That's what I'm talking about about. Many Christians are taught to believe in a NT verse where Jesus allegedly says that he is the "truth, the life" and the no one comes to the Father except through him. They are taught that all other religions are false, regardless of how good a person is, because they believe that unless a person is "saved" they are going to hell.
We all see the problem with that when too many "Christians" merely go to church on Sunday and the rest of the week they aren't all that spiritual. Yet, they believe they are "saved" and that is what's important. The more committed Christians do try and live a spiritual life, but they will tell a person from another religion that they are wrong and that they are not believing in the true God. Of course that includes believing that God is three in one, that there is a devil and a place called hell and that unless a person is "born-again" they won't go to heaven, they'll go to hell. And that is because they believe a person can never be good enough, that a person must accept Jesus' sacrifice, to accept that he paid the price for their sins. For them, there is no other way and no other religion.
Those groups are usually some kind of Protestant denomination, but I'm sure that 2000 years ago when the Roman Church got going that they were thinking that they were the only ones right. So again, did any Christian group ever teach the true message of God and Jesus? And if not, then we can't expect a Jew or a Hindu, or a person from any other religion to accept the new manifestation and his teachings if they weren't the correct teachings. So who, if anybody, had the true message of Jesus?
What you say is very true but things are changing. The whole purpose of the Prophets appearing in the world is to foster fellowship, friendship, love and unity amongst people. Love is life and disharmony and disunity is death.
The Bible is the same now as it was 2,000 years ago but Christians have not yet learned how to make its teachings more relevant for our age. As you said they have difficulty seeing other Faiths or religionists as equals. But now the world is technologically united, attitudes of exclusiveness and prejudice are dangerous so people are being forced to reassess these attitudes. Couldn't love they neighbour be broadened into love all humanity and love your enemies be replaced with love all religionists? Of course and it is happening now.
There are sincere Christians who do love all Faiths and treat all other religionists kindly and sincerely. Not any one group takes a stance of complete tolerance but there are signs that many religions are starting to see the absurdity and danger of this superiority attitude and that it is turning people away from religion and now willingly take part in things like interfaith.
If you go to many Christian online bookstores you can now find fair and not too judgemental books on Baha'i, Islam and other Faiths that do say good things about them. These are just the very early signs of a new age of peace dawning between religions.
I think that because of technology and that we are one country, adjustment to this new world paradigm is taking time but I have full confidence that the average Christian is sincere and reasonable and is gradually realising that the love Christ taught then - 'love they neighbour and thine enemies' must, in this age, be translated into - "Love all mankind and love all religionists'.
It is a matter of reeducating people, to broaden their vision to look past self interest and it's working. People love the idea of universal brotherhood. There will always be a small number of those who oppose it but in general most Christians will see the truth in loving all humanity. Already we have the Declaration of Universal Human Rights. For sure universal tolerance is gradually replacing fanaticism and indifference, it's just happening gradually.
"Let your vision be world-embracing, rather than confined to your own self."
"Consort with the followers of all religions in a spirit of friendliness and fellowship.” - Baha'u'llah
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