108- وأخبرني جماعة عن أبي جعفر محمد بن سفيان البزوفري عن أبي علي أحمد بن إدريس وعبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن أبي الخير صالح بن أبي حماد الرازي والحسن بن ظريف جميعا عن بكر بن صالح عن عبد الرحمن بن سالم عن أبي بصير عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قال أبي محمد بن علي عليه السلام لجابر بن عبد الله الأنصاري: إن لي إليك حاجة. فمتى يخف عليك أن أخلو بك فأسألك عنها؟ قال له جابر: في أي الأوقات أحببت.فخلا به أبي في بعض الأوقات فقال له: يا جابر، أخبرني عن اللوح الذي رأيته في يد أمي فاطمة عليها السلام وما أخبرتك به أمي أنه في ذلك اللوح مكتوب. فقال جابر: أشهد بالله أني دخلت على أمك فاطمة عليها السلام في حياة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم فهنأتها بولادة الحسين عليه السلام، ورأيت في يدها لوحا أخضر، فظننت أنه زمرد،ورأيت فيه كتابا أبيض شبه نور الشمس. فقلت لها: بأبي وأمي يا ابنة رسول الله، ما هذا اللوح؟فقالت: هذا اللوح أهداه الله عز وجل إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم؛ فيه اسم أبي واسم بعلي واسم ابنيَّ وأسماء الأوصياء من ولدي،فأعطانيه أبي ليسرني بذلك. قال جابر: فأعطتنيه أمك فاطمة عليها السلام فقرأته فاستنسخته. قال له أبي: فهل لك يا جابر أن تعرضه علي؟ قال: نعم.فمشى معه أبي حتى انتهى إلى منزل جابر،فأخرج أبي صحيفة من رق وقال: يا جابر انظر في كتابك لأقرأ أنا عليك. فنظر جابر في نسخته وقرأه أبي، فما خالف حرف حرفا. قال جابر: فأشهد بالله أني هكذا رأيت في اللوح مكتوبا: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. هذا كتاب من الله العزيز الحكيم لمحمد نبيه ونوره وسفيره وحجابه ودليله،نزل به الروح الأمين من عند رب العالمين. عظِّم يا محمد أسمائي، واشكر نعمائي،ولا تجحد آلائي. إني أنا الله لا إله إلا أنا، قاصم الجبارين، ومديل المظلومين، وديان الدين. إني أنا الله لا إله إلا أنا؛من رجا غير فضلي أو خاف غير عدلي عذبته عذابا لا أعذبه أحدا من العالمين. فإياي فاعبد وعليّ فتوكل. إني لم أبعث نبيا فكملت أيامه وانقضت مدته إلا جعلت له وصيا، وإني فضلتك على الأنبياء وفضلت وصيك عليا على الأوصياء، وأكرمتك بشبليك بعده وسبطيك الحسن والحسين، فجعلت حسنا معدن علمي بعد انقضاء مدة أبيه، وجعلت حسينا خازن علمي وأكرمته بالشهادة وختمت له بالسعادة،وهو أفضل من استشهد وأرفع الشهداء درجة. جعلت كلمتي التامة معه وحجتي البالغة عنده،بعترته أثيب وأعاقب: أولهم علي سيد العابدين وزين أولياء الماضين. وابنه شبيه جده المحمود محمد الباقر باقر علمي والمعدن لحكمتي. سيهلك المرتابون في جعفر؛ الراد عليه كالراد عليّ. حق القول مني لأكرمن مثوى جعفـر ولأسرّنّـه في أشياعه وأنصاره وأوليائه. انتج بعده فتنة عمياء حندس لأن خيط فرضي لا ينقطع وحجتي لا تخفى،وإن أوليائي لا يشقون. إلا ومن جحد واحدا منهم فقد جحد نعمتي، ومن غير آية من كتابي فقد افترى علي، وويل للمفترين الجاحدين عند انقضاء مدة عبدي موسى وحبيبي وخيرتي. إن المكذب بالثامن مكذب بكل أوليائي، وعلي وليي وناصري ومن أضع عليه أعباء النبوة وأمتعه بالاضطلاع بها. يقتله عفريت مستكبر يدفن في المدينة التي بناها العبد الصالح إلى جنب شر خلقي. حق القول مني لأقرن عينيه بمحمد ابنه وخليفته ووارث علمه، فهو معدن علمي وموضع سري وحجتي على خلقي، جعلت الجنة مثواه وشفعته في سبعين ألف من أهل بيته،كلهم قد استوجبوا النار. وأختم بالسعادة لابنه علي وليي وناصري والشاهد في خلقي وأميني على وحيي. أخرج منه الداعي إلى سبيلي والخازن لعلمي الحسن. ثم أكمل ذلك بابنه رحمة للعالمين؛ عليه كمال موسى وبهاء عيسى وصبر أيوب، سيذل أوليائي في زمانه ويتهادى رءوسهم كما يتهادى رءوس الترك والديلم، فيقتلون ويحرقون ويكونون خائفين مرعوبين وجلين، تصبغ الأرض بدمائهم ويفشو الويل والرنة في نسائهم. أولئك أوليائي حقا بهم أدفع كل فتنة عمياء حندس،وبهم أكشف الزلازل وأرفع الإصار والأغلال: ﴿أُولئِكَ عَلَيْهِمْ صَلَواتٌ مِنْ رَبِّهِمْ ورَحْمَةٌ وأُولئِكَ هُمُ الْمُهْتَدُونَ﴾. قال عبد الرحمن بن سالم: قال لي أبو بصير: لو لم تسمع في دهرك إلا هذا الحديث لكفاك. فصنه إلا عن أهله
H 108 - Narrated to me a group of scholars from Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Sufyan Bazufari from Abu Ali Ahmad bin Idris and Abdullah bin Ja’far Himyari from Abul Khair Salih bin Abul Hammad Razi and Hasan bin Zarif all together narrate from Bakr bin Salih from Abdur Rahman bin Saalim from Abu Basir that Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s) said: My father, Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s) said to Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari: ‘I have some work with you. So, when would it be possible for you to give me some time so that I may ask you something?’ Jabir replied, ‘Whenever you wish.’ Thus, when my father (a.s) met him in privacy, he (a.s) asked, “O Jabir! Tell me about the Tablet, which you saw with my mother, Fatima, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (s) and what did she tell you as to what was written in it?” Jabir replied, ‘I hold Allah as witness that I went to visit your mother, Fatima (a.s) during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah (s) to congratulate her for Husain’s birth. I saw in her hand a green Tablet, which I thought to be of emerald and its writing was as bright as sunlight. I asked her, ‘May my parents be sacrificed for you, O daughter of Allah’s Messenger (s)! What is this Tablet?’ She (s) replied, “This is the Tablet, which Allah, Mighty and Glorified be He, has gifted to the Messenger of Allah (s). In it is the name of my father, the name of Ali, the name of my two sons and the names of the successors from my progeny. In turn, my father gave it to me so that I may rejoice through it.” Jabir said, ‘Thus, your mother Fatima (a.s) gave it to me. I read it and copied it.’ My father (a.s) asked, “O Jabir! Can you show it (the copied manuscript) to me?” He replied in the affirmative. My father (a.s) accompanied Jabir to his house, where he took out a book from a parchment and giving it to my father said, ‘I hold Allah as witness that this is what I saw written in the Tablet: [Text of the Tablet of Fatima (Lauh Fatima)] In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful This is a Book from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise to Muhammad, His light, His ambassador, His veil and His proof. The trustworthy spirit (Jibraeel) has descended with it from the Lord of the worlds. O Muhammad! Magnify my names, be grateful for My bounties and do not deny My endowments. Verily I am Allah; there is no god, but Me, the Destroyer of the oppressors, the Degrader of the tyrants and the Establisher of the Day of Judgment. Verily I am Allah, there is no god, but Me. Whoever expects grace from other than Me or fears other than My justice and My punishment, I will punish him in such a way that I will not punish anybody in this manner in the worlds. Hence, worship only Me and rely only on Me. Indeed, I did not raise a messenger, completed his days and terminated his duration, but that I appointed for him a successor. Certainly, I made you superior over all other Prophets and made your successor superior over all other successors. After him, I honored you with your two grandsons: Hasan and Husain. I made Hasan the mine of My knowledge after the end of the days of his father and I made Husain the treasure-chest of My revelation, honored him with martyrdom and sealed it for him with eternal bliss. So, he is the best of the martyrs and the highest of them in grade before Me. I have placed My perfect word with him and the complete proof near him. Through his progeny, I shall reward and I shall punish. The first of them is the chief of the worshippers and the adornment of My past friends, then his son (Muhammad), who resembles his grandfather al-Mahmud , the splitter of My knowledge and the mine of My wisdom. Soon, those who doubt concerning his son, Ja’far will be destroyed. He who rejects him has rejected Me. I speak the truth, I will indeed honor the position of Ja’far and make him happy vis-à-vis his Shias, his helpers and his friends. After him, I have selected Musa and there will be a blinding, dark corruption so that the spark of My obedience is not terminated, My proof is not hidden and My friends are not afflicted with misfortune. Beware! Whoever denies even one of them, he has denied My bounty. Whoever changes one verse from My Book, then indeed he has attributed a lie unto Me. Then woe unto the liars, the deniers with the termination of the duration of My servant, My beloved and My chosen one, Musa. Verily, the one who denies the eighth is as if he has denied all My friends (Imams). Ali is My friend, My helper and the one, upon whom I have placed Prophethood’s burden of proof and conferred upon him mastership. An arrogant devil will murder him. He will be buried in a city, which the righteous servant has built, next to the worst of My creatures. I speak the truth; I will soothe his eyes with Muhammad, his son and his successor after him. He is the heir of My knowledge, the mine of My wisdom, the place of My joy and My proof upon My creatures. None shall believe in him, but that Paradise will be his abode and I will allow him to intercede for seventy of his family members, even if all of them are eligible for Hell. I will complete his bliss with his son Ali, My friend, My helper, My witness amongst My creatures and My trustee upon My revelation. From him, I will bring forth Hasan, the caller to My path and the treasurer of My knowledge. Thereafter, I will complete this (chain of Imamate) with his son, M-H-M-D, mercy for the worlds. He will possess the perfection of Musa, the brightness of Isa and the patience of Ayyub. Soon, My friends will be humiliated in his time and their heads will be gifted as trophies like the heads of Turks and Daylamites. They will be killed, they will be burnt, they will live in a state of fear, terror and trepidation. The earth will be colored with their blood and wailing and sobbing will be commonplace among their womenfolk. They are My true friends! Through them, I will repel all blinding and dark mischief, remove the earthquakes and do away with the burdens and the chains. They are those upon them is the blessing of their Lord and mercy. And they are the guided ones. Abdur Rahman bin Saalim said: Abu Basir says, ‘If you do not hear in your time anything, but this tradition, it will suffice for you. Hence, conceal it, except from those who are worthy of it.’
Kitāb al-Ghayba, Shia traditional reports on the topic that Imams are twelve in number, Hadith #9
Shia traditional reports on the topic that Imams are twelve in number