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One’s Heart is Not Fully Cleansed Unless One Prays for One’s Opponents.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.

From the time of claim by Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and establishment of Jama'at, till today, he and his followers are being continuously blamed by Muslims that him calling himself Prophet or we, by accepting him as Prophet, there is negation of Khatme Nobuwat.

While the truth is, we know, it is completely false blame and accusation against us. We, according to teaching of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), are more convinced and manifest practically the Khatme Nobuwat of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and we have hearts full of his (s.a.w.) love - more than other Muslim sects. Ahmadiyya Muslims have understood the station of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) million times more than others due to teaching of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom peace), by the grace of Allah the Exalted.

Opposition to Ahmadis has been there since ever by making Khatme Nobuwat as base. Time to time, due to something, issue get excitation. Or so called Ulama or organizations try to incite Muslims in this regard more than before.

At recent martyrdom of an Ahmadi in Glasgow UK, some opponents tried to save themselves, by portraying it as an issue of religious-passions But due to positive stance of British government and great interest by the press they took apparent apologetic approach. However, they callously said Ahmadis are non-Muslims. Such things are said a lot in their Mosques and these things have been injected in the hearts of common Muslims that now their children who probably do not remember Kalima well and who do not know what is Khatme Nobuwat, they tell Ahmadi children in school that they are non-Muslims.

Some affected Ahmadi children wrote to Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) about such treatment. He replied the Ahmadi children that they should learn Islam more than before, and convey to their friends that we are Muslims and practice teaching of Islam and believe Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) is Khatamun Nabiyeen, and according to the very own prophecy of Holy Prophet (sa) we believe Hazrat Promised Messiah (as) is his servant and subservient-Prophet.

In various countries of the world, these excitements surface up time to time. Now due to media, means of travel and other eases, opponents and oppositions reach everywhere. That is why now no country in the world is spared by trouble making believers. They reach at some places in Africa. When people in Africa were religion-less or were adherent of other religions, Ahmadis were first to reach there and made Mosques and Communities and taught them Islam. The opponents now go there to tell them Ahmadis are non-Muslims…..Their deeds will continue.

They use same ploy in Europe too due to teaching in their Mosques, Madrasas and homes, same venom of hate is being injected in the minds of children.

Under these circumstances, it is duty of all Ahmadi children and youth to get full knowledge of real Islamic teaching, well explained by Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) in this era, at which Ahmadiyya-Muslim Jama'at is established i.e.

= The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) is the Last-Prophet-with-Shariah and with respect to Shariah, Nobuwat is ended at him (s.a.w.). Now no new Sharaih will come.

= Holy Quran is Last Book of Shariah.

= Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has come as servant of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and is his Subservient-Prophet to convey Shariah of Holy Prophet (sa).

It has been God’s way that whenever opposition to Jama'at Ahmadiyya increased, it worked as fertilizer for Jama'at. We were, are and should not be worried.

= Current opposition brought huge and wide introduction for Ahmadiyya Jama'at through Media which was not available normally. People are paying attention in UK and Europe.

= Another result is that, those young Ahmadis who did not know their faith well and they were not in full contact with Jama'at except coming at Eids etc, Media has informed them that Hazrat Promised Messiah is believed as subservient Prophet of Holy Prophet (sa) by Jama'at.

How Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) showed servant-ship to his master Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and how he showed establishment of Khatamun Nabiyeen station of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and how he guided us. In this regard Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) said:

“ Most certainly be mindful that no person can be Muslim and cannot become follower of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) unless he believes Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) as Khatamun Nabiyeen -- unless he disassociate himself from these antitheticals [innovations added by Ulama and Pirs] . And if every person does not accept Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) as Khatamun Nabiyeen by his words and acts, he is nothing.

Saadi has said so good: [Translation] Surely make effort for piety and Taqwa, but do not exceed the way told by Mustafa (s.a.w.).

Our purpose, for which God the Exalted has put excitement in our heart, is that, only Prophethood of Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) should be established which God the Exalted has made till ever, and all false Prophethoods which these people have made by their innovations, should be subdued [i.e. there deviations from right teaching of Holy Prophet sa, they are the one who break Seal of Prophethood]

Look at all these Gadi(s) [current corrupt seats of some past pious spiritual elders, sort of monasteries] and observe practically whether we or they believe in the Khatme Nubuwat.

It is matter of cruelty and mischief to think that, by Khatme Nubuwat, God only meant that you should have belief in Khatme Nobuwah only by tongue and do actions which your self like to do, and to make a separate personal Shariah; Baghdai Salaat, Makoos Salaat etc have been invented [by some factions]. Has it been known in Holy Quran or in the acts of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). And similarly, Is there any proof available in Holy Quran to say ‘ya sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani sheyun lillah’. In the time of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), the person of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani (may Allah be pleased with him) even did not exist. Then who taught this? Pity be on you. Is it same as to follow and to remain steadfast at the Islamic Shariah?

Decide for yourself, by believing and acting such things, how can you blame me that I broke the Seal of Khatamun Nabiyeen? The real and right things is that if you had not brought innovations in your mosques, and had moved by believing the true Prophethood of Khatamun Nabiyeen, and had taken his way of action and footmarks as your Imam, then what would have been the need of my coming? Your these new innovations and new Prophethoods stimulated the Honour of Allah the Exalted that He should make advent of a person in the sheet of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) who should annihilate the idol of these false Prophethoods by breaking them. Thus God has appointed and sent me for this work. To fall prostrate [Sajdah] before Gadi-nasheen(s) [Seat-holders of Pirs] and to circumambulate their places are usual and common matters. In short, Allah the Exalted has made this Jama'at so that they should re-establish the Prophethood and honour of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him).”

“The biggest right among the rights of Allah the Exalted is that He should be worshipped and this worship should not be for any personal gain. In fact even if there was not any heaven or hell, He should still be worshipped and there should be no change in the personal love that creation should have for its Creator”

“My belief as regards compassion for humanity is that one's heart is not completely cleansed unless one prays for one's enemy. In ‘udooni astagiblakum’ [pray unto Me I will answer your (prayer) .. 40:61] Allah the Exalted has not put restriction that if one prays for an enemy I will not accept that prayer. In fact it is my belief that it is Sunnah of Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) to pray for one's enemy. Hazrat Umer (may Allah be pleased with him) became Muslim with this [i.e. prayer]. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) used to often pray for him (r.a.). Therefore one should not exercise personal enmity with miserliness and truly one should not be noxious. It is something to be thankful that I do not see any enemy for whom I have not prayed two or three times. There is not even a single such enemy. The same I tell you and teach…….”

Based on parts of Friday sermon (April 29, 2016) by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V(may Allah Help him with His Mighty Help), UK, alislam.org and mta.tv
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