Note about regulation.....
Some regulation is worthwhile.
Remember the S&L crisis, anyone?
Leading up to that, home appraisers were unregulated. They could
give the bank any number the homeowner needed to get the loan.
They'd actually base the appraisal upon the the loan application.
Consequently, many loans were made for more than the house was
worth. Nowadays, appraisers are generally honest, objective, &
ethical....cuz of severe penalties if they aren't.
Why is this regulation good?
Because it creates transparency, which makes for a stable & honest market.
Some regulation is worthwhile.
Remember the S&L crisis, anyone?
Leading up to that, home appraisers were unregulated. They could
give the bank any number the homeowner needed to get the loan.
They'd actually base the appraisal upon the the loan application.
Consequently, many loans were made for more than the house was
worth. Nowadays, appraisers are generally honest, objective, &
ethical....cuz of severe penalties if they aren't.
Why is this regulation good?
Because it creates transparency, which makes for a stable & honest market.