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Oldest religion in the world?


Well-Known Member
So... I found this on the web. Not sure how accurate it is but... found it very interesting anyway. What do you guys think? I figured this may be an interesting debate... :flirt:

  • Religion goes back at least as far as human civilizations. Nobody knows what the first religion was. The Egyptians predate the Jews, The Mesopotamians predate them. The Chinese predate them...
  • Religions with a creation story often claim to be the oldest, since the world began with that creation and with the god or gods of that religion.
  • Others say that animism would be the oldest known type of religion. This is a primitive religion, which sprang up independently in many areas of the world, but in most countries has mainly been replaced by more formal religion. In animism, spirits are considered to inhabit familiar objects in the landscape. For example, Australian aboriginal beliefs probably go back 60,000 or more.
  • Remnants of animal worship survived in Judaism and Christianity. Satan was a serpent; Jehovah, like Osiris, was worshiped as a bull; Christ was the lamb of God, and the Holy Ghost appeared in the form of a dove. However, these are only symbols of the worshiped object, and are not worshiped in themselves.
  • The Egyptian religion can also be considered the oldest religion. Its origins date back beyond 3000 BCE.
  • First off, this is a very general question. Religion comes from "religare," which is to bind, or have union with, etc. so humans throughout our history have been seeking this union. Yoga, in Sanskrit, means union. This longing for connection to god, to worship god, is innate in most all human beings.
  • Hinduism: Since Sanskrit is the oldest written language, as far as religion being written down, and as far as organized religion is concerned, it would be Hinduism. It is said that when Rama appeared, according to our calendar, was a million or so years ago (not sure of the exact date, but it's a long time!) And Krishna, god himself according to the Vedic scriptures, appeared here 5,000 years ago. Buddha, about 500 B.C., Jesus, about 2,000 years ago. If you go through the different religious book and study this question deeply, you will find out that Hinduism is the oldest religion of the world. There are no dates and facts, but its history is about more than 50000 thousands years ago.
  • Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all Abrahamic religions. Abraham dates back to 1800 BC.
  • This also depends on religion - my personal belief is Judaism, since Adam and Eve, and then through Noah. Many people don't believe that nature or sex worship, solar worship, or worship of elements or forces of nature are technically religions. Most such people believe that a polytheistic worship of gods that represent the values of the people was the first religion (gone from today's world).
  • From a Biblical perspective, undoubtedly many of the religions of the world are very ancient, and no doubt included what is known today as various 'animistic' elements. Such worship is, according to the Biblical view, the worship of the creature rather than the Creator who made the particular object, whether it be the sun, or a tree etc. It would be akin to us worshiping and adoring a technological invention, instead of praising the inventor, as we know that everything has a maker. In the same way the Bible records these religions as a degeneration from the original monotheism we find in the beginning. The Bible also records the first type of religious ceremony in Genesis 3:3-6 where Cain and Abel both made offerings unto the Lord, the Creator of all. According to the Biblical view, all other religions would have come after this time and developed from it, essentially as creations of man. Genesis 4:3-5 (King James Version)
  • And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD.4And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering:5But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.
  • Even before this religious ceremony of the offering of the sacrifice, it is recorded that Adam had a form of open fellowship with God as He had spoken to him and received and understood God's instructions. This simple understanding and fellowship between persons, which in a sense transcends all religious practice as man meets personally with His maker, is what is restored to a degree when a person becomes a 'new creation' in Christ and receives the in-dwelling Holy Spirit. This requires no religious ceremony, can occur anywhere and anytime, and is open to everyone who wishes to worship 'in Spirit and in truth.' It also has the assurance that everything has already been done and completed through the finished work of Jesus Christ, not through any amount of religious works which the devotee can do.
  • Worship of Animals and Plants -In the infancy of the world animals were deified and adored, and trees and plants were regarded as sentient beings and received the homage of man. Nearly every animal has been an object of worship. This worship flourished for ages in Egypt and India. In Egypt the worship of the bull (Apis) was associated with that of Osiris (Serapis). The cow is still worshiped in India. Serpent worship has existed in every part of the world.


Well-Known Member
I've heard from many people that Wicca is one of the oldest beliefs used today. I'm just curious as to wait people think. I have had thoughts about what the oldest belief in the world was and whether that was the "right one". I know that Christianity is so widely used today but what about the religions that are supposedly the oldest used? Is there any proof of this?


Well-Known Member
I just never really understood how some Christians or people of other religions can't have an open mind about someone elses beliefs. I know Christianity came about at a certain time but what about other religions practiced before that? Where did those originally come from?

Just the mind working (I've been drinking lots of tea... :p).


Wonderful Wizard
Premium Member
The 7 laws of Noah, AKA the Noachide Covenant, while not an organized religion in the traditional sense could be at least in Abrahamic beliefs, the oldest religion. While the main event is the flood and G-d's covenant with Noah, most of the 7 laws actually date back to Adam.


Well-Known Member
The 7 laws of Noah, AKA the Noachide Covenant, while not an organized religion in the traditional sense could be at least in Abrahamic beliefs, the oldest religion. While the main event is the flood and G-d's covenant with Noah, most of the 7 laws actually date back to Adam.

Yeah... I've heard so many different theories and possibilities. It's so hard to actually say which is the oldest. When you ask someone that has a certain belief, they aren't exactly willing to say that theirs isn't the oldest. If you think about it, someone wants to think their belief is automatically the oldest, because they believe theirs to be the right one. They don't want another person to, how do you say, second guess their religion. Arg... I'm not exactly sure where I stand with this. :faint:I'm confused... :p


Wonderful Wizard
Premium Member
Well, that's the beauty of Noachideism. Anyone who is even remotely Abrahamic is also a Noachide. Common ground indeed! We need that nowadays, nu?


Well-Known Member
I think more common ground and more open-mindedness is great. The open-mindedness definitely. I like how we can all be open and free with what we believe.
Now... one question that is extremely of topic... may I ask what your avatar is? I'm trying to figure this one out alone but... I'm not successful. lol


Well-Known Member
Why, it's a giant flying idol head, of course! :jester5:

Zardoz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

lol! I see... It was a tad bit terrifying at first glance, that's why I was wondering. I have never seen this film. Maybe I shall? Shawn Connery looks very... um... attractive in that outfit he is wearing in the picture on wikipedia. haha Kind of makes me want to watch this film more. lol I must go get this now! :p:run:


Well-Known Member
For me you have to look antedeluvian at Atlantis,the authentic recognised religion's/pantheons such as the Zoaraster,sumarian/akkadian being the best preserved since then.

Enki is cool & maybe the most copied?


Well-Known Member
For me you have to look antedeluvian at Atlantis,the authentic recognised religion's/pantheons such as the Zoaraster,sumarian/akkadian being the best preserved since then.

Enki is cool & maybe the most copied?

Ah yes. Very true... this is another... Makes me really think about what the first ever religion was. :confused:


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
The 7 laws of Noah, AKA the Noachide Covenant, while not an organized religion in the traditional sense could be at least in Abrahamic beliefs, the oldest religion. While the main event is the flood and G-d's covenant with Noah, most of the 7 laws actually date back to Adam.

Isn't this sort of saying "My religion is the oldest because my religion says so."? Using Noah as proof that your religion is the oldest assumes that Noah in fact existed and built an ark, etc.

Anyhoo, within your religion, why would you point to Noah as being the first indication of religion, when Cain and Abel obviously worshiped a God, and offered sacrifices to him? There were also obviously rules in place for the proper way to worship the God. That sounds an awful lot like religion to me, and it waaaaay predates Noah.

Dezzie said:
Makes me really think about what the first ever religion was. :confused:
I'm not a scholar, so I don't have any proof, but I would think it would be some form of sun-worship, since that would appear to be the most powerful thing in the world to pre-historic man.


Well-Known Member
I would place my bet on specific rituals found in India or an aboriginal population to find the oldest "living" religion.

As to if any of the religions practiced today are the oldest, "first", religions........no.


Premium Member
I take fun tests to determine my faith (always for fun). It seems I am always compatible not just with Christianity and other Abraham faiths, but with all faiths- including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Pagan.
It would seem that all (or almost all) faiths have a lot in common


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I take fun tests to determine my faith (always for fun). It seems I am always compatible not just with Christianity and other Abraham faiths, but with all faiths- including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Pagan.
It would seem that all (or almost all) faiths have a lot in common

In fact, they have so much in common that I'd go so far as to say each religion is a branch of the same tree.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
The 7 laws of Noah, AKA the Noachide Covenant, while not an organized religion in the traditional sense could be at least in Abrahamic beliefs, the oldest religion. While the main event is the flood and G-d's covenant with Noah, most of the 7 laws actually date back to Adam.

Are the 7 Laws of Noah in the Torah?

'Cause I don't remember seeing them there. :confused: (I have heard of them before, but I've yet to find them)