Excellent resource, thanks for posting it.
I would be very interested in seeing the same effort applied to the Abrahamic and other RHP religions. There is far more actual physical evidence that these constructs Actively employ racist/fascist principles to achieve their ends having strong political/religious/media backing and are far more well organized/armed to achieve those ends than the Satanic community is. Taking the source of imagery, for instance the Black Sun and lapping it over an present day Satanic ideology is not enough to label someone a nazi-I make the Black Sun in a silver ring but it is the origins of the image I am concerned with when creating such things not how they have been/are abused by other constructs.
As for the pot calling the kettle black, it is high time the Abrahamic/RHP religions answer for their flagrant abuse of power, murder, genocide, misogyny, fear mongering etc.. over the millenia and be held accountable for the monstrosities they have created in the name of human created non-existent beings they call god simply to attain power and control over population constructs-culture and tradition/money/ sex on demand/resources and destruction of the environment for personal gain, world wide. I doubt that will happen soon and really do not care anymore, but I feel strongly that these now obvious principles fostered by such religious constructs directly relate to the rise of fascism in all elements of society- "if it works for them maybe it will for us too" sort of thing. Disturbing but appropriate in a magical sense as any Working of such magnitude and force must bare its full presence at some point.
Speaking from the mundane self these would be my reactions and were I not Setian I would likely, ignorantly, pursue some course of action in that direction, as the blatant crimes/lies of these religions has gone so far beyond sanity as to be sickening in the extreme and they quite frankly, in my mundane opinion, deserve every ounce of the water of their "labor" in the forms it now manifests.
As a Setian however, I Know that they have created their own end and I almost never waste my time on them anymore, or anyone with such an agenda for that matter- same shyte different pile headed down the same hole. I simply observe their construct falling apart as their pleas to god/ego fall on deaf ears and do my best to stay out of the way of the debris as they crumble and fall hopelessly into the pit called "Because".
Like the signature says: having made their cistern, must drink deeply of the poison it contains and live with it.......