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My New Religion

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.

It is the religion of doing whatever you want, not being controlled by your emotions, a deity, or anything!

Our main doctrine is to be Cool.

We all have different ideas of what Cool really is, so basically this religion is telling you to act however you think is Cool! Be yourself in other words!

What do you think?

No I'm not serious, but if it was real what would you think. :cool:


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
There's a parable about coolness in Luke 18 in the NIV (New Interactive Version)

Luke 18:10-15

10 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a self-proclaimed mac daddy, and the other a dweeb. 11 The self-proclaimed mac daddy stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—for I am cool beyond cool. I'm so cool, Cool looks up to me and goes "damn! You're cool!". 12

13 “But the dweeb stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his pocket protector and said, ‘God, I'm a dweeb. I dress like a dweeb, I act like a dweeb, I think like a dweeb.... But, whatever. Not everybody can be cool. Guess I'll just go through my life and do whatever it is dweebs are supposed to do’
14 “God looked down at the dweeb and said "Hey man, that's cool".
Then both He and the dweeb watched the self-proclaimed mac daddy swagger off, stopping a moment to admire his reflection in every window on his way out.
"LOL! Said God, "what a dweeb".
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Invisible Puffle
Sounds like some sort of self-consiousness orientated hedonism. I don't think it would be much fun, too stressful worrying about how cool you look all the time.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Okay, that was a joke. Here is my real new philosophy, tell me if there is a religion on it already:

Not sure if I have a name for it yet, but if I need to get one I will call it Surrealism.

My beliefs is that we need to connect Body, Intellect, and Soul to achieve a Tristate Reality...

I've been meditating for a while now, but not sure if there is a form of meditation, it is meditating to the lack of awareness. I've not gone so deep because I've only been doing it for a month and a half now... But I want to go so deep in that state of lack of awareness where I forget about this reality and cannot find my way back up. I believe this will connect all three realities that we have: Soul, Intellect, and Self.

Self is physical, living and only knowing material things.
Intellect is subconscious, living and can know what we imagine.
Soul is spiritual, living in a way, and knows all.

Connect all three realms and we achieve the Tristate Reality, or another name for it is the Divine State, where we no longer feel pain or suffering by just living in one of these, but we experience all three at the same time. When we reach this state, we become Gods over ourself.

It is basically to die without dying. Very enlightening.

Photographic example:

Right now our realities are separate, but we can live in any of them at any time. The soul is unconsciousness, the intellect is subconsciousness, and the self is consciousness. Connect all together and you will be in that state.

That's it :D

Hope it's not a too long didn't read :p
My take is that your "cool" religion is nothing more than a extreme form of our Secular Humanism ideology or "religion." After all, what can consist of more "liberty" and "freedom" than total liberty and freedom? Isn't that where the Hippys of the 1960's took our Secular ideals? "Do what you want when you want it . . . " regardless of the consequences. It was an era that soon passed because the results were miserable: drug addiction, unscientific thinking, acquiring of a host of new and disgusting diseases and infections, and parents that increasingly grew impatient with them and stopped supporting them.

Moreover, what you describe is not a religion. A religion is an ideology that proposes, always, to answer four questions: what is our origin? our goal? how do we achieve it (the moral system), and what stand in our way? In other words, real religions try to provide what its believers accept as "the meaning of life."

Your "religion" (actually, "world-view and way-of-thinking system) is not a religion. The need now is not for more hedonism but for an advanced now religion, one capable of uniting the world.



Premium Member

It is the religion of doing whatever you want, not being controlled by your emotions, a deity, or anything!

Our main doctrine is to be Cool.

We all have different ideas of what Cool really is, so basically this religion is telling you to act however you think is Cool! Be yourself in other words!

What do you think?

No I'm not serious, but if it was real what would you think. :cool:

Not possible because

You will always be in conflict with your individual needs and social needs.