Better stated, recent research only shows that Darwin's theory of common descent is not as tidy as claimed, and that evolution is still true. Darwin wrote "On the Origin of Species" in 1859. No reasonable person would have expected him to know more than he did about biology that long ago. For that time, Darwin's work was brilliant, and he is greatly admired by the vast majority of biologists today.
The article that you are referring to is at
Charles Darwin's tree of life is 'wrong and misleading', claim scientists - Telegraph. Unfortunately for you, the article shows that Dr. Bapteste accepts evolution. Consider the following:
But if you had bothered to check up on Michael Rose, you would have found out that he accepts evolution.
You first mentioned David Raup months ago in another thread, and I showed that the very same article says that Raup accepts evolution. He clearly said that although there are not as many intermediate fossils as claimed, there are still some. Raup definitely accepts evolution.
But Dembski's speciality is mathematics, not biology. In addition, the vast majority of experts disagree with Dembski. Further, Ken Miller's article on the flagellum at The Flagellum Unspun contradicts Dembski's claims about intelligent design. You have refused to comment on the article many times because you know that you do not understand it.
But MIchael Behe accepts common descent. Consider the following:
Michael Behe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The article shows that Behe accepts common descent, and only disagrees with Darwin about how common descent occurred.
But evolution does not need a foundation since it does not attempt to claim how life began, only how it changed. Just plain old common sense indicates that it is not necessary to know how life on earth began in order to study what happened to life after it began. There is not any reasonable scientific evidence at all that modern humans were instantly created, nor that a global flood occured.
If intelligent design is true, that would not tell us anything about the identity of the designer.
Do you object when people who know very little about biology, and geology, accept creationism, and the global flood theory? Do you consider yourself to be well-informed about geology? Do you think that the Bible requires that people learn a lot about biology, and geology, before they become Christians?
Your opinions are based upon biblical literalism, not upon your own personal scientific expertise. You do not even have a basic understanding of biology, and geology.
One research study showed that in the U.S., 99.86% of experts accept naturalistic or theistic evolution. Evolutionary theory is often very complex. The majority of people in the world do not know enough about biology to have informed opinions about evolution. They have the options of accepting the opinions of a large concensus of scientists, many of whom are Christians, or accepting the opinions of a relative handful of creationist experts. If they choose to accept the opinions of a relative handful of creationist experts, they need to know that a good percentage of those creationist experts also accept the global flood theory.