Jaya Jagannatha!
Some of us tend to think that the god we pray to is only superior, in the sense, has greater yogic power, has greater 'shakti' or prowess, is more benevolent, and thus the only one worthy of praise. (The individual schools of thought also encourage this attitude to some extent).
Here is a paragraph I read recently from a famous Jyotishi cum. Philosopher's work, which made sense to me:
An unawkened sadhaka practicing bhakti yoga is devoted to god and worships him/her as much as one can, but will project his ego, conditioning and desires onto his worship and hence onto the god he worships. For example, he may think "I worship the highest god while that person worships a lower god. I am better" or "I am worshipping god everyday. I will get so and so result" or "I worship god more than that person. I am better". An awkened sadhaka practicing bhakti yoga has little expectation, pride etc. Worship becomes not about him but about god! He worships god and marvels at the power that holds this cosmos together - the power that runs things infinitismally smaller than a boson and infinitely larger than a galaxy. He will look at himself as a fully insignificant particle in front a supreme power. His desires, likes, dislikes, conditioning and agendas start to seem too insignificant in front of contemplating about that supreme power. Even as that devotional spirit increases, there will be episodes when one becomes self-centered in one's worship. But with practice, one loses oneself completely and surrenders completely to the supreme power and become liberated in the end.
From: Yahoo! Groups