Okay, so as promised, a more recent article on Islam and integration from the same Danish newspaper. Excuse the Google English. Hopefully it's enough to give the general vibe of the editorial, and the general view of the newspaper, which I think is important.
From :
Islam er ikke problemet - Kommentarer | www.b.dk
Islam is not the problem (29 July, 2014)
Today it would be inappropriate to say that ghetto problems in the United States due to dark skin tone or ' African culture ', or that the poor Brazilians Catholic upbringing makes them unwilling to conform to the surrounding community . When we recognize the complexities of Brazil and the United States , why is it OK to boil all the crazy complex integration problems at home down to a matter of religion ?
It's not silly , without Inger Støjberg attacking the Muslim minority in Denmark . This year is no exception . In Berlingske July 28 suggests Støjberg that we must divide integration policy between Western and non- Western immigrants . However, the analysis is wrong and the solution draconian . Islam is not the problem, and state discrimination would undermine the democracy from within, as Støjberg are so afraid that external forces will destroy .
Danish Muslims' integration is a hot potato in the Danish debate , and it is certainly worth discussing how we are challenged to life . But although it is obvious that there is integration in Denmark , it is a relic of a cane conservative interpretation of the reality that these problems would arise from a ' foreign ' religion .
The most frequently noted by Støjberg and other immigration critics is that immigrants from non - Western countries are over-represented in crime statistics . What is rarely mentioned is that there are large differences between countries. Where immigrants and descendants from Lebanon and Somalia are over-represented , as are immigrants and descendants from Kuwait and Jordan , both countries with more than 90 percent Muslim citizens , less criminal than the average American .
Most often, it would appear that the Muslim religious community is helping to pull the young roots of crime , so these are an important integration partner in Denmark . Yet it is " a medieval interpretation of Islam 'which Støjberg makes the main problem.
What Sort Støjberg instead should have written is that of course there are many different socio-economic and cultural factors that come into play that a person becomes delinquent . Imagine that tomorrow we imported thousands of immigrants from a poor Brazilian favela or a North American ghetto . Would that it not occur crime and difficult integration problems ? Yes, of course .
Today , obviously it would be quite inappropriate for a critic to say that ghetto problems in the United States due to dark skin tone or ' African culture ', or that the poor Brazilians Catholic upbringing makes them unwilling to conform to the surrounding community . When we recognize the complexities of Brazil and the United States , why is it OK to boil all the crazy complex integration problems at home down to a matter of religion ?
Both groups in this example is also Christian Americans , as Inger Støjberg want more of , while Muslims from Kuwait and Jordan , according Noise 's own words, ' a hard time finding their place in Denmark '.
Instead of repeating the annual ' Islam - is - root - of - all- evil - debate' , it might be worth more to discuss solutions than constantly pointing fingers at Muslims .
If you want to get the problems of life , one might initially take the lives of the many misguided public integration projects that better reflects a system of thinking, where one believes that integration can be done by central hand . But integration is something that happens and takes place in civil society, through a skrankepaves desk . Many of these projects were created under the Liberal government , while it never took a break with the system that created the problem to begin with .
Is it really fair to take the responsibility of immigrants with one hand and pointing an accusing finger with the other?
Sort Støjberg commit with its summer attack a classic politician feint : To provide an external force blamed the politician made ​​problems . It is not a verse in the Koran which commands Muslims to be parked on the passive support as soon as they enter the borders of Denmark , but a decree of a welfare state , which year after year has created the foundation for the contemporary integration .
It is not the fault of religion but a flaw in our system that we have thrown money at immigrants , as well was able to feed themselves , so it has never been necessary for them to be part of the surrounding community . All experience shows that the best integration efforts conducted through employment - and this is where Denmark failed so disastrously .
The Liberal Party's new integration policy , as Inger Støjberg in his speech promoting , running on the slogan "Yes to those who can and will - no to criminal immigrants ." But Noise 's criticism of non-Western immigration , attacks on Islam and the desire for state segmentation of ethnic groups live either up to liberal principles or the Liberal Party's own motto .
Who you are, where you are from and how you want to live his life , is of course neither the state nor the neighbor for as long as you obey the law.
Let this be a call to Inger Støjberg next time , her typing fingers quiver after attacking Muslims in the Danish newspapers : Take advantage of the silly season for something sensible . Take the hole on a real liberal immigration policy that respects the individual. Drop the failed integration projects. Let the people who can support themselves get here - whether they are called John or Mohammed. Stop the attacks on Muslims and go instead to the bone of the system that has created the foundation for the problems we have today.
Only then can we talk about the Liberals want to protect democracy , to have respect for Denmark , to follow liberal principles - and to say yes to those who can and will .