Guess I'm more vampire.
I tried to buy vampire fangs when I was a teen. I could never get them to stay in...
That made me laugh out loud, fangs for the memory.
A friend works for the civil service, she got promoted to director of admin. One of her tasks is to travel to London every month and present a report to the PM and cabinet.
She was a big Buffy the Vampire slayer fan and one time there was a convention being held at the same time as her visit to #10.
With no chance to return to her hotel after the meeting she packed her vampire fangs in her brief case.
She waited for the black door to open, this was the first time the guard chose to search her. She opened her case, the fangs on top. I believe the expression on the guards face was wonderful.
She actually explained her way out of it but had to leave the fangs with security until after the meeting.
To make matters worse the guard had changed when she was leaving and had to ask another stern faces protection squad guy for her fangs.