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Non-haters will enter paradise.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Zurãrah says: "I asked AbūJa‘far (a.s.) about the mustad‘afْﻀَﺘْﺴُﻤْﻟَاﻒَﻌ=weak, weakened,). He said: 'He is the one who does not have a means to disbelief (that he may disbelieve), nor does he find away to belief; he is unable to believe and unable to reject (the belief);among them are the children as well as those men and women whoseunderstanding is like that of the children; they are freed fromresponsibility." (al-Kãfī)

Tabatabai (r) says in his commentary:

The tradition is extensively narrated fromZurãrah; al-Kulaynī, as-Sadūq and al-‘Ayyãshīhave narrated it from him through numerous chains.

Al-Kulaynī narrated through his links from Ismã‘īl al-Ju‘fītha the said: "I asked AbūJa‘far (a.s.) about the religion which no one can afford to be ignorant of. He said: 'The religion is spacious, but the khãrijites, as a result of their ignorance, have cramped it for themselves.' I said: 'May I be your ransom! should I then relate to you then religion which I follow? He said: 'Yes.'So I said: 'I bear witness that there is no god except Allãh, and Muhammad is His servant andHis Messenger; and I acknowledge (and believe in) what he has brought from Allãh, the High; and I love you and I keep away from your enemies and those who oppressed you and [wrongfully] became your rulers and usurped your rights.' He said: 'By Allãh you have not overlooked anything. It is, by Allãh! the [religion] we are on.' Then Isaid: 'Can someone not knowing this matter be saved?' He said:'[None] except the weak ones.' I said: 'Who are they?' He said: 'Your women and your children.' Then he said: 'Had you seen Umm Ayman? I bear witness that she was from the people of the garden, but she did not know [in such detail the religion] you are on.'" (Al-kafi)

as-Sãdiq (a.s.) said explaining this verse: " 'who have not in their power the means 'to our enmity, so that they could have got ill-feelings [towards us],'nor can they find a way' to the truth, that they could come on the right path; they will enter the garden because of their good deeds and their abstaining from the unlawful things forbidden by Allãh, but they will not get the rank of the righteous ones." (ibid.;at-Tafsīr,al-‘Ayyãshī)Durays al-Kunãsī narrates that he said to Abū Ja‘far (a.s.):"May I be made your ransom! What is the condition of those who believe in the One God and the prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w.a.),who have committed sins and die without believing in an imãm and do not know about your love and obedience?" He said: "As for these,they shall remain in their graves, and not come out; whoever (among them) had done good deeds and did not show any animosity [towards us], a tunnal will be opened for him to the garden which Allãh has created in the west; thus refreshing breeze will continue reaching him in his grave upto the Day of Resurrection until he comes before Allãh; He will take account of his good and evil, then he will go either to the paradise or to the fire. These are they who depend on the decision ofAllãh. "Then he (a.s.) said: "And likewise is done to the weak ones,the idiots, the children and the minor children of the Muslims. And as for [our] antagonists among the People of the Qiblah, a tunnel is dug for them to the fire which Allãh has created in the east, and will reach to him the flames, sparks, smoke and the hell's out-bursts up to the Day of Resurrection; then their destination is the hell." (at-Tafsīr,al-Qummī)

Link's (mine) comment:

The context in Quran, is that, some people have no hatred towards the truth and if there is way to find they would, but really things are obstructing them from it.

There is also concept of orphans of family of Mohammad which means their father is neither Satan nor are they born of Ahlulbayt, but they need guidance, and so, they if good are ultimately forgiven.

But if people don't want to research Quran and Ahlulbayt out of malice, then that's a different story. There's a lot of people who haven't even heard of Ahlulbayt (a) nor have access to their teachings.

That said the proof aside from the verses of musatafeen, is that Quran says he doesn't forbid friendship and love to those who did not fight the believers during their time and said to not take God's enemy as a friend or love them while saying God is enemy of disbelievers.

It can be seen here disbelief is a matter of hatred and opposition to believers and their path, hate towards the Authority of God and his anointed kings (the Ahlulbayt).

One verse that comes to mind is:

O you who believe! when you go to war in Allah's way, make investigation, and do not say to any one who offers you peace: You are not a believer. Do you seek goods of this world's life! But with Allah there are abundant gains; you too were such before, then Allah conferred a benefit on you; therefore make investigation; surely Allah is aware of what you do.
SHAKIR (Quran 4:94)

Some more hadiths:

(end of my comments for now)

AS-Sãdiq (a.s.) narrates from his father, from his and father, from ‘Alī(a.s.) that he said: "Surely the Garden has eight gates: from one gate will enter the Prophets and the Truthful ones; from another
gate will enter the Witnesses and the Good servants; and from five gates will enter our Shī‘ahs and lovers; . . .and from [the eighth] gate will enter all the Muslims who bear witness that there is no god but Allãh and in whose heart there is not an atom's weight of animosity towards us, the Ahlu 'l-bayt(a.s.). (al-Khisãl)

Humrãn narrates: "I asked Abū‘Abdillãh (a.s.) about the word of Allãh: Except the weak ones. He said: 'They are the People ofal-wilãyah(ﺔَﻳﺎَﻟِﻮْﻟَا= friendship, authority, power, guardianship.)' I said:'Which wilãyah' He said: 'It is not the wilãyah in religion, but the wilãyah in marrying each other, inheriting from each other and mixing with each other; they are neither believers nor kãfirs(disbeliever), they are the ones made to await Allãh's command." (Ma‘ãni 'l-akhbãr;at-Tafsīr, al-‘Ayyãshī)

The author (Tabatabai) says: It refers to the verse: And others are made toawait Allãh's command, whether He will chastise them or whether Hewill turn to them (in mercy) . . .(9:106)‘

Alī(a.s.) said: "The name of weakness is not used for him towhom the proof has reached, and his ears heard it and his heartunderstood it." (Nahju 'l-balãghah)

al-Kãzzim (a.s.) was asked about the weak ones. He (a.s.)wrote: "The weak is he to whom proof has not been conveyed and who is unaware of [religious] difference. But he is no more weak once he knew the difference." (al-Kãfī)

as-Sãdiq (a.s.) was asked: "What do you say about the weakones" He replied in a dismayed manner, 'Have you left anyone who could be called weak? Where are the weak onesBecause, by Allãh! this affair of yours [i.e., Shī‘ite faith] has been taken by ladies in their boudoirs to other ladies, and have discussed it the water-carriers in the streets of Medina." (ibid.)

‘Umar ibn Ishãq says: "Abū‘Abdillãh (a.s.) was asked as to what was the definition of the weak which has been mentioned by Allãh. He said: 'He who does not properly recite any of the Qur’ãnic chapters, while Allãh has created it in such a way that no one should fail to recite it properly."' (Ma‘ãni '1-akhbãr)

My (Link's) comment: the last hadith shows those who cannot properly understand Quran due to translation issues or other reasons, they are included in mustafeen. Not everyone has reading comprehension, and also the true recitation needs help from ahadith and believers who know the hadiths well.

So, as long as people don't hate the truth or it's people, they are forgiven, and of course, if we do injustice, we can be hated for that, but if hated for our love of Ahlulbayt (a), then that is hate of Ahlulbayt (a). And if people refuse to research out of hatred, that's not allowed either.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Dang, that thread title leaves me out.
There are people I hate.
They're few in number though.
Family members figure prominently.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
And the reasoning is because goodness is defined with loving what has true value, and the highest valued beings aside from God is Ahlulbayt, and to hate God's authority is also not acceptable, and hence if his authority is rejected out of hatred or envy of who God has chosen, this is hatred towards goodness and it's highest embodiment.

That is why Quran says "who denies the goodness/beauty", in Suratal Layl.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Dang, that thread title leaves me out.
There are people I hate.
They're few in number though.
Family members figure prominently.

Lol, it means if you hate Ahlulbayt (chosen ones) and I'm sure by the way you talk about justice, you just don't know the proof for why God exists, why he sent Messengers ,etc...

You are a good guy in my book (person of paradise).


Veteran Member
Premium Member
"God loves those who do justice", the polytheists who kept true to their treaty are included in believers in that implication.

God doesn't hate all non-Muslims, he hates those who hate the truth and go their lives either ignoring or opposing it out of hatred.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Lol, it means if you hate Ahlulbayt (chosen ones) and I'm sure by the way you talk about justice, you just don't know the proof for why God exists, why he sent Messengers ,etc...

You are a good guy in my book (person of paradise).
People I hate are those who've perpetrated evil.
Mere different beliefs are no problem.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I posted this in another thread but it pertains to here well:

It also said if they would cease their hostility, not only will Prophet forgive them and not fight them anymore, but that God would forgive them.

This all Quran asks of humans who are non-Muslim, not to become hostile and seek to cover the truth. Kaffer is translated sometimes as disbeliever, but it can also as one who seeks to cover (the truth), and I believe the latter is the true interpretation in light of the verses I shared.

And it doesn't mean cover in the heart, it means active opposition to the truth, if people cease that, and say let's study in peace, God would not punish them. This is why the destroyed nations, Quran emphasizes they tried to force the believers out of their creed.

Today people who are not against Muslims having their own government and ruling themselves, I don't believe are disbelievers. I believe it's the people who gone to haywire in secularism, and are trying to force us out of our creed of theocracy that are the disbelievers. It's they who see the best people as the worse when Quran talks about the people of hell not being to count any of the humans who they counted as the worse of humans, and according to hadiths, this is regarding the followers of Ahlulbayt (a) and so those who show no hostility towards us - they like the other thread I showed are people of paradise.

But people who support oppressors, oppressors themselves, and those who are silent in watching all of it, I do believe are condemned in Quran. Apathy is also in this case silent approval "go ahead and oppress" and is due to hatred.

If people seek justice and stop their leaders from oppressing believers and don't seek to oppress believers, they would go to paradise.

Jeremiah Ames

Well-Known Member
Zurãrah says: "I asked AbūJa‘far (a.s.) about the mustad‘afْﻀَﺘْﺴُﻤْﻟَاﻒَﻌ=weak, weakened,). He said: 'He is the one who does not have a means to disbelief (that he may disbelieve), nor does he find away to belief; he is unable to believe and unable to reject (the belief);among them are the children as well as those men and women whoseunderstanding is like that of the children; they are freed fromresponsibility." (al-Kãfī)

Tabatabai (r) says in his commentary:

The tradition is extensively narrated fromZurãrah; al-Kulaynī, as-Sadūq and al-‘Ayyãshīhave narrated it from him through numerous chains.

Al-Kulaynī narrated through his links from Ismã‘īl al-Ju‘fītha the said: "I asked AbūJa‘far (a.s.) about the religion which no one can afford to be ignorant of. He said: 'The religion is spacious, but the khãrijites, as a result of their ignorance, have cramped it for themselves.' I said: 'May I be your ransom! should I then relate to you then religion which I follow? He said: 'Yes.'So I said: 'I bear witness that there is no god except Allãh, and Muhammad is His servant andHis Messenger; and I acknowledge (and believe in) what he has brought from Allãh, the High; and I love you and I keep away from your enemies and those who oppressed you and [wrongfully] became your rulers and usurped your rights.' He said: 'By Allãh you have not overlooked anything. It is, by Allãh! the [religion] we are on.' Then Isaid: 'Can someone not knowing this matter be saved?' He said:'[None] except the weak ones.' I said: 'Who are they?' He said: 'Your women and your children.' Then he said: 'Had you seen Umm Ayman? I bear witness that she was from the people of the garden, but she did not know [in such detail the religion] you are on.'" (Al-kafi)

as-Sãdiq (a.s.) said explaining this verse: " 'who have not in their power the means 'to our enmity, so that they could have got ill-feelings [towards us],'nor can they find a way' to the truth, that they could come on the right path; they will enter the garden because of their good deeds and their abstaining from the unlawful things forbidden by Allãh, but they will not get the rank of the righteous ones." (ibid.;at-Tafsīr,al-‘Ayyãshī)Durays al-Kunãsī narrates that he said to Abū Ja‘far (a.s.):"May I be made your ransom! What is the condition of those who believe in the One God and the prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w.a.),who have committed sins and die without believing in an imãm and do not know about your love and obedience?" He said: "As for these,they shall remain in their graves, and not come out; whoever (among them) had done good deeds and did not show any animosity [towards us], a tunnal will be opened for him to the garden which Allãh has created in the west; thus refreshing breeze will continue reaching him in his grave upto the Day of Resurrection until he comes before Allãh; He will take account of his good and evil, then he will go either to the paradise or to the fire. These are they who depend on the decision ofAllãh. "Then he (a.s.) said: "And likewise is done to the weak ones,the idiots, the children and the minor children of the Muslims. And as for [our] antagonists among the People of the Qiblah, a tunnel is dug for them to the fire which Allãh has created in the east, and will reach to him the flames, sparks, smoke and the hell's out-bursts up to the Day of Resurrection; then their destination is the hell." (at-Tafsīr,al-Qummī)

Link's (mine) comment:

The context in Quran, is that, some people have no hatred towards the truth and if there is way to find they would, but really things are obstructing them from it.

There is also concept of orphans of family of Mohammad which means their father is neither Satan nor are they born of Ahlulbayt, but they need guidance, and so, they if good are ultimately forgiven.

But if people don't want to research Quran and Ahlulbayt out of malice, then that's a different story. There's a lot of people who haven't even heard of Ahlulbayt (a) nor have access to their teachings.

That said the proof aside from the verses of musatafeen, is that Quran says he doesn't forbid friendship and love to those who did not fight the believers during their time and said to not take God's enemy as a friend or love them while saying God is enemy of disbelievers.

It can be seen here disbelief is a matter of hatred and opposition to believers and their path, hate towards the Authority of God and his anointed kings (the Ahlulbayt).

One verse that comes to mind is:

O you who believe! when you go to war in Allah's way, make investigation, and do not say to any one who offers you peace: You are not a believer. Do you seek goods of this world's life! But with Allah there are abundant gains; you too were such before, then Allah conferred a benefit on you; therefore make investigation; surely Allah is aware of what you do.
SHAKIR (Quran 4:94)

Some more hadiths:

(end of my comments for now)

AS-Sãdiq (a.s.) narrates from his father, from his and father, from ‘Alī(a.s.) that he said: "Surely the Garden has eight gates: from one gate will enter the Prophets and the Truthful ones; from another
gate will enter the Witnesses and the Good servants; and from five gates will enter our Shī‘ahs and lovers; . . .and from [the eighth] gate will enter all the Muslims who bear witness that there is no god but Allãh and in whose heart there is not an atom's weight of animosity towards us, the Ahlu 'l-bayt(a.s.). (al-Khisãl)

Humrãn narrates: "I asked Abū‘Abdillãh (a.s.) about the word of Allãh: Except the weak ones. He said: 'They are the People ofal-wilãyah(ﺔَﻳﺎَﻟِﻮْﻟَا= friendship, authority, power, guardianship.)' I said:'Which wilãyah' He said: 'It is not the wilãyah in religion, but the wilãyah in marrying each other, inheriting from each other and mixing with each other; they are neither believers nor kãfirs(disbeliever), they are the ones made to await Allãh's command." (Ma‘ãni 'l-akhbãr;at-Tafsīr, al-‘Ayyãshī)

The author (Tabatabai) says: It refers to the verse: And others are made toawait Allãh's command, whether He will chastise them or whether Hewill turn to them (in mercy) . . .(9:106)‘

Alī(a.s.) said: "The name of weakness is not used for him towhom the proof has reached, and his ears heard it and his heartunderstood it." (Nahju 'l-balãghah)

al-Kãzzim (a.s.) was asked about the weak ones. He (a.s.)wrote: "The weak is he to whom proof has not been conveyed and who is unaware of [religious] difference. But he is no more weak once he knew the difference." (al-Kãfī)

as-Sãdiq (a.s.) was asked: "What do you say about the weakones" He replied in a dismayed manner, 'Have you left anyone who could be called weak? Where are the weak onesBecause, by Allãh! this affair of yours [i.e., Shī‘ite faith] has been taken by ladies in their boudoirs to other ladies, and have discussed it the water-carriers in the streets of Medina." (ibid.)

‘Umar ibn Ishãq says: "Abū‘Abdillãh (a.s.) was asked as to what was the definition of the weak which has been mentioned by Allãh. He said: 'He who does not properly recite any of the Qur’ãnic chapters, while Allãh has created it in such a way that no one should fail to recite it properly."' (Ma‘ãni '1-akhbãr)

My (Link's) comment: the last hadith shows those who cannot properly understand Quran due to translation issues or other reasons, they are included in mustafeen. Not everyone has reading comprehension, and also the true recitation needs help from ahadith and believers who know the hadiths well.

So, as long as people don't hate the truth or it's people, they are forgiven, and of course, if we do injustice, we can be hated for that, but if hated for our love of Ahlulbayt (a), then that is hate of Ahlulbayt (a). And if people refuse to research out of hatred, that's not allowed either.

unfortunately, I don’t understand everything in your post

but the title I agree with 100%


Veteran Member
Premium Member
unfortunately, I don’t understand everything in your post

but the title I agree with 100%

It's about a verse in Quran that says about a certain people may enter paradise despite not coming to Mohammad (s) and accepting his message, because they don't find a way to disbelieve or believe.

The hadiths show those without hatred will enter paradise, but those who hate God's chosen, different story for them.

Jeremiah Ames

Well-Known Member
It's about a verse in Quran that says about a certain people may enter paradise despite not coming to Mohammad (s) and accepting his message, because they don't find a way to disbelieve or believe.

oh, very nice, thank you

that makes sense to me

I think that would be the case regarding a loving God

anyone, who is good would be accepted by a loving God, regardless of their religion, or even non religion, imo


Veteran Member
Premium Member
oh, very nice, thank you

that makes sense to me

I think that would be the case regarding a loving God

anyone, who is good would be accepted by a loving God, regardless of their religion, or even non religion, imo

"Good" is for believers, but he will forgive and accept the actions of those not evil let's say, and hell is really for the worse of humans only. Not people who aren't aware of the truth and have no hostility to it. It's for the "worst" per a verse in Quran. Those who deny clear proofs, not just simply a person who doesn't know.

Envy towards the blessed tree is condemned, which is why we have ahadith, that explain the Shiites of Ahlulbayt of each era, who are seen as THE WORST People by the people of hell, that no human who didn't hate them will enter hell. Anyone who had any love towards the followers of Ahlulbayt (A) will enter paradise. I got to bring those hadiths, it's a verse in Surah Saad and the hadiths explaining what I paraphrased.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'm going to bring that verse and hadiths for it, it's an eye opener for me.


Veteran Member
God doesn't hate all non-Muslims, he hates those who hate the truth and go their lives either ignoring or opposing it out of hatred.

I guess I'm safe then.
My disbelief, after all, is not at all motivated by "hatred".

It's motivated by total lack of evidence for magical fantastical claims, making it irrational to believe any of it.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Zurãrah says: "I asked AbūJa‘far (a.s.) about the mustad‘afْﻀَﺘْﺴُﻤْﻟَاﻒَﻌ=weak, weakened,). He said: 'He is the one who does not have a means to disbelief (that he may disbelieve), nor does he find away to belief; he is unable to believe and unable to reject (the belief);among them are the children as well as those men and women whoseunderstanding is like that of the children; they are freed fromresponsibility." (al-Kãfī)

Tabatabai (r) says in his commentary:

The tradition is extensively narrated fromZurãrah; al-Kulaynī, as-Sadūq and al-‘Ayyãshīhave narrated it from him through numerous chains.

Al-Kulaynī narrated through his links from Ismã‘īl al-Ju‘fītha the said: "I asked AbūJa‘far (a.s.) about the religion which no one can afford to be ignorant of. He said: 'The religion is spacious, but the khãrijites, as a result of their ignorance, have cramped it for themselves.' I said: 'May I be your ransom! should I then relate to you then religion which I follow? He said: 'Yes.'So I said: 'I bear witness that there is no god except Allãh, and Muhammad is His servant andHis Messenger; and I acknowledge (and believe in) what he has brought from Allãh, the High; and I love you and I keep away from your enemies and those who oppressed you and [wrongfully] became your rulers and usurped your rights.' He said: 'By Allãh you have not overlooked anything. It is, by Allãh! the [religion] we are on.' Then Isaid: 'Can someone not knowing this matter be saved?' He said:'[None] except the weak ones.' I said: 'Who are they?' He said: 'Your women and your children.' Then he said: 'Had you seen Umm Ayman? I bear witness that she was from the people of the garden, but she did not know [in such detail the religion] you are on.'" (Al-kafi)

as-Sãdiq (a.s.) said explaining this verse: " 'who have not in their power the means 'to our enmity, so that they could have got ill-feelings [towards us],'nor can they find a way' to the truth, that they could come on the right path; they will enter the garden because of their good deeds and their abstaining from the unlawful things forbidden by Allãh, but they will not get the rank of the righteous ones." (ibid.;at-Tafsīr,al-‘Ayyãshī)Durays al-Kunãsī narrates that he said to Abū Ja‘far (a.s.):"May I be made your ransom! What is the condition of those who believe in the One God and the prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w.a.),who have committed sins and die without believing in an imãm and do not know about your love and obedience?" He said: "As for these,they shall remain in their graves, and not come out; whoever (among them) had done good deeds and did not show any animosity [towards us], a tunnal will be opened for him to the garden which Allãh has created in the west; thus refreshing breeze will continue reaching him in his grave upto the Day of Resurrection until he comes before Allãh; He will take account of his good and evil, then he will go either to the paradise or to the fire. These are they who depend on the decision ofAllãh. "Then he (a.s.) said: "And likewise is done to the weak ones,the idiots, the children and the minor children of the Muslims. And as for [our] antagonists among the People of the Qiblah, a tunnel is dug for them to the fire which Allãh has created in the east, and will reach to him the flames, sparks, smoke and the hell's out-bursts up to the Day of Resurrection; then their destination is the hell." (at-Tafsīr,al-Qummī)

Link's (mine) comment:

The context in Quran, is that, some people have no hatred towards the truth and if there is way to find they would, but really things are obstructing them from it.

There is also concept of orphans of family of Mohammad which means their father is neither Satan nor are they born of Ahlulbayt, but they need guidance, and so, they if good are ultimately forgiven.

But if people don't want to research Quran and Ahlulbayt out of malice, then that's a different story. There's a lot of people who haven't even heard of Ahlulbayt (a) nor have access to their teachings.

That said the proof aside from the verses of musatafeen, is that Quran says he doesn't forbid friendship and love to those who did not fight the believers during their time and said to not take God's enemy as a friend or love them while saying God is enemy of disbelievers.

It can be seen here disbelief is a matter of hatred and opposition to believers and their path, hate towards the Authority of God and his anointed kings (the Ahlulbayt).

One verse that comes to mind is:

O you who believe! when you go to war in Allah's way, make investigation, and do not say to any one who offers you peace: You are not a believer. Do you seek goods of this world's life! But with Allah there are abundant gains; you too were such before, then Allah conferred a benefit on you; therefore make investigation; surely Allah is aware of what you do.
SHAKIR (Quran 4:94)

Some more hadiths:

(end of my comments for now)

AS-Sãdiq (a.s.) narrates from his father, from his and father, from ‘Alī(a.s.) that he said: "Surely the Garden has eight gates: from one gate will enter the Prophets and the Truthful ones; from another
gate will enter the Witnesses and the Good servants; and from five gates will enter our Shī‘ahs and lovers; . . .and from [the eighth] gate will enter all the Muslims who bear witness that there is no god but Allãh and in whose heart there is not an atom's weight of animosity towards us, the Ahlu 'l-bayt(a.s.). (al-Khisãl)

Humrãn narrates: "I asked Abū‘Abdillãh (a.s.) about the word of Allãh: Except the weak ones. He said: 'They are the People ofal-wilãyah(ﺔَﻳﺎَﻟِﻮْﻟَا= friendship, authority, power, guardianship.)' I said:'Which wilãyah' He said: 'It is not the wilãyah in religion, but the wilãyah in marrying each other, inheriting from each other and mixing with each other; they are neither believers nor kãfirs(disbeliever), they are the ones made to await Allãh's command." (Ma‘ãni 'l-akhbãr;at-Tafsīr, al-‘Ayyãshī)

The author (Tabatabai) says: It refers to the verse: And others are made toawait Allãh's command, whether He will chastise them or whether Hewill turn to them (in mercy) . . .(9:106)‘

Alī(a.s.) said: "The name of weakness is not used for him towhom the proof has reached, and his ears heard it and his heartunderstood it." (Nahju 'l-balãghah)

al-Kãzzim (a.s.) was asked about the weak ones. He (a.s.)wrote: "The weak is he to whom proof has not been conveyed and who is unaware of [religious] difference. But he is no more weak once he knew the difference." (al-Kãfī)

as-Sãdiq (a.s.) was asked: "What do you say about the weakones" He replied in a dismayed manner, 'Have you left anyone who could be called weak? Where are the weak onesBecause, by Allãh! this affair of yours [i.e., Shī‘ite faith] has been taken by ladies in their boudoirs to other ladies, and have discussed it the water-carriers in the streets of Medina." (ibid.)

‘Umar ibn Ishãq says: "Abū‘Abdillãh (a.s.) was asked as to what was the definition of the weak which has been mentioned by Allãh. He said: 'He who does not properly recite any of the Qur’ãnic chapters, while Allãh has created it in such a way that no one should fail to recite it properly."' (Ma‘ãni '1-akhbãr)

My (Link's) comment: the last hadith shows those who cannot properly understand Quran due to translation issues or other reasons, they are included in mustafeen. Not everyone has reading comprehension, and also the true recitation needs help from ahadith and believers who know the hadiths well.

So, as long as people don't hate the truth or it's people, they are forgiven, and of course, if we do injustice, we can be hated for that, but if hated for our love of Ahlulbayt (a), then that is hate of Ahlulbayt (a). And if people refuse to research out of hatred, that's not allowed either.
Have you ever considered arrogance as a form of hatred - since you seem to exhibit such rather too much. :oops: