New Member
So I've read/watched more Near Death Experience accounts than I can shake a stick at and what I've found is...
The higher percentage of accounts do not see jesus, buddha, or any other God's from religions. They see a being of light that's usually faceless and other spirit's usually deceased family members or other familiar souls.
Literally NO mention of the bible or any other religious scriptures in NDE's if there is It has to be 1%.
It means that man made scripters are not the focus of life the only main key message from NDE's is compassion for each other "love" that is all.
There is a whole database of these video on youtube under ndeaccounts I encourage you to study them!
How it seems to work is christians only watch the NDE's that have something to do with jesus, any NDE's without jesus are probably tricks of Satan
The new age type accept most of them but usually dismiss any with Jesus in them.
Love to hear your thoughts on where your religions fit into NDE's
The higher percentage of accounts do not see jesus, buddha, or any other God's from religions. They see a being of light that's usually faceless and other spirit's usually deceased family members or other familiar souls.
Literally NO mention of the bible or any other religious scriptures in NDE's if there is It has to be 1%.
It means that man made scripters are not the focus of life the only main key message from NDE's is compassion for each other "love" that is all.
There is a whole database of these video on youtube under ndeaccounts I encourage you to study them!
How it seems to work is christians only watch the NDE's that have something to do with jesus, any NDE's without jesus are probably tricks of Satan
The new age type accept most of them but usually dismiss any with Jesus in them.
Love to hear your thoughts on where your religions fit into NDE's