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I have a question for any shi'a

could you tell me if within Shi'a thinking all non muslims or Kaffur are Najis or unclean.

To the list of impure things enumerated by al-Nawawi, Shi’a jurists traditionally add dead bodies and kafirs.

There are discrepancies among Shi’a jurists that who is recognized as Kafir. Some of them recognize all of the non-Muslims as Kafir, but the others separate People of the Book(Christians and Jews).



Veteran Member
Premium Member
There are some and they come here from a time to another, not sure if they are still coming in here lately.


The Truth said:
There are some and they come here from a time to another, not sure if they are still coming in here lately.
looks like i will have to wait and see if any come along, patience is a virtue


i come here from time to time and consider myself as much shia as sunni or sufi, of course it will vary from person to person, but my beliefs are that all non muslims are not unclean, at least not non muslims in the traditional sense of the word. if you take muslim to mean anyone who follows the ways of peace and believes in a creator of some sort and the life after this one, then a possible arguement could be made for all non muslims to be considered unclean since they would not follow anything that is good, but i would not make that arguement.
i try not to use kafir because it is seen as derogatory and people instantly(people who know what it means) get more aggravated, but those i would consider to be considered a kafir are pagans, those who worship idols and things like that. but it is best to look at people as equal, forgive people's trespasses. unfortunately it is often read but rarely followed. someone is not a kafir because he is a christian or jew, kafir is something that is earned, and Allah knows all.
sorry for the rambling response.


Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
The common Fatwa (ruling) among the ayatollahs today is considering people of the book (includes christians and Jews) to be Tahir that is clean (Not Najis).


The common Fatwa (ruling) among the ayatollahs today is considering people of the book (includes christians and Jews) to be Tahir that is clean (Not Najis).

so everybody else is unclean , like Hindus , Sikhs, atheists, etc? what about Baha'i

Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
This kind of tahara (cleanness/purity) has nothing to do with relationship with people, or evaluation and respect to people. It has to do with preparing for praying.

even when a shia person get injured, and a drop of his blood filled in glass of water, the water in glass becomes Najis (unclean) ...This is applicable to small amount of water only...

So this Kind of Najis has nothing to do with respect of all humans.

“Allah forbiddeth you not those who warred not against you on account of religion and drove you not out from your homes, that ye should show them kindness and deal justly with them. Lo! Allah loveth the just dealers.” Quran60(8)


This kind of tahara (cleanness/purity) has nothing to do with relationship with people, or evaluation and respect to people. It has to do with preparing for praying.

even when a shia person get injured, and a drop of his blood filled in glass of water, the water in glass becomes Najis (unclean) ...This is applicable to small amount of water only...

So this Kind of Najis has nothing to do with respect of all humans.

“Allah forbiddeth you not those who warred not against you on account of religion and drove you not out from your homes, that ye should show them kindness and deal justly with them. Lo! Allah loveth the just dealers.” Quran60(8)

Then this is wrong:

To the list of impure things enumerated by al-Nawawi, Shi’a jurists traditionally add dead bodies and kafirs.

Najis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and this:

The following eleven things are essentially najis:
1. Urine
2. Faeces
3. Semen
4. Dead body
5. Blood
6. Dog
7. Pig
8. Kafir
9. Alcoholic liquors
10. Beer (Fuqa')
11. The sweat of an animal who persistently eats najasat.

Last edited:


8- Kafir
107. An infidel (Kafir) i.e. a person who does not believe in Allah and His Oneness, , or does not believe in Prophethood of Hazrat Khatem-al-Anbia Mohammad ibn-Abdullah (SAW) is najis. Also, a person who denys the necessary rules of Islam i.e. issues which are believed by the Muslims as an essential part of their faith(like prayers or fast), and he also knows them as such are Najis. but if he does not know them as such, it is an obligatory precaution to avoid them.
108. The entire body of a Kafir, including his hair and nails, and all liquid substances of his body, are najis.
109. If the parents, paternal grandmother and paternal grandfather of a minor child are all kafir, that child is najis. When, even one person from his parents or grandparents is a Muslim, the child is Pak .
111. If A muslim abuses any of the twelve holy Imams or be enemy of them, is najis.

Najis things » Introduction

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
The sweat of an animal who persistently eats najasat.
So if i am correct,if an Animal drinks Milk thats ok but if it contains one drop of blood it is unclean najis,so if the Animal persistently drinks from teat of its Mother and the Mother is passing Blood into the Milk the sweat from that Animal is najis,thew

Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
Thanks for your replies,

Please note that the website you quoted have divided the Islamic Laws into two parts:
1. Devotions
2. Dealings

And all your Quotes were from the Devotions part.

So as I said it is related to preparations for the Worship (not only prayer as I said before)

To find out Shia attitude toward non Muslims I will present you with one of the treasures of AlulBayt (the progeny of the prophet); i.e; I’ll refer you to maybe the most Famous Shia book after the Quran..it’s Nahj al-Balaghah (Peak of Eloquence) which is the book of Imam Ali (Shia first Imam: ranked second after the prophet)…
In that book he has written a letter, which is “a précis of the principles of administration and justice as dictated by Islam”…

In that letter Imam Ali Showed Islam attitude (as taught by Ahlul-Bayt) toward non Muslims…A vision that you wont find even today:

It’s enough to read this:
“Remember, Maalik, that amongst your subjects there are two kinds of people: those who have the same religion as you have; they are brothers to you, and those who have religions other than that of yours, they are human beings like you. Men of either category suffer from the same weaknesses and disabilities that human beings are inclined to, they commit sins, indulge in vices either intentionally or foolishly and unintentionally without realizing the enormity of their deeds. Let your mercy and compassion come to their rescue and help in the same way and to the same extent that you expect Allah to show mercy and forgiveness to you.”

You can read the whole letter here:
Nahjul Balaagha - Letter 53


Then i can take some comfort in the fact that i am only unclean when it comes to devotion.

Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
You see, a believer and a non-believer are moving in different direction...

A believer is seeking God, looking to another life after death ...that’s just a an illusion for a non-believer...
A non-believer’s main intension is this life ...working to fullfill his dreams in this life...that’s an illusion for a believer ...

So they are moving in different direction ...and there is a distance between them...
and as a shia Muslim i believe in honestly and transparency, so i shouldn’t pretend that there is no distance ...and I also need to remember that I have another kind of life ...That concept of Najis will always remind me about this...