Since it keeps coming up, and I don't see a reason to try to reiterate what I said elsewhere (particularly since it's so much to do so), I think I'd link this blog post I made a couple of weeks ago.
My Tantra of Shiva and Satan
(In the future if this link doesn't work it's probably because it was remapped, hadn't paid for hosting on a different platform yet so can't map it atm) I'll post a new link if that ever happens.
I hope that explanation is clear enough. You can ask me here any questions you want or clarifications. It's not the best explanation ever but it's kind of hard to tackle everything at once lol.
Also maybe it will help people understand where I'm coming from more often.
Edit: Maybe i should be more clear that my intent with this to present a thought-out overview of my beliefs. The topic of how I combine Satanism and Shaivism is kind of a confusing idea for some but it woks for me. The article itself is pretty general but I will and can address specific questions or other stuff. I figured it would be better to get it all on one topic instead of trying to reexplain or relink everytime someone asked.
Maybe no one cares about this but *shrugs* I've seen similar posts in here before explaining their beliefs.
My Tantra of Shiva and Satan
(In the future if this link doesn't work it's probably because it was remapped, hadn't paid for hosting on a different platform yet so can't map it atm) I'll post a new link if that ever happens.
I hope that explanation is clear enough. You can ask me here any questions you want or clarifications. It's not the best explanation ever but it's kind of hard to tackle everything at once lol.
Also maybe it will help people understand where I'm coming from more often.
Edit: Maybe i should be more clear that my intent with this to present a thought-out overview of my beliefs. The topic of how I combine Satanism and Shaivism is kind of a confusing idea for some but it woks for me. The article itself is pretty general but I will and can address specific questions or other stuff. I figured it would be better to get it all on one topic instead of trying to reexplain or relink everytime someone asked.
Maybe no one cares about this but *shrugs* I've seen similar posts in here before explaining their beliefs.
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