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New Iraqi prisoner abuse allegations surface


Uber all member
Complete article from CBC News
New Iraqi prisoner abuse allegations surface
Last Updated Tue, 21 Dec 2004 16:00:38 EST

WASHINGTON, D.C. - American soldiers tortured Iraqi prisoners by strangling them, beating them and placing lit cigarettes in their ears, even after the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal came to light in April 2004, according to new allegations.

Internal FBI memorandums made public on Monday by the American Civil Liberties Union include detailed reports of detainees in Iraq being chained for long periods, left to defecate on themselves in cold prison cells, and other inhumane treatment.

The ACLU said the documents provide a paper trail implicating senior U.S. government officials in the illegal practices carried out by U.S. soldiers.

* INDEPTH: Iraq: The Road to Abu Ghraib

There were also accounts of detainees being tortured at the Guantanamo Bay prisoner camp in Cuba.

The documents, mainly e-mails written by FBI agents to superiors in Washington, were released as part of a lawsuit that alleges U.S. government complicity in the abuse of Iraqi and Afghan prisoners.

The documents had been obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

* FROM AUG. 24, 2004: Chaos, sadism at Abu Ghraib: U.S. report


The cake is a lie
Ugh. But hey, it's okay! I mean, after all, they're terrorists. Damn if I can understand that logic.

Merry effin Christmas, Rumsfailed, Shrub.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
It is obvious that America is in a Bush league after all.

I often point out to those who voted this liar into office, that THEY are as much responsible for these soldier's actions as Bush is. Not that they would ever accept responsibility for this or any other decision they have ever made. [/bitter rant]

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
My mom, who is normally a gentle and kind woman, was looking at Yahoo news the other day, and saw the headline "Bombing hits after Rumsfeld Leaves". She normally doesn't have a negative word to say about anyone, but she responded to this headline "Pity, too late."


Well-Known Member
FeathersinHair said:
My mom, who is normally a gentle and kind woman, was looking at Yahoo news the other day, and saw the headline "Bombing hits after Rumsfeld Leaves". She normally doesn't have a negative word to say about anyone, but she responded to this headline "Pity, too late."
Uh...Feathers? I think my mother-in-law may be your mother. Those were her exact words when she read our paper the other day.

She's normally such a gentle lady that it always leaves me with my mouth hanging open when she drops one of these quiet little bombshells.


Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Melody said:
Uh...Feathers? I think my mother-in-law may be your mother. Those were her exact words when she read our paper the other day.
We're sisters, I knew it! Well... step-sisters? You're extremly nice, so I'll probably have to be the evil one. :(


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
On its website, the ACLU said the documents suggested "President Bush issued an executive order authorizing the use of inhumane interrogation methods against detainees in Iraq."
What kind of country are we becoming?


Well-Known Member
NetDoc said:
It is obvious that America is in a Bush league after all.

I often point out to those who voted this liar into office, that THEY are as much responsible for these soldier's actions as Bush is. Not that they would ever accept responsibility for this or any other decision they have ever made. [/bitter rant]
While this sickens me, it doesn't surprise me. He has done absolutely nothing towards making anyone accountable for Abu Ghraib, other than a few lowly soldiers who would not have done this if someone higher up hadn't approved (tacitly or overtly). Which doesn't excuse them since they know the difference between right and wrong.

Gee...when all is said and done, I wonder if Bush will be the first U.S. president going to the Hague for war crimes? :eek:



Well-Known Member
FeathersinHair said:
We're sisters, I knew it! Well... step-sisters? You're extremly nice, so I'll probably have to be the evil one. :(
LOL....my brothers would get a kick out of anyone thinking I'm the nice one. :biglaugh:


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Jensa said:
An AMERICAN one, Sunstone! And that's all that matters! :banghead3
Yeah, I'm afraid that a shallow form of patriotism is rampart these days.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Our white horse just got another splater of blood on it. :(

While I realize that in war $hit happins, this is disgusting. The fact that there isn't more public outrage at these atrocities sickens me. :banghead3

I am a patriot, that means I'm willing to point out when my government is ruining my country!
Not mindless, self serving and frankly retarted flag waving. (and no tacky yellow magnetic ribbons on my car either, I support my troops by wanting them home.)



De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I think, Painted Wolf, that the outrage at these atrocities is quietly building into a disgust with the whole Iraq war. A recent poll showed a majority of Americans now regard the war as a mistake.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
I think that King Dubya will be known as the war president. He is wreckless beyond comprehension.


Well-Known Member
painted wolf said:
Our white horse just got another splater of blood on it. :(

While I realize that in war $hit happins, this is disgusting. The fact that there isn't more public outrage at these atrocities sickens me. :banghead3

I am a patriot, that means I'm willing to point out when my government is ruining my country!
Not mindless, self serving and frankly retarted flag waving. (and no tacky yellow magnetic ribbons on my car either, I support my troops by wanting them home.)

I have a bumper sticker on my car that says "I DO support our troops. I support bringing them home."



Veteran Member
Melody said:
I have a bumper sticker on my car that says "I DO support our troops. I support bringing them home."

The troops aint comming home.

1) China with a poplulation of 1 billion people is coming out of the dark ages and into the modern world.

2) India with a population of just under one billion has one of the fastest rising economies of present times

3) the two of these countires popluations equal about 40 % of the world's population.

4) The two countries are modernizing and to do this they need oil....a lot more than they did just 10 years ago.

5) The Bush empire and America (aka the taxpayers) both have substancial long term investments in the future of oil and its prices but unfortunelty they are tied up in the middle east and opec has a say.

6) If Opec and or ME oil companies decide to do business with the Chinese and India more (which seems natural to me) the price of oil is going to skyrocket. As in the we will remember the good old days when oil was only 2 dollars a gallon.

Torture happens in war. Executions happen in war. Children are murder in war woman are raped in wars. All wars and both sides. You will be hard pressed to find an execption although rape doens't seem to be reported yet in this war. The existanace of war is intimatly tied with torture murder rape and theft. It does not seem possible to seperate the two. Or at least the past efforts if it was tried failed.

You want to bring our troops home? Fight oil. If you see a bill or business trying to pormote hybrid cars be pro hybrid cars. Be pro nuclear power be pro electirc power.

The Bush admin was going to put a base in the middle east as soon as it could it will stay there until somebody with a differnt idea pulls it out. When and if the ME gets more control over its oil (cause the US backs off) the price of oil will go up as demand goes through the roof for it. Even if a future politican pulls them out (which will again accompany a tax spike and a negative offsetting in other funds most tradionally health care) somebody will put them right back in to protect our assets tied to oil.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
That's a brilliant but dismal analysis, Robtex. I fear it's a very accurate one. Frubals to you.


Veteran Member
Sunstone said:
That's a brilliant but dismal analysis, Robtex. I fear it's a very accurate one. Frubals to you.
Actually the chinese and india part is not mine and I want to credit the person who gave me the idea. His name is Robert M. and he works with me here in Austin. He was working on his masters in business admin at the Univ of Texas and he use to work for the republican party.

I have read other theories though and I am not sure how valid they are that part of the reasoning for establishing a base in the middle east is to protect Israel. It seems to be a priority for the current polical party so much so that Bush has said it is one of his goals this term to help to secure a peace between Palestine and Israel. I don't see the two theories as mutually exclusive but instead as complimentary.