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Narratives and Related Advice to Enhance Righteousness.


Peace be upon you.
Narrative and Accounts from the Life of Hazrat Promised Messiah Mahdi (a.s.) as mentioned by Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) -- Based on Explanations by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.)

Peace be on you.

== People of Jama'at should increase their Knowledge. People with religious knowledge should be aware of current events and history, especially those who have the duty to Convey the Message viz, Murabbiyan and Mublaygheen.

In current world these informations are easy obtainable…..With reference of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), a narrative is mentioned by Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.). It draws attention to increase knowledge, to remain within capacity of knowledge capacity according to situation and time, and draw attention to real holiness.

A person was known as great holy man. A wazir of a king began to believe in him by chance and started to publicize his spiritual realm (willayat) that he was great holy man and has connection with God. Wazir suggested the king to pay homage to him. The king agreed for a certain day visit. Wazir broke the news to the holy man advised him to talk to king in such a way that the king is impressed and believe in him. If king reveres him, people will do same too….Whether he was holy man or not, is not known but incoming events showed he was unwise for sure……After learning the plan, the so called holy man weaved few things in mind. When the king visited, holy man said, ‘King! You should do justice. Look the king in Muslims by the name Sikander, how great justiceful he was! How famous is he till today!’.......Sikander was hundreds years before the time of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and was even before Hazrat Esa (on whom be peace). But the man declared Sikander as Muslim king after the time of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). This implies Sikander was many hundreds years after Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) since he could not be in time of four Khulafa, He could not be in time of Hazrat Mo’awia, he could not be in early time of Banu Abbas, if he was Muslim, he could only be king in fourth or fifth century Hijrah……In fact Sikander lived hundreds of years before Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). But the that person counted him among Islam and Ummah of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.)……As result, instead of being impressed, the visiting king became very much repulsive of him and left.

Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) said that knowledge of history is not essential for holiness. But the self-proclaimed holy person invited the trouble. Who had told him to interfere in history…..That is why knowledge should be right and whatever a person say, he should be sure that it is correct historically and knowledge-wise.

That person was destroyed by desire of his self. When human leaves truth and wears or try to wear so called gown of holiness then it is the result.

== Tenderness of Heart of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) and Pain for Ummah and Humanity

Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) said people are quick to pray against someone. It should be our principle that we should not pray against anyone. We should pray for our opponents. They are the ones who shall believe….. [gist]: Maulvi Abdul Karim sahib (r.a.) used to live in room above room of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) made by his commandment. One night he heard sound in extreme pain. He attentively heard, it was Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) praying that O God, plague is here, people are dying. O God, if they all died who will believe You…..Plague was the sign which was prophesied by Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). But when plague came, the person for the sake of whose truth it came, beg before God the Exalted…..Thus Momin (devout believer) should not pray against common people because he stands to save them. Ahmadiyyat is made to save Islam and Muslims, and to bring their glory to back to them (except weaknesses)…….Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) said O heart acknowledge the feelings of these people, so that their hearts should become dusty. Do not pray against them after getting irritated, they love Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and due to that love they call you name (innocent mistake).

Common people are unaware, whatever mullahs teach them they utter. When the reality of Ahmadiyya Islam is explained to opponents they changed fully.

Some non-Ahmadis write to Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) they have learned the reality and they now realized how molvis were making them astray.

New local Jama'ats are made in Africa, they mentioned how molvis had told them wrongly about Ahmadiyya-Islam.

We should pray May Allah the Exalted save Ummah from Ulama-e-Su [bad scholars] and wrong leaders and enable common people to recognize Truth.

== Allah the Exalted Creates Means for Goodness for True Muslim when Troubles, Dangers are Developed

Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) mentioned the couplet of Hazrat Molana Rum which tells That God has placed a great treasure under the difficulty He brought for people……….When read it, Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) always said that if people or Jama'at become Muslim in true sense, its all troubles and difficulties which they are into, becomes reason of progress for them. No trouble comes to them, the result of which is not easement for them.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) said that the true Muslim is the one who is connected with Imam of the age and ardent devotee. If troubles stands for us, these are to give us glad tidings of future. And it is very great standard to gauge truth that easement comes after troubles. The history of Jama'at Ahmadiyya is witness every trial brings progress for us.

== The Effect of Evil Thoughts can take place through Sitting in Company

If one even does not incite other to do evil, only keeping company can create that evil subconsciously in other person.

Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) said once a student sent message to Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) I used to believe in God but now now doubts are coming in my heart about Him. Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) told him to change the seat in college. He did so and reported that now no doubts were coming to him about God the Exalted. When Huzur (a.s.) was told about it. He (a.s.) said the student was under influence of a person who sat beside him and was atheist. Change of seat stopped the effect……Good and bad thoughts works without talking.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) said that Young people should not have such company which exert bad effect on them. Similarly there are TV programs which grown up do not let children see, but if they watch it, one or other time children’s eyes may reach these. Subconsciously, there is effect of environment. The damage of training of children take place. Such programs cannot let people have high standards of Taqwa. Some late night watchers cannot even wake up for Fajr Salaat. It is responsibility of parents to keep environment of their home clean and pure as these matters subconsciously affect training of children.


More & Based on Friday Sermon (30 October 2015), UK , by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), alislam.org and mta.tv