pretty good about your self and you beliefs.


Well-Known Member
If you were LDS and you thought the Catholic church knew all along that the LDS church was the true one, that would make you feel pretty good about your self and you beliefs.
Ahhhh.... I get ya now.

I would hope that any Catholic who believes that would convert... what a horrible life it must be for anyone in that situation (if there actually are any)... just living a lie.... eeek.... makes your skin crawl.

Peace my friend,


You have to admit this story could make a great movie. I can see it now, the Bishops on the secret missions to kill the main characters. Secret meetings between the Pope and Satan. And not to mention the Body Stranglers. Hehehe

Ok, getting a little to carried away.