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Murderous Villain Test


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I wouldn't take this too seriously, so I've put it in Jokes.

Murderous Villain Test

And it has a bunch of questions to answer, so be aware it takes a few minutes to complete. So where did I land, I hear you all ask?

You are the most like:
Che Guevara


Marxist revolutionary
"At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality."

Extroverted Dreamer Warm-hearted Focused Brooding

Like Che Guevara, you are spontaneous, passionate, and communicative. It is important to you to be true to yourself and to stand up for what you believe in, provoking others out of their bourgeois complacency by tenderly calling out the world's injustices. You are passionate about your cause and can even wax somewhat poetic when speaking of the social change that you long for. However, remember that calling for change is not enough; the mature firebrand also points to practicable ways of implementing it.

Points to consider for people with your personality - have you ever:
    • Felt so impassioned at the sight of an injustice that you were stirred to use whatever means were in your power to set it right, thereby inadvertently ending up committing a new injustice?
    • Opened your heart so indiscriminately to the suffering of others that you forgot to consider whether some portion of their maladies was really their own fault?
    • Spread your gift of fantasy and innovation too thin by engrossing yourself in too many projects at the same time, thereby having to abandon several of them before they reached completion?
    • Adopted a rebellious or contrarian attitude in a situation where "by the book" cooperation would have served you better?
    • Behaved so passionately as the champion of a cause that your personal identity and passion ended up overshadowing the cause itself?
    • Procrastinated and pushed boring routine tasks into the future, effectively neglecting them or forcing others to deal with the consequences of your missed deadlines?

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:
    • Likely to have a richer vocabulary than the average person.
    • Likely to be more knowledgeable than the average person on political and societal issues.
    • Likely to have a quicker understanding of abstract concepts and ideas than the average person.
    • More likeable, warm, and trusting than the average person.
    • More likely than the average person to think in terms of "win-win" and to compromise as a means of settling disputes.
    • Someone who forgives more easily than the average person and who gives more to charities than the average person.
    • Someone who feels more concern for others and who sympathizes more with the feelings of others than the average person.
    • More spontaneous and flexible in your approach to problem solving than the average person.
    • More risk-prone, and less afraid of exposing yourself to risk, than the average person.
    • More likely than the average person to believe that "rules are meant to be broken" and to utilize that belief to your own advantage.
    • More likely than the average person to leave a messy room when you go to work in the morning.
    • Less preoccupied than the average person with how you are perceived in the eyes of others.
    • More psychologically robust and better at absorbing shocks and setbacks than the average person.
    • Less worried about stressors and threats in your environment than the average person; not being one to be easily irritated or upset.
    • Someone who performs better under pressure than the average person.

Ernesto "Che" Guevara (1928-1967) was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary and physician. A major figure of the Cuban Revolution, his stylized visage has become a ubiquitous counter-cultural symbol of rebellion and global insignia in popular culture.

As a young medical student, Guevara traveled throughout South America and was radicalized by the poverty, hunger, and disease he witnessed. His desire to help overturn what he saw as the capitalist exploitation of Latin America prompted his involvement in revolutionary Marxist movements.

Later, he and Fidel Castro sailed to Cuba to overthrow the regime there. Guevara rose to prominence and was promoted to second-in-command. Following the Cuban Revolution, Guevara held a number of key roles in the new government such as spearheading the new literacy program, national bank president and instructor of the armed forces to name a few. He was responsible for the internment of homosexuals and the executions of hundreds of political prisoners without fair trial. Guevara remains both a revered and reviled historical figure. He has evolved into a quintessential icon of various leftist-inspired movements.
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Apistevist Asexual Atheist
Murderous Villain Test
You are the most like:

Albert Speer


Minister of Armaments in Nazi Germany
"One seldom recognizes the devil when he is putting his hand on your shoulder."

Personality Match

Like Albert Speer, you are intellectually minded. You see yourself as an observer of events rather than as a partaker in them - as someone who analyzes rather than influences, and thinks rather than does. However, you should remember that your detached analytical stance does not make you an innocent bystander in life and that all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Passivity is also a choice that affects others.

Words of Warning

Points to consider for people with your personality - have you ever:

    • Shrugged your shoulders and given up trying to apply your own sense of what you knew was right, simply because other people's outlooks seemed so far from yours?
    • Come across as insensitive and absent-minded because you were so lost in your own inner analyses that you did not want to extend your attention to anything else?
    • Put your considerable analytical skills to work at solving problems that it would perhaps not be entirely ethical to solve, thinking only of the technical side of the situation, and not the moral one?
    • Diminished your own productivity by ceaselessly hunting down minor imperfections and mistakes in your own work, and constantly undoing the progress that you had made?
    • Knowingly wasted your talents because you "did not see the point" of all the striving and self-assertion that usually goes along with accomplishment and achievement?

Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

    • More deliberate and thorough in your actions than the average person.
    • Someone who is more reserved in social situations than the average person.
    • Someone who has an easier time concentrating for long periods of time than the average person.
    • Someone who likes to take more time to size people up and get to know them before you open up than the average person.

    • Likely to have a richer vocabulary than the average person.
    • Likely to be more knowledgeable than the average person on political and societal issues.
    • Likely to have a quicker understanding of abstract concepts and ideas than the average person.

    • More critical, cold-headed, and detached than the average person.
    • More suspicious of the motives of others than the average person and quicker to detect a lie or an attempt to manipulate you than the average person.
    • More at ease with making cynical and tough decisions than the average person.
    • More likely than the average person to be barbed and acerbic with people who irritate you.

    • More planful, organized, and goal-oriented than the average person.
    • Likely to have had a higher grade point average in school than the average person.
    • Less likely than the average person to ever have cheated on your homework, exams, or a loved one.
    • More likely than the average person to leave an orderly room when you go to work in the morning.

    • Less preoccupied than the average person with how you are perceived in the eyes of others.
    • More psychologically robust and better at absorbing shocks and setbacks than the average person.
    • Less worried about stressors and threats in your environment than the average person; not being one to be easily irritated or upset.
    • Someone who performs better under pressure than the average person.

Historical Background

Albert Speer (1905-1981) was a German architect who served as the Third Reich's Minister of Armaments and War Production for part of World War II. Speer became a member of the Nazi Party in 1931. His impressive architectural skills won him entry into Hitler's inner circle. He designed stadiums for Nazi Party rallies. In 1942, he was appointed to the war production cabinet position. Despite constant Allied bombings, German war production continued to increase while he was in charge.

In 1946, he was tried at Nuremberg and was apologetic for his crimes. He was sentenced to twenty years, mainly due to his use of forced labor for production. He served most of his sentence in Spandau Prison and spent his remaining years living in relative obscurity in West Germany. He published three books about his experiences with the Third Reich and died in 1981 of natural causes.

I feel like mine is around 80-90% accurate.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Murderous Villain Test
You are the most like:
Adolf Hitler


Chancellor of Nazi Germany
"I hate to disappoint people."

Extroverted Dreamer Warm-hearted Focused Brooding
Personality Match

Like Adolf Hitler, you are introverted but nevertheless possess a charisma that is second to none because you are strongly attuned to people. When you put your mind to it, you can charm anyone. You have a dramatic flair and you like testing other people's boundaries to see what will happen. Be careful that you do not end up playing with fire and getting yourself into a dangerous situation which you cannot charm your way out of.

Words of Warning

Points to consider for people with your personality - have you ever:

  • Disregarded the injunctions of friends and loved ones who tried to advise you against a decision in which they had a stake because you felt they did not see the comprehensive, underlying truth of the problem like you did?
  • Used your personal magnetism and charm to play favorites among the people in your life, keeping them in a position where each wanted to exceed the other in order to please you?
  • Trusted in premonitions and compelling mental images in situations where hard numbers might have served you better?
  • Refused a prudent compromise to the detriment of everyone involved because it went against the gist of your overall vision?
  • Used your empathic understanding to selectively edit your message and alter your demeanor so that people were led to believe that you were in agreement with them and shared their sentiments when you really didn't?

Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

  • More deliberate and thorough in your actions than the average person.
  • Someone who is more reserved in social situations than the average person.
  • Someone who has an easier time concentrating for long periods of time than the average person.
  • Someone who likes to take more time to size people up and get to know them before you open up than the average person.
  • Likely to have a richer vocabulary than the average person.
  • Likely to be more knowledgeable than the average person on political and societal issues.
  • Likely to have a quicker understanding of abstract concepts and ideas than the average person.
  • Less preoccupied than the average person with how you are perceived in the eyes of others.
  • More psychologically robust and better at absorbing shocks and setbacks than the average person.
  • Less worried about stressors and threats in your environment than the average person; not being one to be easily irritated or upset.
  • Someone who performs better under pressure than the average person.

Historical Background

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) was an Austrian-born German politician and leader of the Nazi Party. He was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945. Hitler and his policies precipitated the rise of Nazi Germany, World War II in Europe, and the Holocaust.

A sensitive fine arts painter and decorated veteran of World War I, he joined the German Workers' Party in 1919, became its leader in 1921 and attempted a coup to seize power in 1923. The failed coup resulted in Hitler's imprisonment, during which time he wrote his memoir, 'Mein Kampf,' in which he denounced international capitalism and communism as being part of a Jewish conspiracy.

Hitler's political program brought about the largest armed conflict in history, leaving behind a devastated and impoverished world. His policies inflicted human suffering on an unprecedented scale and resulted in the death of an estimated 50 million people. Hitler's defeat marked the end of a phase of European history dominated by Germany as well as the defeat of fascism.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I got Ronald McDonald.

Makes sense. Although I was surprised to see him on a list of 'murderous villains'. I mean, aren't all such lists sponsored by McDonalds as a way to skew perception AWAY from his dual killer clown/clogger of arteries evilness??


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Makes sense. Although I was surprised to see him on a list of 'murderous villains'. I mean, aren't all such lists sponsored by McDonalds as a way to skew perception AWAY from his dual killer clown/clogger of arteries evilness??

I'm guessing that, like many psychopaths, deep down he wants to be caught.


Mangalam Pundarikakshah
Staff member
Premium Member
Murderous Villain Test
You are the most like:

Albert Speer


Minister of Armaments in Nazi Germany
"One seldom recognizes the devil when he is putting his hand on your shoulder."

Personality Match

Like Albert Speer, you are intellectually minded. You see yourself as an observer of events rather than as a partaker in them - as someone who analyzes rather than influences, and thinks rather than does. However, you should remember that your detached analytical stance does not make you an innocent bystander in life and that all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Passivity is also a choice that affects others.

Words of Warning

Points to consider for people with your personality - have you ever:

    • Shrugged your shoulders and given up trying to apply your own sense of what you knew was right, simply because other people's outlooks seemed so far from yours?
    • Come across as insensitive and absent-minded because you were so lost in your own inner analyses that you did not want to extend your attention to anything else?
    • Put your considerable analytical skills to work at solving problems that it would perhaps not be entirely ethical to solve, thinking only of the technical side of the situation, and not the moral one?
    • Diminished your own productivity by ceaselessly hunting down minor imperfections and mistakes in your own work, and constantly undoing the progress that you had made?
    • Knowingly wasted your talents because you "did not see the point" of all the striving and self-assertion that usually goes along with accomplishment and achievement?

Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

    • More deliberate and thorough in your actions than the average person.
    • Someone who is more reserved in social situations than the average person.
    • Someone who has an easier time concentrating for long periods of time than the average person.
    • Someone who likes to take more time to size people up and get to know them before you open up than the average person.

    • Likely to have a richer vocabulary than the average person.
    • Likely to be more knowledgeable than the average person on political and societal issues.
    • Likely to have a quicker understanding of abstract concepts and ideas than the average person.

    • More critical, cold-headed, and detached than the average person.
    • More suspicious of the motives of others than the average person and quicker to detect a lie or an attempt to manipulate you than the average person.
    • More at ease with making cynical and tough decisions than the average person.
    • More likely than the average person to be barbed and acerbic with people who irritate you.

    • More planful, organized, and goal-oriented than the average person.
    • Likely to have had a higher grade point average in school than the average person.
    • Less likely than the average person to ever have cheated on your homework, exams, or a loved one.
    • More likely than the average person to leave an orderly room when you go to work in the morning.

    • Less preoccupied than the average person with how you are perceived in the eyes of others.
    • More psychologically robust and better at absorbing shocks and setbacks than the average person.
    • Less worried about stressors and threats in your environment than the average person; not being one to be easily irritated or upset.
    • Someone who performs better under pressure than the average person.

Historical Background

Albert Speer (1905-1981) was a German architect who served as the Third Reich's Minister of Armaments and War Production for part of World War II. Speer became a member of the Nazi Party in 1931. His impressive architectural skills won him entry into Hitler's inner circle. He designed stadiums for Nazi Party rallies. In 1942, he was appointed to the war production cabinet position. Despite constant Allied bombings, German war production continued to increase while he was in charge.

In 1946, he was tried at Nuremberg and was apologetic for his crimes. He was sentenced to twenty years, mainly due to his use of forced labor for production. He served most of his sentence in Spandau Prison and spent his remaining years living in relative obscurity in West Germany. He published three books about his experiences with the Third Reich and died in 1981 of natural causes.

I feel like mine is around 80-90% accurate.
I wouldn't so easily define Speer as a villain as the quiz does.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member

An Angel


Too good for this world
"Forget not to show love unto strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."
Extroverted Dreamer Warm-hearted Focused Brooding

Personality Match

Your sweet personality does not match any Murderous Villain. It seems you are too pure of heart and introspective to ever inflict true evil upon the world. Being too sensitive for this world, you are more likely to take your own life than that of another.

Words of Warning

You are an angel, but even angels have dark sides - have you ever:

  • Assumed an innocuous attitude where you purposefully downplayed your resourcefulness as a means of making others step in and assume responsibility for you?
  • Intentionally "forgotten" objects in someone's home as a way of making sure that you were active in their consciousness and that they were thinking about you?
  • Internalized the opinions of others, blindly parroting their opinions back to them, as a way of avoiding conflict and trying to please?
  • Been so docile in a romantic relationship that it brought out antisocial, narcissistic, or sadistic traits in your partner, even though such traits had not been a part of your partner's personal history up to that point?
  • Projected your own need for a competent and nurturing 'other' onto someone who really did not have these traits - in other words, seeing them for what you wanted them to be, rather than for what they were?
  • Ignored someone's requests to break off a relationship by attempting to force the status quo on them and continue as if nothing has changed?
Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

  • More deliberate and thorough in your actions than the average person.
  • Someone who is more reserved in social situations than the average person.
  • Someone who has an easier time concentrating for long periods of time than the average person.
  • Someone who likes to take more time to size people up and get to know them before you open up than the average person.
  • Likely to have a richer vocabulary than the average person.
  • Likely to be more knowledgeable than the average person on political and societal issues.
  • Likely to have a quicker understanding of abstract concepts and ideas than the average person.
  • More likeable, warm, and trusting than the average person.
  • More likely than the average person to think in terms of "win-win" and to compromise as a means of settling disputes.
  • Someone who forgives more easily than the average person and who gives more to charities than the average person.
  • Someone who feels more concern for others and who sympathizes more with the feelings of others than the average person.
  • More spontaneous and flexible in your approach to problem solving than the average person.
  • More risk-prone, and less afraid of exposing yourself to risk, than the average person.
  • More likely than the average person to believe that "rules are meant to be broken" and to utilize that belief to your own advantage.
  • More likely than the average person to leave a messy room when you go to work in the morning.
Historical Background

Angels are supernatural beings, often depicted in humanoid form with feathered wings on their backs and halos around their heads. They are found in various religions and mythologies.

In Zoroastrianism and Abrahamic religions, angels are often depicted as benevolent celestial beings who act as intermediaries between Heaven and Earth, or as guardian spirits or a guiding influence. However, the term 'angel' has gradually been expanded to include various other meanings, such as protective 'guardian angels' and celestial guides for human beings, benevolently carrying out God's will.

In contemporary pop culture, the term 'angel' is sometimes used to refer to self-sacrificing humans who are seemingly 'too good for this world' and incapable of doing evil. However, in the Abrahamic tradition, angels have historically also been portrayed as celestial soldiers and warriors, imposing divine retribution upon the enemies of God.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't take this too seriously, so I've put it in Jokes.

Murderous Villain Test

And it has a bunch of questions to answer, so be aware it takes a few minutes to complete. So where did I land, I hear you all ask?

You are the most like:
Che Guevara


Marxist revolutionary
"At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality."

Extroverted Dreamer Warm-hearted Focused Brooding

Like Che Guevara, you are spontaneous, passionate, and communicative. It is important to you to be true to yourself and to stand up for what you believe in, provoking others out of their bourgeois complacency by tenderly calling out the world's injustices. You are passionate about your cause and can even wax somewhat poetic when speaking of the social change that you long for. However, remember that calling for change is not enough; the mature firebrand also points to practicable ways of implementing it.

Points to consider for people with your personality - have you ever:
    • Felt so impassioned at the sight of an injustice that you were stirred to use whatever means were in your power to set it right, thereby inadvertently ending up committing a new injustice?
    • Opened your heart so indiscriminately to the suffering of others that you forgot to consider whether some portion of their maladies was really their own fault?
    • Spread your gift of fantasy and innovation too thin by engrossing yourself in too many projects at the same time, thereby having to abandon several of them before they reached completion?
    • Adopted a rebellious or contrarian attitude in a situation where "by the book" cooperation would have served you better?
    • Behaved so passionately as the champion of a cause that your personal identity and passion ended up overshadowing the cause itself?
    • Procrastinated and pushed boring routine tasks into the future, effectively neglecting them or forcing others to deal with the consequences of your missed deadlines?

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:
    • Likely to have a richer vocabulary than the average person.
    • Likely to be more knowledgeable than the average person on political and societal issues.
    • Likely to have a quicker understanding of abstract concepts and ideas than the average person.
    • More likeable, warm, and trusting than the average person.
    • More likely than the average person to think in terms of "win-win" and to compromise as a means of settling disputes.
    • Someone who forgives more easily than the average person and who gives more to charities than the average person.
    • Someone who feels more concern for others and who sympathizes more with the feelings of others than the average person.
    • More spontaneous and flexible in your approach to problem solving than the average person.
    • More risk-prone, and less afraid of exposing yourself to risk, than the average person.
    • More likely than the average person to believe that "rules are meant to be broken" and to utilize that belief to your own advantage.
    • More likely than the average person to leave a messy room when you go to work in the morning.
    • Less preoccupied than the average person with how you are perceived in the eyes of others.
    • More psychologically robust and better at absorbing shocks and setbacks than the average person.
    • Less worried about stressors and threats in your environment than the average person; not being one to be easily irritated or upset.
    • Someone who performs better under pressure than the average person.

Ernesto "Che" Guevara (1928-1967) was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary and physician. A major figure of the Cuban Revolution, his stylized visage has become a ubiquitous counter-cultural symbol of rebellion and global insignia in popular culture.

As a young medical student, Guevara traveled throughout South America and was radicalized by the poverty, hunger, and disease he witnessed. His desire to help overturn what he saw as the capitalist exploitation of Latin America prompted his involvement in revolutionary Marxist movements.

Later, he and Fidel Castro sailed to Cuba to overthrow the regime there. Guevara rose to prominence and was promoted to second-in-command. Following the Cuban Revolution, Guevara held a number of key roles in the new government such as spearheading the new literacy program, national bank president and instructor of the armed forces to name a few. He was responsible for the internment of homosexuals and the executions of hundreds of political prisoners without fair trial. Guevara remains both a revered and reviled historical figure. He has evolved into a quintessential icon of various leftist-inspired movements.
Yikes..me too!!!!!