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Muhammad’s life at Mecca was model of a peaceful person

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The House of Worship in Mecca was founded by Abraham and Ishmael; both were Monotheists :

The Holy Quran : Chapter 2: Al-Baqarah

[2:125] And remember when his Lord tried Abraham with certain commands which he fulfilled. He said, ‘I will make thee a Leader of men.’ Abraham asked, ‘And from among my offspring?’ He said, ‘My covenant does not embrace the transgressors.’
[2:126] And remember the time when We made the House a resort for mankind and a place of security; and take ye the station of Abraham as a place of Prayer. And We commanded Abraham and Ishmael, saying, ‘Purify My House for those who perform the circuit and those who remain therein for devotion and those who bow down and fall prostrate in Prayer.’
[2:127] And remember when Abraham said, ‘My Lord, make this a town of peace and provide with fruits such of its dwellers as believe in Allah and the Last Day,’ He said, ‘And on him too who believes not will I bestow benefits for a little while; then will I drive him to the punishment of the Fire, and an evil destination it is.’
[2:128] And remember the time when Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the House, praying, ‘Our Lord, accept this from us; for Thou art All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
[2:129] ‘Our Lord, make us submissive to Thee and make of our offspring a people submissive to Thee. And show us our ways of worship, and turn to us with mercy; for Thou art Oft-Returning with compassion and Merciful.
[2:130] ‘And, our Lord, raise up among them a Messenger from among themselves, who may recite to them Thy Signs and teach them the Book and Wisdom and may purify them; surely, Thou art the Mighty, the Wise.’
[2:131] And who will turn away from the religion of Abraham but he who is foolish of mind? Him did We choose in this world, and in the next he will surely be among the righteous.
[2:132] When his Lord said to him, ‘Submit,’ he said, ‘I have submitted to the Lord of the worlds.’
[2:133] The same did Abraham enjoin upon his sons — and so did Jacob — saying: ‘O my sons, truly Allah has chosen this religion for you; so let not death overtake you except when you are in a state of submission.’
[2:134] Were you present when death came to Jacob, when he said to his sons, ‘What will you worship after me?’ They answered, ‘We will worship thy God, the God of thy fathers, Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac, the One God; and to Him we submit ourselves.’

The Holy Quran Arabic text with Translation in English text and Search Engine - Al Islam Online

Muhammad only restored for what the House of Worship at Mecca was founded by the common ancestors and then returned to Medina.


Oh no brother....I've removed things from buildings plenty of times without smashing them or destroying at all. :)

Not to mention Muhammad's stories concerning the history of the building are irrelevant, unproven, and highly unlikely. Also, ka'aba idols were not the only idols destroyed according to those close to Muhammad.

I've heard the same before from others in response, and I think you well know, as they did, that it doesn't really explain the disrespect and aggression towards other beliefs and practices manifested and solidified by the actions.

If I claim the Arabian peninsula was the sacred home of my very ancient, legendary ancestors can I destroy the Islamic items, sanctuaries, etc.? Imagine the outrage that would occur and blood drawn.


Veteran Member
Oh no brother....I've removed things from buildings plenty of times without smashing them or destroying at all. :)

Not to mention Muhammad's stories concerning the history of the building are irrelevant, unproven, and highly unlikely. Also, ka'aba idols were not the only idols destroyed according to those close to Muhammad.

I've heard the same before from others in response, and I think you well know, as they did, that it doesn't really explain the disrespect and aggression towards other beliefs and practices manifested and solidified by the actions.

If I claim the Arabian peninsula was the sacred home of my very ancient, legendary ancestors can I destroy the Islamic items, sanctuaries, etc.? Imagine the outrage that would occur and blood drawn.

The Meccans case was different.



Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Meccans did not allow Muhammad and his followers to practice freely Islam- the Revealed Religion of their choice.

Those who speak for freedom of religion and freedom of speech must take notice of this.

There was absolutely no planning for violence or to use force or sword on the side of Islam/Quran/Muhammad.

Anybody could comment whether belonging to a religion or no religion.


To them he was just another crazy guy claiming to speak for God. Why would they be respectful.

In any case the victorious get to write history and thereby justify their own cause. People act according to what they feel justified in doing. Doesn't make either side right. Defeating all your opponents makes you right.


Veteran Member
To them he was just another crazy guy claiming to speak for God. Why would they be respectful.

In any case the victorious get to write history and thereby justify their own cause. People act according to what they feel justified in doing. Doesn't make either side right. Defeating all your opponents makes you right.

Then the Meccans should have left him alone. They should not have persecuted Muhammad and his followers.



How is, do what I tell you and I wont murder you peaceful?

You cannot use the word peaceful in one hand while having a sword in the other. FACT


Veteran Member
Muhammad’s life at Mecca was model of a peaceful person

Arabia at the Time of the Prophet's Birth

Meccans were not worried by
these. They had not had a monotheistic Teacher for a
long time, and polytheism, once it takes root, spreads
and knows no bounds. The number of gods begins to
increase. At the time of the Prophet's(sa) birth, it is said 2 Life of Muhammad(sa)

that in the Ka‘ba alone, the Sacred Mosque of all Islam
and the house of worship built by Abraham(as) and his
son Ishmael, there were 360 idols. It seems that for
every day of the lunar year the Meccans had an idol. In
other big centres there were other idols, so that we can
say that every part of Arabia was steeped in polytheistic
belief. The Arabs were devoted to the culture of speech.
They were much interested in their spoken language
and were very keen on its advance.

Their intellectual
ambitions, however, were scant. Of History, Geography,
Mathematics, etc., they knew nothing. But as they were
a desert people and had to find their way about in the
desert without the assistance of landmarks, they had
developed a keen interest in Astronomy. There was in
the whole of Arabia not a single school. It is said that in
Mecca only a few individuals could read and write.

Page 2



Muhammad’s life at Mecca was NOT model of a peaceful person

You cannot use the word peaceful in one hand while having a sword in the other. FACT


Bodhisattva in Recovery
You are simply wrong; I give the account from Wikipedia:

Conquest of Mecca

Muhammad emphasized on refraining from fighting unless Quresh attacked. The Muslim army entered Mecca on Monday, December 11, 630 (18th of Ramadan 8 hijrah).[9] The entry was peaceful and bloodless entry on three sectors except for that of Khalid's column. The hardened anti-Muslims like Ikrimah and Sufwan gathered a band of Quresh fighters and faced Khalid's column. The Quresh attacked the Muslims with swords and bows, and the Muslims charged the Quresh’s positions. After a short skirmish the Quresh gave ground after losing twelve men. Muslim losses were two warriors.[7]


On the eve of the conquest, Abu Sufyan adopted Islam. When asked by Muhammad, he conceded that the Meccan gods had proved powerless and that there was indeed "no god but Allah", the first part of the Islamic confession of faith. In turn, Muhammad declared Abu Sufyan's house a sanctuary because he was the present chief, and that all the others were gathered over his territory, therefore:

Conquest of Mecca - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Good ol' Wikipedia. You might actually want to read authoritative works on the matter that are not authored by fanatical followers of Muhammad. I heartily recommend the works of Prof. Bernard Lewis. He is the Cleveland E. Dodge Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University and has been for a very long time. He is considered by many to be one of the foremost authorities on Islam and the Middle East in the world.


رسول الآلهة
Muhammad was peaceful the same way Hitler was a pro-Jew.

I am fairly sure you can see the point. This a man who had other peoples idols burned. Cause trouble for the Mushriks and the entire Qarysh tribe. Had people forcibly converted and spent his entire life pillaging.

I laugh at this the same way British Muslims try justifying the actions of the Taliban. Seriously, if you put up with Muhammad then anything 5 inches away from Hitler is peaceful.

Also I know fully well I am breaking Godwin's law but get over.



Veteran Member
Muhammad’s life at Mecca was NOT model of a peaceful person

You cannot use the word peaceful in one hand while having a sword in the other. FACT

I think that you should realize; Muhammad did not even ever beat a person in Mecca; there is no question of killing a person by him with his sword in Mecca.

One cannot quote a single such incident in Muhammad's life of 53 years he lived in Mecca.

Can one? Please try if you can.



Muhammad’s life at Mecca was NOT model of a peaceful person

You cannot use the word peaceful in one hand while having a SWORD in the other. FACT
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