Holy spirit is not the "third person" of God.
Yes it is , and the first and the second person have that same spirit.
We know that by John 10:30
But the Spirit procceds from the First person - God 'The Father' and not together from 'the Father and the Son'.
Remember, ruach (Hebrew) and pneuma (Greek) can be translated as breath or spirit.
Ruach at that time probably meant 'wind' but later came to refer to the whole range of a person's emotional, intellectual, and volitional life.
Or unseen force.
It's the same in Greek.
We know that God is not a name , but a Spirit.
We know that by John 4.
God's spirit was hovering over the waters in Genesis when the earth was being made ready for life on it.
Is God's Spirit separated from God itself or not?
To be considered His powerful force that can accomplish what He wants to without need of humans to figure things out.
You said 'his powerfull force'.
So the Spirit is His?
Did he created it or was eternally with God, or something else?
God can put together seeds as He wills without needing manufacturing plants of a supernatural kind, if you get my point. With that in mind, hope you have a nice day.
Yes , but he does not do that manually from heaven
He is not a magician , he is God.