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Movies We Are Surprised That They Haven’t Remade Yet


Citizen Mod
Movies We Are Surprised That They Haven’t Remade Yet

Remakes seem to be “all the rave” lately and even though this is a strong indication of Hollywood’s greed and inability to produce their own original ideas it appears that remakes are not going to go away. Hollywood may still contend that they are producing these films for the next generation but don’t let them fool you; anyone who has a true love and respect for film would do a greater favor to film novices by viewing (or reviewing) the original. With that said, this is a thread for those people who are scratching their heads wondering why a particular film hasn’t been updated yet. These films may have worn out their place in history or could just use an effects makeover or they could have been wildly popular at the time for Hollywood to strike gold again.

My first example would be the film Logan’s Run. It has been near thirty years since its original release, could use an effects makeover and reintroduce the movie’s philosophy to a new generation.


Citizen Mod
In the aspects of photography and direction (and I would also include actor performance) this one would be difficult. It would probably be made with a current all-star cast, an experiment to see if today's actors could compare to the legends and would also put a feather in these actor's resumes.
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
In the aspects of photography and direction (and I would also include actor performance) this one would be difficult. It would probably be made with a current all-star cast, an experiment to see if today's actors could compare to the legends and would also put a feather in these actor's resumes.
The same thing could have been said of Father of the Bride.

My vote: Barbarella.

Also, I'm kinda surprised that nobody remade All Quiet on the Western Front at some point. Or The Third Man.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Couldn't let this suggestion go by without asking you who you would like to see participate in this production. Any particular actresses or director?
I don't know about the director, but I think the best modern choice for actress would be Natalie Dormer (Anne Boleyn from The Tudors)... however, if it actually got made, Barbarella would probably be played by Jessica Simpson.


Citizen Mod
The Kaiju fan in me was always wondering why there was never a GODZILLA vs. KING KONG rematch. The first film was properly heralded as the “fight of the century” and people on both coasts flocked to the theater to experience it but it was a bit one sided and very hokey for my tastes. As long as they do not use the Tri-Star Godzilla (GINO) as a contender, I wouldn’t mind if they used computer graphics.


Citizen Mod
In the early 90's, Joel Hodgsen of Mystery Science Theater 3000 riffed this fondly remembered childhood absurdity. About 2 years ago Joel re-assembled the cast of Mystery Science Theater 3000 to form Cinematic Titanic which is a group of performers that continue in the tradition of "riffing" bad movies. RF member Ralph C. had recently announced that the cast of Cinematic Titanic just released an all-new riffing version of Santa Claus Conquers The Martians and that he will bringing over next weekend. I'm sorry to say (yet with much excitement) that this may be the closest we get to this movie being re-made.


Well-Known Member
I realy love Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within and I realy hope that there is a new FF movie. I wish that they remake Alien vs Preditor 2 because the movie received a bad reputation and comments inspite of its blockbuster hit.