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Other *cool* facts about Israel!!!


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Middle East Pop Quiz
by Charley Reese

It's time for another pop quiz on America's favorite region of the world – the Middle East. Let's get started with the subject of nuclear weapons.

Which country in the Middle East actually possesses nuclear weapons?

Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?

Which country in the Middle East refuses to allow international inspections of its nuclear facilities?

Which countries in the Middle East have called for the region to be a nuclear-free zone?
The Arab countries and Iran.​

Which country in the Middle East occupies land belonging to other people?
Israel, which occupies a piece of Lebanon, a larger piece of Syria, East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.​

Which country in the Middle East has for 60 years refused to allow refugees to return to their homes and refused to consider compensation to them for their lost property?

Which country has roads on which citizens who are Arab may not drive and housing developments where Arabs may not live?

Which country in the region has violated more United Nations resolutions than any other?
Israel. The United States has on more than one occasion gone to war ostensibly to enforce U.N. Security Council resolutions, but when it comes to resolutions directed against Israel, the U.S. is like the amoral monkey that sees, hears and says nothing. That raises the question of who's the dog and who's the tail?​

Which country in the region has in the past been led by men who at one time were terrorists with a price on their heads?
Israel. Former Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir once led the Stern Gang and ordered, among other things, the assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte, a Swedish diplomat working for the United Nations. Former Prime Minister Menachem Begin led the Irgun, a terrorist gang that among other things blew up one wing of the King David Hotel, killing nearly 100 people.​

Which country in the Middle East openly employs assassination against its political enemies?
Israel. There have been assassinations carried out by some of the Arab governments, but they usually don't own up to them. Israel has created a euphemism that the suck-up American press has readily adopted: "targeted killings." A British journalist told me once, "The Palestinians have a talent for picking bad leaders, and the Israelis have a talent for murdering their good ones."​

What are the top five countries from which we import oil?
Here they are in order of volume: Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Nigeria and Venezuela. The next time you hear some blowhard politician ranting about how the Arabs control our oil imports, remind him or her of the facts. By far, a majority of oil imports come from non-Arab countries.​

Which country in the region receives an annual gift of $3 billion or more from Congress?

Which foreign-aid recipient is the only one allowed to receive its aid in a lump sum and which routinely invests part of it in U.S. Treasuries so that taxpayers pay them interest on the taxpayers' gift?

Which country in the Middle East has the most powerful lobby in the U.S.?

Which country in the Middle East are most American politicians, journalists and academics afraid to criticize?

On behalf of which country has the U.S. vetoed the largest number of U.N. Security Council resolutions?

What country do the people in the region consider the world's biggest hypocrite?
The United States.​

Which countries in the Middle East have attacked U.S. ships in international waters?
Iraq and Israel. A lone Iraqi plane fired one missile at a U.S. ship by mistake. The Iraqi government quickly compensated the U.S. In 1967, Israeli airplanes and torpedo boats attacked the USS Liberty, killing 34 Americans. The U.S. government declared it an accident even before the ship limped into port, and to this day Congress has never held a public hearing and allowed the survivors to tell their story. Their story, by the way, is that the attack was deliberate. Israel compensated the families of those who were killed, but resisted for years paying compensation for the ship.​
Middle East Pop Quiz - by Charley Reese

These facts will definitely make so many people proud. Israel, the 100th smallest country, with less than 1/1000th of the world's population, can lay claim to the things you just read above.


Of course, Israel is the reason for everything being wrong. Those silly Israelis and their evil ways. Won't it be great when they are finally removed from the Middle East and the Arabs won't have any more problems ever again?

(oh wait, almost none of their problems have anything to do with Israel)


Veteran Member
Of course, Israel is the reason for everything being wrong. Those silly Israelis and their evil ways. Won't it be great when they are finally removed from the Middle East and the Arabs won't have any more problems ever again?
How many people have you counted here that seek the removal of Israel from the Middle East?


Religious Zionist
Abu Khalid said:
Which country in the Middle East has for 60 years refused to allow refugees to return to their homes and refused to consider compensation to them for their lost property?
and Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen...

have we forgotten about the 600,000 Jewish refugees who were forced from their homes and communities in the Arab world at gun point and massacres?

Which country in the Middle East occupies land belonging to other people?
Israel, which occupies a piece of Lebanon, a larger piece of Syria, East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.​

and what about the Kurds? If the Palestinians, who never had a nation-state of their own, and scream about it where is everyone's bleeding hearts for the Kurds and their desire for a Kurdistan?

Which country has roads on which citizens who are Arab may not drive and housing developments where Arabs may not live?

the roads are for ISRAELIS. anyone w/ an Israeli plate (whether jew or arab) can drive on it. It's for security purposes, but then what's a few dead people between enemies?

Which country in the region has violated more United Nations resolutions than any other?
Israel. The United States has on more than one occasion gone to war ostensibly to enforce U.N. Security Council resolutions, but when it comes to resolutions directed against Israel, the U.S. is like the amoral monkey that sees, hears and says nothing. That raises the question of who's the dog and who's the tail?​

please, keep your conspiracy theories to yourself, they are old and played out. The UN also levels more human rights violations on Israel completely ignoring other Human rights violations throughout the world even to the point of being blasted by the HRW for their blatent one-sidedness.

Which country in the region has in the past been led by men who at one time were terrorists with a price on their heads?

the Palestinian Authority, his name was Yasser Arafat. He may not have had a price on his head but he was a murderer and a crook and only cared about himself and his own pockets.

Which country in the Middle East openly employs assassination against its political enemies?
and the Palestinians Rehavam Ze'evi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which country in the region receives an annual gift of $3 billion or more from Congress?

except all that money, as i've said on this forum NUMEROUS times, never actually goes into Israel's pockets. Most of it goes into the pockets of American Military Contracters who use this conflict to make money off the American taxpayers. It's not like it's coming here to sit an savings account.

Which foreign-aid recipient is the only one allowed to receive its aid in a lump sum and which routinely invests part of it in U.S. Treasuries so that taxpayers pay them interest on the taxpayers' gift?
meanwhile the PA gets MILLIONS of dollars in international aid, their officials whether Fatah or Hamas live like fat cats and the average person starves.

Which countries in the Middle East have attacked U.S. ships in international waters?
Iraq and Israel. A lone Iraqi plane fired one missile at a U.S. ship by mistake. The Iraqi government quickly compensated the U.S. In 1967, Israeli airplanes and torpedo boats attacked the USS Liberty, killing 34 Americans. The U.S. government declared it an accident even before the ship limped into port, and to this day Congress has never held a public hearing and allowed the survivors to tell their story. Their story, by the way, is that the attack was deliberate. Israel compensated the families of those who were killed, but resisted for years paying compensation for the ship.​

and no one knows what that ship was really doing there because no one will talk about it. Makes one wonder what the US was doing that would have prompted such an attack, unless of course it really was an accident like they said.

Abu Khalid, you are like a bard who only knows one tune. Perhaps when you (and the rest of the Arab world) are prepared to do something other than lay the blame at our doorstep we will acheive peace.

until then we will only ever see eye to eye on a battlefield.


Religious Zionist
Charley Reese is also an isolationist as well as one of too many Americans who idolize the Confederacy to the point of vilifying President Lincoln in his writing.


Veteran Member
and what about the Kurds? If the Palestinians, who never had a nation-state of their own, and scream about it where is everyone's bleeding hearts for the Kurds and their desire for a Kurdistan?
The Kurds don't have a homeland so neither should the Palestinians?

jewscout said:
The UN also levels more human rights violations on Israel completely ignoring other Human rights violations throughout the world even to the point of being blasted by the HRW for their blatent one-sidedness.
And to be fair on Israel, they aren't even denying their inhumane tactics.