Could the second coming in Christianity actually be referring to the destruction of this world and the recreation of a new world? It’s been a while since Jesus was on earth and we haven’t seen him yet. I’m getting doubtful.
Could the second coming in Christianity actually be referring to the destruction of this world and the recreation of a new world? It’s been a while since Jesus was on earth and we haven’t seen him yet. I’m getting doubtful.
Could the second coming in Christianity actually be referring to the destruction of this world and the recreation of a new world? It’s been a while since Jesus was on earth and we haven’t seen him yet. I’m getting doubtful.
I personally think you might get an answer to that quite doesn't leave room for any doubts....its has patience, knowing that the Creator is not governed by earth time.....universal time is apparently not like our spin of the top. "A thousand years is as one day" to him.....(2 Peter 3:8)