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Obedience in Physical and Spiritual Systems-Obedience of Imam of Age and Khilafat-Capture of Hearts.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.


Image of chapter 4, verse 60 of Holy Quran

Translation: O ye who believe! obey Allah and obey Messenger and also authorities among you. And if you differ (with authorities) in any matter then refer it to Allah and Messenger if you (really) believe in Allah and the Last Day. It is an excellent (way) and the best with respect to End.

Here a principle is laid down in this verse that a true momin (believer) has to highlight his quality of obedience of Allah the Exalted, the Messenger and the authorities. But if authorities issue a directive which is contrary to clear directive of Allah the Exalted and His Messenger, in that case, the directive of Allah and His Messenger has the precedence. If there is no interference in religious matters by Muslim or non Muslim authorities, their obedience is mandatory.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said in this regard: In Quran, there is command that “ati-ullaha wa ati-ur-rasula wa olil-amrey minkum” [obey Allah and obey Messenger and also authorities among you] . Now, there is clear command of obeying ‘olil-amr’ [athuroities]. If one says government is not included in minkum [among you], it is his obvious mistake. The thing done by government according to Shariah, is included in ‘minkum’ [among you]. The one who does not opposes us, is among us….As clear indication, it is proved from Quran that government should be obeyed.

Thus the Hakam (arbitrator) and Adal (Judge) of this era [Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) mentioned these titles for his Promised Messiah (a.s.)] made it clear that believers, with the exception of the orders which negate orders of God the Exalted and His Messenger, should obey government in general worldly matters and fully obey rules of country.

If current Muslims adopt this golden principle that they should not fight with government of the time, then peace to great extent can be established in many countries which are facing conflicts.

Without going into debate that what is the degree of responsibility of rulers and discord-makers in unrests and how much Muslim Ummah is being affected, a quote from Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) is being presented which guides about:

Standard of obedience,

Importance of Obedience,

Losses due to disobedience,

The role of obedience in spread of Islam,

And other aspects.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) says:

“…That is, observe obedience of Allah and His Messenger and kings. Obedience is such a thing that if observed with true heart, then there comes a Nur (luminosity) in heart, pleasure and light in soul. Mujahedat (struggles) are not needed that much, as much obedience is required. But yes, it is the condition that obedience should be real and this one is the difficult matter. It is essential to slaughter low-desire of self. Without it, obedience cannot be done. Low-desire of self is something which can become idol in the hearts of significant and grand ones. How much blessing was upon Sahaba (Companions – may Allah be pleased with all of them) and how much they were the people lost in the obedience of Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). It is true that a nation cannot be called a nation, and soul of ‘milliyat’ (religion, nation) and ‘yagangat’ (unity, concord) is not breathed in them unless it adopt the principle of obedience. If difference in opinion and split remains, then understand that these are signs of ‘idbar’ (inopportune, defeat) and decline….. Mutual difference and internal conflicts are included in all the reasons of weakness of Muslims. Thus if (they) leave the difference of opinion and obey the one -- for whose obedience, Allah the Exalted has commanded -- then the deed they want to do, is done. The Hand of Allah the Exalted is upon Jama'at. In it, the secret is, Allah the Exalted likes ‘toheed’ (unity) and this unity cannot be established until obedience is observed. In the time of Messenger of God (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) Companions were great people of opinion. God has fashioned them so. They were well acquainted with principle of politics. Because later when Hazrat Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) and Hazrat Umer (may Allah be pleased with him) and other respected Companions happened to be Khalifah-s and government came into their hands , they took care the heavy weight of realm with such excellence and management that it can be very well learned from it that how much they possessed the excellence of being of people of opinion. But in the presence of Gracious Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), there condition was such that When he (s.a.w.) said something, they considered all of their ways and wisdoms thin. And whatever Messenger of God (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said, they maintained it compulsory to act upon. Their state of being lost in obedience was such that they would look for blessing in his left over water of wadhu (ablution). They would believe that his lips were blessed. If they did not have such sense of obedience and such acceptance, and if everyone would give precedence to his opinion, and there would be split, then they would not have achieved so high stations. To me, to solve disputes of Shia and Sunnis, this one argument is enough, that there was no mutual split in respected Companions – yes any kind of split – and animosity because their progresses and successes are providing argument of the fact that they were mutually one. They did not have any animosity to anyone. Understanding-less opponents said that Islam is spread with the force of sword. But I say, it is not correct. The fact of matter is that the channels of hearts were filled with the water of obedience and began to flow. It was the result of that unity and obedience that they captured other hearts. My mazhub (religion, faith, creed, mode) is that The sword which they had to lift, it was only for self defense. Even if they had not lifted the sword, certainly they had won the world by tongue only…. The talk which comes from heart, no doubt, it surely influences heart….They (companions) accepted an honesty and truth -- and (they) accepted with true heart. There was no artificiality and show-off in it. Their honesty became the means of their successes. It is right that an honest (person) uses the sword of his honesty. His – Messenger of God’s – face and appearance, which was wrapped in the light of having trust in God, and which was carrying colour of Jalal (dignity, grandeur) and Jamal (beauty, elegance); in it, there was an attraction and power that he, instinctively, attracted hearts. And, then, his Jama'at presented such model of obedience of Messenger that its steadfastness proved to be such para-miraculous that whoever would see them, he would be drawn to them instinctively. In short, now too, the condition and unity like Companions is needed because Allah the Exalted has counted this Jama'at -- which is being prepared by the hand of Promised Messiah -- with that Jama'at which was prepared by Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). And because the progress of Jama'at is made by the model of such people, that is why, you – who desire to meet the Jama'at of Companions by being in Jama'at of Promised Messiah -- should develop the colour of the Companions in yourselves. If it is obedience, it should be like that (done by Companions), if it is mutual love and brotherhood it should be like that. In short, in each colour and each form, you should adopt the same type which was of the Companions.”

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Peace be upon you.

Explanation of the quote:

In this one quote, Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has explained many things.

1) First thing is to obey Allah the Exalted and obey Messenger of Allah the Exalted.

2) And then obey ‘olul-amr’ i.e your leaders; the governmental system and system of Jama'at are in this category.

3) Obedience of Khilafat is superior to these two (systems) because Khilafat establishes commandments of Allah and His Messenger and the system of Jama'at is under Khilafat.

It is the beauty of Khilafat that if sometimes any problem occurs in the relation between the workers (appointed to run the system of Jama'at) and the members of Jama'at, then it is included in the responsibilities of the Khalifah of the time to remove it.

As it is said that obedience of Khilafat is above obedience of government. There should be no misunderstanding of any kind about it. Khalifah of time obeys laws of country more than others, and he makes others obey the law of land too.

According to Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), ‘olul-amr’ physically means kings and spiritually it means Imam of the era.

Thus within the government’s worldly system, a spiritual system can run too and it is running. We are fortunate that we are the part of this spiritual system. To generate system of Imam of age, Allah the Exalted has generated system of Khilafat which strives to establish the government of Allah and His Messenger in hearts, and in case there is difference, as Allah has commanded, it decides according to directive of Allah and His Messenger.

Also, It is benevolence of Allah the Exalted for us that we have system of Khilafat otherwise there are different commentaries by various sects and Fuqaha-s about the words of verse mentioned in the beginning “And if you differ (with authorities) in any matter then refer it to Allah and Messenger ”. Some of these commentaries make matters more complicated rather than solve it. Similarly diverse ideas can make problems in explaining in the matters of dealings with government of the time.

Various ideas can create different problems. Thus one Ijtehad [to find a solution in the light of Quran, Hadith and Companions’ understands] and one decision can only be made under Khilafat. And for this, as much thanks Ahmadis offer to Allah the Exalted, it is less. This thanks can only be expressed by fully obeying Khilafat.

4) Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said very important thing that if obedience is done with true heart, a Nur comes in heart and delight and light comes in soul. It definitely means obedience of spiritual system. Everyone can gauge his obedience at this standard by himself that how much he is obeying Allah, Messenger, Promised Messiah and his Khilafat and system of Khilafat. Nur should be developed…… By obeying government of the time, there will be peace but the spiritual delight and light is only in obedience of spiritual system.

5) Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) mentioned a point to raise spiritual standard that exercises are not that much needed as obedience is needed. Without obedience, a person cannot get spiritual light and peace of life. Those who think high about their Salaat-s and worships but they are out of obedience, they cannot become heir of blessings of Allah the Exalted.

6) To get standard of obedience, Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) also said that It is essential to slaughter low-desire of self for obedience; one has to kill one’s arrogance; one has to align one’s desire according to pleasure of Allah and Messenger. Without it obedience is not possible. Idols of self-liking and arrogance can be present in the hearts of apparently great believers of Unity of God; these can make one go out of small obedience at a time, let alone big obedience. Companions got highest results of their worships after obedience only, which are model for us today. A hadith says that even if a hubshi slave with small head is appointed over you, obey him.

7) Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) made clear that national progress is related to obedience too. A nation cannot be called a nation and soul of nation-hood and unity is not breathed into them unless they observe the principle of obedience. It is secret of progress. Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said that progress is achieved with being with Jama'at, listening to Imam of age and doing obedience. If Muslim, today, understand this principle, they can become great unmatchable power…. But we, who are called Ahmadis, should strive to get standards of perfect obedience. Allah the Exalted has said that obedience is the best with respect to spirituality for the End. Obedience will bring good End which will develop revolution.

We see in worldly systems that spirit of obedience shows wonders too.

Napoleon took charge of France when it was declining from its heights. He told people that their split would not let them get success and they needed to develop obedience for victory. People who cared about country clustered around him and made him their leader and did best obedience. Their obedience was so great that it changed the Napoleon for good too…A time came when Napoleon was defeated after a big battle and was imprisoned in an island of Italy. Then he was freed by the help of some people. He came to the shore of France again. By then there was a new government in France. The new king had brought Generals and soldiers through pastors, and made them to swear on bible to obey new government. He used bible because he knew Napoleon had developed such sense of obedience in people that if he would come, people would join him again……After being free and coming to France, Napoleon started to gather people, like landlords etc, around him. They were loyal to him but they were not trained soldiers and had less weapons…..When the new king learned about it, he sent a General with army to crush them. By chance both parties faced each other at a narrow valley. When people of Napoleon tried to cross it, governmental army killed them by firing. Then he sent more people but they were destroyed too. The gap was tight, there was no path to cross and governmental people had sworn on bible to be with the king……Because, earlier it was Napoleon who had infused sense of obedience in people (now with king) so he told his loyals to go to the gap and announce, ‘Napoleon asks to vacate the valley’. But governmental soldiers continued to do firing because they had pledged thus they could not obey Napoleon’s order…….. Napoleon did not believe it, he thought his training for obedience was such that it was impossible that soldiers would not listen to him. He sent more loyals but they were killed too. Eventually he went personally and said he was Napoleon, leave the path. The governmental officer said time was changed and they had sworn for loyalty to new government…….. Napoleon thought he was the one who taught loyalty, these people could not forget the lesson so easily. He said, ‘People with him must go ahead and if they (governmental) have forgotten the lesson which he taught them then he is standing there, come and fire at the chest of their king (Napoleon)’… He had ruled them. At these words, the dormant passions of loyalty and obedience woke up in soldiers, they shouted, ‘long live Napoleon’ and joined him. Some of them were crying like children…..When the General moved ahead to control the matters, he heard Napoleon calling, ‘your king Napoleon calls you’, General and his army too forgot latter-made pledge and remembered the first-pledge and joined Napoleon too…….These were Napoleon’s struggles that he changed the chaos of France into serious obedience for progress.

Hazrat Musleh Mo’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) deduce from above narration that Napoleon did not have support of God the Exalted which a true religion possesses, yet they brought revolution….. But Bai'at-doers have different state. Bai'at connotes to consume the self into obedience and this meaning is so high that obedience in worldly matters cannot compete it…. This method “atiullaha wa atiur rasula wa olil amre minkum” [obey Allah and obey Messenger and also authorities among you] is such that a nation can never be successful without practicing it – it does not matter if the nation follows the true religion or is ignorant of it.

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) explains that It is always needed to keep in view the sayings of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) that To become a nation, unity and obedience is extremely essential. And without it, there will be fall and decline only. In this regard Holy Quran has made it clear that. Allah the Exalted says:


[Image of verse 104, chapter 3 from Holy Quran]
Translation: And hold tight, all together, by the rope of Allah and do not make split and remember the favour of Allah on you that when you were enemies (of each other) He united your hearts mutually and then you became (as) brothers with His favour. And you were (standing) on the rim of pit of fire then He saved you from it. Like this Allah explains His verses for you that you may be guided.

Thus it is clear directive of Allah the Exalted. It is unfortunate of Muslims that despite this clear commandment they are at the acme of split. They have forgotten the favours granted to them. That is why they are touching the limits of fall and decline. This state was from the time of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) as mentioned. Now it has reached to maximum compared to that time. But they do not realize.

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Peace be upon you.

8) Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said If you leave the difference of opinion and obey the one [i.e. the Imam of era – The Promised Messiah who is the true servant of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) ] then see how every matter will be blessed. May Allah the Exalted grant them wisdom.

9) Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said The Hand of Allah the Exalted is upon Jama'at and we find the same in the sayings of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him).

Until this unity is established, neither God the Exalted will be found nor other successes. Finding God and understanding the Unity of God is achieved by those who has unity. We should not be satisfied only upon doing Bai'at. It is required to achieve the (high) standard of Bai'at and it is known from the meaning of word Bai'at i.e. ‘sold’. Only then we shall be heir of blessings of God the Exalted.

10) Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) gave the example of Hazrat Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) and Hazrat Umer (may Allah be pleased with him) and with the general mention of other Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with them) that these were people of correct opinion. They had worldly and political understanding. These qualities were manifested to them when time came and they ran the government very elegantly. But, in the life time of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) it seemed that they did not know anything. Complete obedience and following the directives was their motto. They would consider their own ways, wisdom and intelligence very low. Then the world saw how these Sahabah guided the world. The same training showed very high models of obedience in Khilafat e Rashidah too.

There is an event in history. Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (may Allah be pleased with him)’s was selfless, wise and kept the national interest in view. He received a letter from Hazrat Umer (may Allah be pleased with him) during a battle. It carried the news of passing away of Hazrat Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him), and Hazrat Umer (r.a.) had appointed Hazrat Ubaidah (r.a.) as the commander of army while discharging Hazrat Khalid bin Walid (r.a.) from the post. In larger national interest, Hazrat Ubaidah did not tell Hazrat Khalid about it till the peace treaty with people of Damascus was made. He made Hazrat Khalid to sign on treaty. Later when Hazrat Khalid learned that he was already dismissed and Hazrat Ubaidah was made commander, he complained why he was not told earlier but Hazrat Ubaidah let it go and praised his adventures and satisfied him. Islamic General Hazrat Khalid bin Walid showed extreme model of obedience to Khilafat at that time and said, ‘People, the Amin (trustworthy – title granted to Hazrat Ubaidah by Holy Prophet s.a.w. ) of this Ummah has been appointed as your Amir’. Hazrat Abu Ubaidah replied, ‘I have heard Messenger of Allah saying that Khalid is one of the swords of Allah’s swords and is the best person of the tribe.’………Thus it was the example of accepting the decision of Khalifah of the time with pleased heart……There is grace of God on Jama'at in this regard. Exceptionally once in a while it happens that when someone is released from rank, they ask why and what was their shortcoming…If those high models from history are kept in view, then never such questions are raised.

11) Today the Quran is same which has directives from Allah the Exalted, there is same Messenger who has guided, guidance is present in Ahadith, but then Muslims are either having mutual discord or they seek help from the world…………….Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) explained that today’s sectarian split is due to getting out of obedience. It is decline. If they become one today, this objection of others will fall that Islam was spread with sword. The obedience and unity of companions was such that it had captured the hearts. Such a unity is needed now. He (a.s.) drew attention of his Jama'at that they should develop model of Companions so that their truth defeat the opponents. And this will be achieved when complete obedience will be developed in each of us. If there will be complete obedience of Allah the Exalted and His Messenger then they shall get share from the Nur which was granted to Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). Thus it is a great responsibility of an Ahmadi that after coming into the Bai'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) they should become such a model of “ati-ullaha wa ati-ur-rasula wa olil-amrey minkum” [obey Allah and obey Messenger and also authorities among you] that it should draw attention of world towards them. It is the weapon, with which we can win the hearts of the world -- and with which we can bring the world at the service of Allah and His Messenger -- with which we can guide the world -- with which we can end the discords in the world….. We do have commandments of Allah the Exalted in the form of Quran e Karim, which is obey-able and practicable for us, we do have model of Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) which is obligatory for us to obey, we do have spiritual system of ‘olul-amr’ [as mentioned earlier, spiritually it means Imam of the era] which continues to draw attention towards directives of Allah and Messenger. Thus there is no reason that we should not make a pointed difference between us and others. May Allah the Exalted enable all of us to do so, and may we always fulfill Hazrat Promised Messiah’s (on whom be peace) expectations from us. [Aameen]

Based on Friday sermon, December 5, 2014, by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), UK, at alislam.org and mta.tv
Images of verses from alislamDOTorg/quran
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