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Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.

I came across this term while perusing a website the other day and it kind of stuck with me. Deism in and of itself came about during the Age of Enlightenment (17th & 18th century CE) and is often associated with icons such as Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson. However, they did not have the level of scientific or medical knowledge that we do today. Modern deists typically recognize the importance of science and tend to "go with the flow" when scientific discovery is made, even if it is contradictory to a former religious belief.

The term "neo-" simply means new or recent, and is applied to pre-existing terms to reflect a modern train of thought involving an older concept. Simply put, neo-deism is a modern form of deism for the 21st century! Both believe in God based on natural observations, but the latter relies more on science and technology to explain what older generations could not. Much has been discovered since the 1620s so it is only fitting that the term has a little update as well.

After I thought about it for a few minutes I was like "Damn! That is 100% me in a nutshell!" So I have adopted the term as a descriptor for when someone asks "what's your religion?" Now to write a book about it...

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
So that people are not having to jump threads to learn more, here are the major talking points of neo-deism:

Neo-Deists (NDs) absolutely believe in God. Atheists do not, which is the defining difference between the two. Theists believe in God and that It performs miracles, intervenes, etc. whereas deists typically do not believe in miracles or divine intervention. God is often referred to as "It" because we don't know if It is male, female, both or neither. It may be incorporeal.

NDs belief in God comes from observations found in nature. The universe, which encompasses life, science, the laws of nature, etc., seems far too complex to just come from random chance. Many things seem to have some type of intelligent design to them. NDs typically reject revealed religions and holy books that were supposedly divinely inspired, as they contain the human element which can be corrupt. Those are just old stories that have been told and passed down through the ages. Most probably started around a campfire when a child asked a clan elder, "where did we come from?"

We understand that nothing can be proven beyond the threshold of death. We do not believe in Hell as depicted in the Christian Bible. Hell was an invention of The Church and is used as a scare tactic to maintain power and influence over people. Churches run off of donations/tithes/offerings and what better way to keep the $$$ rolling in than to "hold the keys to salvation." If there is an afterlife, God will send us there as It sees fit. Hopefully living a moral life will grant us a "heavenly" afterlife.

Satan, demons or any other type of evil, supernatural being is a fabrication by humans. The reoccurring theme for every story, book or movie is good vs. evil. If a diabolical being actually existed, couldn't God, the all powerful creator, just uncreate it and save everyone the trouble? Do you believe in vampires? Werewolves? Fairies? Santa's Elves? Easter Bunny? No, of course not. Then why Satan or demons?

NDs believe in the free will of living beings, and it is because of free will that God does not perform miracles or intervene. Bad things happen because someone chose to do something bad (murder), or a natural event occurred (tornado). We are responsible for our actions and do not blame some supernatural boogeyman. Medical conditions can be caused by any number of factors: genetics, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, too much sun, contaminated food or water, insect bites, etc. By the same token, if God wanted to intervene, It could...being that It is the omnipotent creator. To clear up any confusion, I am not saying God can't intervene, only that It doesn't by choice. If God were to intervene, it would no longer be free will and that defeats the purpose. If God chose to be in control and cause those bad things to happen, It would have a lot of questions/grief to answer for.

God does not have to sit at the helm of creation, controlling every little detail. The laws of nature govern what happens outside of free will. It is a ridiculous notion to think that God cares and chooses what shirt you wear on any given day, whether you go to McDonald's or KFC, or what color car you buy. For those that say "God is in control and I have faith" then try this...drive onto the interstate, floor the gas pedal, close your eyes and take your hands off the steering wheel. See if you make it to your destination in one piece...since God is in control.

(don't actually do that)

More to come...
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"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
What do Deists or Neo-Deists tend to believe about the possibility of an afterlife, and the soul?? Do any Deists believe there can be communication with God, do any Deists believe in praying to God??

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
What do Deists or Neo-Deists tend to believe about the possibility of an afterlife, and the soul?? Do any Deists believe there can be communication with God, do any Deists believe in praying to God??

Deism is not a religion so much as it is a philosophy. Deists' beliefs can be varied about the afterlife, especially considering many deists are former Christians and have that influence. Since nothing can be proven about the afterlife, it is up to the individual to develop their own ideas using logic and their God given intelligence. What is important is living a moral life in the here and now.

As for a soul, each deist will have their own opinions. From a science perspective, the body is full of energy and according to the laws of physics, energy can't be destroyed once created. Your "life energy" must go somewhere or do something when you die. What exactly, is unknown and can't be proven.

Yes deists pray to God. The difference is that we don't ask God for anything, since we believe in free will and not divine intervention. Our prayers are usually ones of thanks and gratitude.

The question then becomes, why pray or worship God at all? Because we choose to.
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"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
Thanks, even though I call myself a Theist, those ideas are not a whole lot different from what I believe, I do pray for protection and guidance, but I specifically don't pray for favours or wealth, prosperity, stuff like that, Thank you very much, I really had no idea what Deism meant.


Active Member
How is Neo Deism different from the recent movement to merge science and religion? Some of the movement's names I've seen: scientific illuminism or natural metaphysics.

For example, TaoCurrents resurrects Metaphysical Taoism by selecting precepts that are compatible with science. It is one of several modern programs (I am told) doing this kind of work.

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
Deism has been around "officially" for the better part of 400 years. As stated, neo- simply means adding a modern thought process to an older concept. You would be surprised how many people don't have a clue what deism is (or have never heard of it) but once explained they identify with it. Deists are very open to science.

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
if they have been open to science for 400 years, how do they still believe in gods? they should have become atheists by now, am i correct?

Deists believe in God because of observations in nature. Deism has nothing to do with holy books, prophets, divine revelation, etc. We find God and science compatible. So no, you are not correct.


Active Member
Deists believe in God because of observations in nature. Deism has nothing to do with holy books, prophets, divine revelation, etc. We find God and science compatible. So no, you are not correct.

if you find god in nature, then is it because god is necessary to create nature?

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
if you find god in nature, then is it because god is necessary to create nature?

Sorry for the late reply...

Our belief is that God was the creator form the beginning, so yes It created nature. Is God necessary for nature to continue to grow/reproduce? No, as those events were set in motion long ago and simply follow natural occurrences now.