This is really all about whether you believe truth is relative or objective.
Someone who believes truth is objective, holds it as one of their highest ideals, and cares about other people, is going to want to do whatever they can to help lead others to truth. That means speaking up when you see something that you believe is untrue, and when that happens there will likely be a back and forth as each person presents support for their beliefs, and in the end both people will hopefully learn something - regardless of whether they come to an agreement on what's true.
On the other hand, if you believe that truth is relative or subjective - that each person can have "their own truth" - then I can see why you'd be opposed to having arguments over what's true. The problem is, if you do indeed believe truth is subjective,
why are you making a thread trying to convince other people that you're right about this? For those of us who believe that finding truth is important and that argumentation is a good way to uncover it and share it with others,
you're attacking
our beliefs right now by telling us to stop attacking other people's beliefs. So it seems you've gotten yourself into quite a conundrum...
I wholeheartedly agree, though, that we should always try to be respectful when discussing these things, which means not being condescending, not insulting people, etc. But that doesn't mean we should ever stop questioning people about their beliefs and challenging them to defend them. If we cannot defend what we believe, we really have no right to assert that any of it is true.