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Opposition to Prophets VS Divine Decree.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you....Holy Quran says:

[ch36:v31]Alas for My servants! there comes not a Messenger to them but they mock at him.

One reason of denial of Prophets and Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) has always been the fright that the one who has came from God, one day will dominate them, otherwise there should be no need to be fearful of an alone person who does not have group, power or apparent wealth or glamour. The true Prophets come alone and face the opposition of unified opponents.

The Prophet gives the glad tidings of his success when there is no apparent chance of his success, his opposition grows and eventually his success begins to take over from all corners. His message grows with Divine Backing and Judgement. As people start to understand his truth, they begin to join. This phenomenon becomes like:


[13:42] Do they not see that We are visiting the land, reducing it from its outlying borders? And Allah judges; there is none to reverse His judgment. And He is swift at reckoning.

The previous posts have been about Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a) [the promised son of Promised Messiah Mahdi a.s.] He mentioned various aspects about Promised Messiah - the Mahdi to King Amanullah of Afghanistan who reigned from 1919-1929. Following headings provide those points of truth of Ahmadiyya Promised Messiah Mahdi, who was sent for the welfare of Muslims and others. But he was seriously denied till date his followers are facing persecution at various places, but Allah the Exalted continues to give His support to him [his Khilafat] and his cause to call the world towards Divine Peace.

Source from Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Part I Preliminaries
Object of the Invitation
The name Ahmadiyyat to distinguish Ahmadi Muslims from other Muslims
The name Islam in the Quran and earlier holy Books (Isaiah, for instance)
Beliefs held by Ahmadis
Differences from other Muslims
Jesus died a natural death
Death of Jesus taught by the Holy Quran and Hadith
Companions of the Holy Prophet agreed on the death of Jesus
Family of the Holy Prophet agreed on the death of Jesus
Second coming of the Messiah means coming of a follower of the Holy Prophet
The Messiah and the Mahdi, one and the same person
Meaning of nuzul
Why the Promised Messiah is called Isa Ibn Maryam (Jesus, son of Mary)
Continuity of revelation and the coming of prophets
Meaning of Khatam al-Nabiyyin
The Traditions 'I am the last of the prophets', 'There is no prophet after me', and 'My mosque is the last of the mosques'
The Holy Quran and the institution of prophets
Ahmadis believe in Jihad
The claim of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

Part II Arguments
Argument I The Need of the Hour Guidance of man, the special concern of God
Guidance for Muslims specially promised in the Holy Quran
Protection of the Holy Quran means protection of Islam
Present condition of Muslims
A doubt resolved

Argument 2 Testimony of the Holy Prophet Second coming of the Messiah, important Islamic belief
Signs of the Promised Messiah and Mahdi
General state of religion
General state of Muslims
State of morals
Religious knowledge and the Ulema
Social conditions and the condition of women
Sex ratio in the general population
Transport, communications, and international contact
Economic conditions
Political conditions
On the surface of the earth
Important heavenly events
A variety of signs
Appendix to Argument 2 A Note on the Dadjjal

Argument 3 Personal Purity Personal purity, proof of the authenticity of Divine Messengers
Appeal for early believers
Testimony of Maulvi Muhammad Husain of Batala
Opposition and accusations after the announcement of the claim

Argument 4 Triumph of Islam over Other Religions
Time of universal victory
Victory over Christianity
Jesus buried in Srinagar, Kashmir
The Promised Messiah, the Promised One of all religions
Guru Nanak, Founder of the Sikhs
A grand conception
A new outlook in religious debates
Nearness to God, the measure of religious truth
Living religion
A Bishop challenged

Argument 5 Rejuvenation of Islam
Un-Islamic conceptions current among Muslims
Rejuvenation of Islam, a solemn divine promise
Conceptions contrary to Tawhid
Strange conceptions about angels
Misconceptions about the Holy Quran
Relative authority of the Holy Quran and the Hadith
Israelite stories
Misconceptions about prophets
The Hereafter, Heaven and Hell
Muslims victims of extremes
Abudiyat or Shariat?
Why wait for another?

Argument 6 Divine Help
Help for true Messengers, punishment for pretenders
Unfavourable circumstances and universal opposition
Teaching contrary to current tendencies
Success under divine help
Points which distinguish Divine Messengers from others

Argument 7 Defeat of Enemies
The Holy Quran and enemies of God's Messengers
Enemies of the Promised Messiah
Enemies' disgraceful end

Argument 8 Adored by Angels
When angels prostrate themselves before man
Help from angels
Household protected from plague

Argument 9 Gift of Special Knowledge
Prophets endowed with special knowledge
The Holy Quran, an unchallenged literary miracle
The Promised Messiah's Arabic works
A sermon revealed
The Holy Quran proved more unique than ever
Arabic, the mother of all languages
Special knowledge of the Holy Book: Twelve discoveries
Prophecies in the Holy Quran about our time
Discoveries 2 to 10 about the Holy Quran
Surah Fatiha, a synopsis of the Holy Quran

Argument 10 Prophecies
(1) Afghan martyrs
(2) Revolution in Iran
(3) Abdullah Atham
(4) An American impostor
(5) Death of Lekh Ram, a sign for the people of India /A>
(6) Prince Dalip Singh, a sign for Sikhs
(7) The plague
(8) A great earthquake
(9) The Great War of 1914-18
(10) Expansion of Qadian
(11) Financial relief
(12) Expansion of the Jama'at

Argument 11 Love of God and the Holy Prophet
The Quran on love
Distaste for worldly occupations
Moved by the condition of Islam
Ulema fiddling
Poems of devotion to the Holy Prophet

Argument 12 Life-giving Powers
A time of spiritual death
The Promised Messiah's life-giving powers, a reflection of the powers of the Holy Prophet
Spiritual sight sharpened
Signs of life
Spiritual experiences continue

Part III Invitation

The Messiah Has Come
Testimony of God and His Prophet
Great promises
A great event
Future of Ahmadiyyat
Sacrifices not a burden
In the Presence of God

The people who join Hazrat Promised Messiah Mahdi (on whom be peace), come from all other faiths in all continents and they are making a humble peaceful, peace giving, true Islamic society under Khilafat which was promised in Holy Quran as:



[24:56] Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do good works that He will surely make them Successors in the earth, as He made Successors from among those who were before them; and that He will surely establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them; and that He will surely give them in exchange security and peace after their fear: They will worship Me, and they will not associate anything with Me. Then whoso is ungrateful after that, they will be the rebellious.

[24:57] And observe Prayer and give the Zakat and obey the Messenger, that you may be shown mercy.

The Khilafat was prophesied by Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) as:
1- “Prophethood will remain among you as long as Allah wills. Then Allah, the Exalted will take it away.”

2- “Then Khilafat on the lines of Prophethood shall commence as long as Allah wills. Then Allah, the Exalted will take away this.”

3-“Then tyrannical monarchy would be established, it will be there as long as Allah wills. Then Allah, the Exalted will take it away.”

4- “Then despotic kingship would emerge. It will stay as long as Allah wills. Then Allah, the Exalted will take it away.”

5-“Then (again), Khilafat on the precept of Prophethood shall be established. Then he became silent.”

[Narrated by Hadhrat Huzaifa (r.a), Musnad Ahmad, Mishkaat]

First, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) told about his own Prophethood, then he foretold about Righteous-Khilafat (known as Khilafat e Rashidah of four Khulafa, may Allah be pleased with them).

Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) further foretold about coming of kings who came with various degree of severity for Muslims.

Lastly he said “Then (again), Khilafat on the precept of Prophethood shall be established.” Then he became silent.

This era is mentioned in another Saying of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) when he explained the verse 4 of Surah Jumua Chapter 62. “And among others from among them who have not yet joined them. He is the Mighty, the Wise.”

a) While explaining this verse (62:4), the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) placed his hand on the shoulder of Companion Hadhrat Salman Farsi (may Allah be pleased with him) and said even if faith would ascend to the Pleiades, a man from among these would surely find it. [Ref: Bukhari, Muslim], The words of above verse tell that the incoming servant of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) would be spiritually lost in love of him (s.a.w.).……..

b) In other Sayings, Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) identified him as Esa nabiullah (Jesus, Prophet of Allah), Messiah and Mahdi. [Ref: Muslim, Ibne Majah and others]…………

c) The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) was spiritually shown two very different appearances (colour of skin, types of hair….) of Esa (Messiah) of Moses and Esa (Messiah) of Muhammad himself ; this Messiah was circuiting Kaaba and Dajjal (anti-Christ: anti-truth forces and religious leaders who are throwing people in fire of wars) too circling around Kaaba [Bukhari]; it clearly shows the scope of Messiah of Muhammad is to defend Islam peacefully. … (peace be on all Prophets).

Thus by the grace of Allah the Exalted, the Muslims who believe in Hazrat Promised Messiah Mahdi (a.s.) and his promised Khilafat are the ones who are are 100% fully practicing Islam and getting success in line of Holy Quran. They are also serving humanity as much they could, regardless of race and faith of people, and they continue to take true message of true Islam to the world.

The evergreen Divine decree mentioned in Holy Quran:
[ch58:v22] Allah has decreed: ‘Most surely I will prevail, I and My Messengers.’ Verily, Allah is Powerful, Mighty.
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