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My appreciation for Bharat Jhunjhunwala and learning from him

River Sea

Well-Known Member
This thread is dedicated to @Bharat Jhunjhunwala

My appreciation for @Bharat Jhunjhunwala and learning from him.

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala whom I have known about a year now. I've been sharing what I've learned from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala research while also asking questions.

Also how to have a discussion that includes areas anyone agree and disagree

First post I began with @Bharat Jhunjhunwala here in religion forum

Yadavas Hebrews were farmers. How come Jews thought Hebrews were slaves?

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala showed me that Exodus took place in the Indus Valley. Krishna, who is Moses, led the Yadavas, who later changed their name to Hebrews from the Indus Valley traveling to Israel. (I understand I'm using a modern name.)

Reason for Exodus was due to a drought due to tectonic uplift, the Yamuna River stopped flowing west and began flowing eastward. This drought was the reason why Krishna, who was Moses, led the Yadavas, who are the Hebrews (name change later Yadavas to Hebrews) from the Indus Valley, to Israel. I understand I'm using modern names.

I did ask @Bharat Jhunjhunwala why the Yadavas didn't travel on the other side of the Yamuna River in the east area, so then they would have water as the Yamuna River was flowing eastward. Also, I'm still asking why Israel was chosen from all the other lands to go to. (Keep in mind I'm using modern names.)

Here's a post I'm extremely proud of because I challenged myself by comparing two tribes, the Ahar people and the Yadavas. However, I was branching away from what I learned from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala.

What I realized later is that @Bharat Jhunjhunwala focuses on the Yadavas because it's the Yadavas who're the Hebrews. Please correct me, @Bharat Jhunjhunwala. Other tribes left at other times from the Indus Valley; however, you mainly focus on the Yadavas because you're seeking to show that Exodus happened from the Indus Valley.

What caused Krishna to leave for an unknown place? (Yisrael)? or where would you claim? KMT black soil, then later to Israel's new kingdom? That's my question. What about the Ahar people? I learned about the Ahar people from this magazine.

From magazine
Mention the Ahar people in Sanskriti magazine, yet I learned about the Yadavas in 1525 BC from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala research. Who were the Ahar in 2700 compared to the Yadavas in 1525 BC? The Yadavas left the Indus Valley in 1445 BC, while the Ahar people left in 1800 BC. Were there ever any relations between the Ahar and the Yadavas?

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala did explain later: The yamuna started to flow east at 2000 bce intermittently. Completely by 1500 bce. The ahar and yadavas were located in different areas about 1000 km apart. Don't know if they had a connection

Also, I focus on what I learn from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala about burnt bake bricks needing 50% straw, and all over the Indus Valley, there's homes built with burnt bake bricks, compared to Egypt, where there's no need for a lot of straw because homes built with stone.

Where did Exodus 5:7 take place (needs a lot of straw)

Exodus 5:7 You are no longer to supply the people with straw for making bricks; let them go and gather their own straw.

  • Egypt built with stone; there was no need for lots of straw.
  • Indus Valley requires a lot of straw because people all over the place bake bricks, which require a lot of straw.

Now I want to show you a blunder where I was wrong, and @Bharat Jhunjhunwala corrected me.

Canaan was located in Ghuram, India. So that means Canaan is in a different location than Yisrael or Israel.

Look at that. And I showed where I was mistaken. Here, I thought Canaan was Israel, and I learned Canaan wasn't Israel. Canaan was located in Ghuram, India. (Yes, I understand that at times I'm using modern names.)

I'm dedicating this thread to my appreciation for what I learned from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala

Also, I'm learning how to have a discussion that allows for agreeing and disagreeing.
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הרב יונה בן זכריה
Over the years I have discerned that where there is a lack of knowledge of a subject, the risk exists that the knowledge vacuum can be filled with just about anything that appears to be reasonable/factual. My purpose here is not to argue or take issue with what you believe are facts presented by Bharat Jhunjhunwala. What I am seeking from you is an explanation, an understanding if you will, as to the method you used to arrive at a determination that what he has set forth is, in fact, accurate and reliable.

River Sea

Well-Known Member
What I am seeking from you is an explanation, an understanding if you will, as to the method you used to arrive at a determination that what he has set forth is, in fact, accurate and reliable.
@RabbiO Thank you for your question and my response is getting longer as I edit.

My method., perhaps is more questions and seeing if I can communicate what I learned from others. I'm not sure if that's all spirituality because if I only spirituality and zero past stories, then I just go to light just as I am. So maybe this is more archeology findings? Intrigued by this, and seeing if I can communicate what I learned from others.

So this area is past stories and when reading what @Bharat Jhunjhunwala shared, I was intrigued.

I do wonder if I confused people because in my first post in this thread: I wish I hadn't added the Ahar people. I was showing how I was proud of myself for seeing if I can write about two tribes, and showing how I was learning from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala and including other areas that I was learning.

I'm using modern names and ancient words.
The Ahar people from what I read in an article and the Yadavas tribe that I learned from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala, it appears that the Ahar people left the Indus Valley in 2700 BC. It would be sooner than when the Yadavas left Indus Valley, because the Yadavas left Indus Valley in 1445 BC, when Moses (Krishna) was about 80 years old. The reason why @Bharat Jhunjhunwala focused on the Yadavas and not the other tribes is because it's the same time as Exodus. Showing that the Exodus took place in the Indus Valley.

But now I understand why @Bharat Jhunjhunwala only wrote about Yadavas. It gets really distractive when also writing about other tribes.

I was showing how I placed me challenges. First to see if I can communicate what I learned from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala then see if I can also share what I learned else where, and see if I can write both areas.

I'm failure at all of this. I want you to know this. Yes I learned and was so excited to see if I can communicate. But the further I go and see if I can branch outward and see if I can communicate that too is when I run into beyond my abilities'.

What is my method you asked me.

Maybe confusing to read. But even this I see if I can improve at.
I think it's the archeology. Because I was intrigued when all over the Indus Valley, they build homes with burnt-baked bricks that need 50% straw, yet in Egypt, they don't need a lot of straw because they build with stone. However, lately I've been learning from @Bthoth about how Israel is the land of Egypt because when leaving Egypt towards increase lands new kingdom, an area I would like to ask @Bharat Jhunjhunwala about is after the Yadavas leaving Indus Valley first went to the land of black soil KMT (Egypt) and then later traveled to the new kingdom Israel, instead of directly to Israel. I'm using modern names and ancient names.

I was so intrigued by the soil. How does that happen when there's stone in Egypt compared to the difference in soil in the Indus Valley. And even though I could had only read and keep it to myself, when I listen to my music, I just need to share what I learned. I don't think it'll be the same without music. There's so many times I was going to quit. So how come I keep going? I'm thinking (a while back I asked what is a Jew?) Now I wished I never asked that because when ever I ask a what is question I never leave it alone and I have no awareness where I'm going. Another thing is I have no desires to convert to Judaism, so why did I do that and asked what is a Jew?

The same emotions of excitement happen to me when I study about the letter H in Hebrew. I was so excited and wanted to share. You see I learned from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala that the letter H was added to Abraham from Indus Valley, as Ram, Abram, Abraham, and I wanted to study the letter H then. I wanted to ask @Bharat Jhunjhunwala if the Yud Delet applied to the letter H before the Yadavas left Indus Valley. It has to., because Abraham is from Indus Valley.

I learned about Yud and Delet for Hebrew letter H. Please read below the H too in that photo because that explains what I learned about yud, which is spiritual, and delet, which is the physical world. This has never been addressed where the Yud was; as I've been asking, maybe you can help me here: is it the detachable little line or is it at the edge of the huge curve line? But then, what about that little line that's detachable, or is it both areas? I did watch a video, and it showed yud that expanded everywhere., as if to make the letter H animated in light.

Where is the Yud? I'm confused; however, notice how I want to see if I can communicate what I'll learn about the letter H. That's also how I feel when reading what @Bharat Jhunjhunwala writes. It's as if I learned something, and then I go see if I can communicate what I learned. Please read below this drawing.

Yud Delet inner eye we all carry.JPG

Do you see what I mean. How I had so much fun learning about the Hebrew letter H. See how I'm so curious where the yud is.

That's what it's like for me when I learned. Example about the different soils on earth., there's red soil and black soil and that's in Egypt. In India there's soil but what kind of soil is this? What is the differences and how did that happened? There's letters how? when I study Hebrew letter H., I was amazed because there's a story., Yud Delet.

I hope this helps answer your question. I think what it is is excitement when I learn and I want to share.
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Well-Known Member
@RabbiO Thank you for your question and my response is getting longer as I edit.

My method., perhaps is more questions and seeing if I can communicate what I learned from others. I'm not sure if that's all spirituality because if I only spirituality and zero past stories, then I just go to light just as I am. So maybe this is more archeology findings? Intrigued by this, and seeing if I can communicate what I learned from others.

So this area is past stories and when reading what @Bharat Jhunjhunwala shared, I was intrigued.

I do wonder if I confused people because in my first post in this thread: I wish I hadn't added the Ahar people. I was showing how I was proud of myself for seeing if I can write about two tribes, and showing how I was learning from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala and including other areas that I was learning.

I'm using modern names and ancient words.
The Ahar people from what I read in an article and the Yadavas tribe that I learned from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala, it appears that the Ahar people left the Indus Valley in 2700 BC. It would be sooner than when the Yadavas left Indus Valley, because the Yadavas left Indus Valley in 1445 BC, when Moses (Krishna) was about 80 years old. The reason why @Bharat Jhunjhunwala focused on the Yadavas and not the other tribes is because it's the same time as Exodus. Showing that the Exodus took place in the Indus Valley.

But now I understand why @Bharat Jhunjhunwala only wrote about Yadavas. It gets really distractive when also writing about other tribes.

I was showing how I placed me challenges. First to see if I can communicate what I learned from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala then see if I can also share what I learned else where, and see if I can write both areas.

I'm failure at all of this. I want you to know this. Yes I learned and was so excited to see if I can communicate. But the further I go and see if I can branch outward and see if I can communicate that too is when I run into beyond my abilities'.

What is my method you asked me.

Maybe confusing to read. But even this I see if I can improve at.
I think it's the archeology. Because I was intrigued when all over the Indus Valley, they build homes with burnt-baked bricks that need 50% straw, yet in Egypt, they don't need a lot of straw because they build with stone. However, lately I've been learning from @Bthoth about how Israel is the land of Egypt because when leaving Egypt towards increase lands new kingdom, an area I would like to ask @Bharat Jhunjhunwala about is after the Yadavas leaving Indus Valley first went to the land of black soil KMT (Egypt) and then later traveled to the new kingdom Israel, instead of directly to Israel. I'm using modern names and ancient names.

I was so intrigued by the soil. How does that happen when there's stone in Egypt compared to the difference in soil in the Indus Valley. And even though I could had only read and keep it to myself, when I listen to my music, I just need to share what I learned. I don't think it'll be the same without music. There's so many times I was going to quit. So how come I keep going? I'm thinking (a while back I asked what is a Jew?) Now I wished I never asked that because when ever I ask a what is question I never leave it alone and I have no awareness where I'm going. Another thing is I have no desires to convert to Judaism, so why did I do that and asked what is a Jew?

The same emotions of excitement happen to me when I study about the letter H in Hebrew. I was so excited and wanted to share. You see I learned from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala that the letter H was added to Abraham from Indus Valley, as Ram, Abram, Abraham, and I wanted to study the letter H then. I wanted to ask @Bharat Jhunjhunwala if the Yud Delet applied to the letter H before the Yadavas left Indus Valley. It has to., because Abraham is from Indus Valley.

I learned about Yud and Delet for Hebrew letter H. Please read below the H too in that photo because that explains what I learned about yud, which is spiritual, and delet, which is the physical world. This has never been addressed where the Yud was; as I've been asking, maybe you can help me here: is it the detachable little line or is it at the edge of the huge curve line? But then, what about that little line that's detachable, or is it both areas? I did watch a video, and it showed yud that expanded everywhere., as if to make the letter H animated in light.

Where is the Yud? I'm confused; however, notice how I want to see if I can communicate what I'll learn about the letter H. That's also how I feel when reading what @Bharat Jhunjhunwala writes. It's as if I learned something, and then I go see if I can communicate what I learned. Please read below this drawing.

View attachment 86865

Do you see what I mean. How I had so much fun learning about the Hebrew letter H. See how I'm so curious where the yud is.

That's what it's like for me when I learned. Example about the different soils on earth., there's red soil and black soil and that's in Egypt. In India there's soil but what kind of soil is this? What is the differences and how did that happened? There's letters how? when I study Hebrew letter H., I was amazed because there's a story., Yud Delet.

I hope this helps answer your question. I think what it is is excitement when I learn and I want to share.
look into mandaeism

Almost like reading the emerald tablets

River Sea

Well-Known Member

What I am seeking from you is an explanation, an understanding if you will, as to the method you used to arrive at a determination that what he has set forth is, in fact, accurate and reliable.

@RabbiO I'm still processing your question. Because even I wonder why I do what I do. I think I'm amazed at how evidence can be shown, and I want to share. Do you want to share when you learn from others?

Another thing that I found fascinating @Bharat Jhunjhunwala was showing how the Abrahamic religions began from the Hinduism religion and I wanted to share what I learned.

I find it interesting how similarities and past stories travel. I'm not sure why I get so fixated, and maybe I psychoanalyze—and I journey the past story in my mind, as if I psychoanalyze the past stories and the journey where these past stories branched outward and how the similarities are and how the past stories changes over the years. I mean, just think there's 3 Abrahamic religions; how come there's 3; how come there's not 4 or 5 or more Abrahamic religions; see how I asked a question and that'll cause me to analyze and eventually I'll want to share; but that's interesting, isn't it? How are there three and not more Abrahamic religions?

@RabbiO Where do you think Abrahamic religions came from?

Here's an example of me learning, which I'm referencing, and I'll show further below. Notice, due to your question, how I want to share my method with you. Because I'm analyzing your question, and it made me want to share. What kind of method is that, and do others do that too? Do you do that too, thinking through a question that then causes you to answer through sharing? Because I could stop doing this, yet I don't stop. How come? What causes me to continue? What causes you to continue sharing?

Here's an example me learning and wanting to share

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala showing about Adam was the same person as Swayambhu Manu and he lived in India

We suggest Adam was the same person as Swayambhu Manu and he lived in India because 4 rivers emerge from Pushkar as told in the Bible, because the Hindu tradition tells of the beginning of marriage at his time as also indicated in the Bible, because Adam partook of holy basil that is worshipped in India and because living tradition tells of Brahma, father of Swayambhu Manu, living at Pushkar.
