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Our kids said what?


Wonder Woman
I know we have plenty of parents (and grandparents) on RF, and like anyone else we have heard some doozies come rolling out of our kids mouths. From the off-the-wall questions, to the "did I just hear my 4y/o really say that word?"

So come on, here's a place to let us giggle over our very own "kids say the darndest things".

To kick things off I'll share what I heard come out of my daughter's room last night. She found some beetle in her room (I had to go in and kill it and even I wasn't sure what kind it really was - beside the point) and she was trying to whack it with a shoe over and over. I kept hearing this *thud* *thud* *thud* accompanied by what sounded like "b**** b**** b****" :eek: :p I had to call her out and ask her what she was saying and why and she confirmed the word and told me about the beetle. I don't make a habit of saying certain words at home around my kids at all, like here I use words like "darn" and "frick" so I'm not too sure where she got it. Obviously someone let it slip. :eek: I just hope she doesn't do that at school.


Veteran Member
I know we have plenty of parents (and grandparents) on RF, and like anyone else we have heard some doozies come rolling out of our kids mouths. From the off-the-wall questions, to the "did I just hear my 4y/o really say that word?"

So come on, here's a place to let us giggle over our very own "kids say the darndest things".

To kick things off I'll share what I heard come out of my daughter's room last night. She found some beetle in her room (I had to go in and kill it and even I wasn't sure what kind it really was - beside the point) and she was trying to whack it with a shoe over and over. I kept hearing this *thud* *thud* *thud* accompanied by what sounded like "b**** b**** b****" :eek: :p I had to call her out and ask her what she was saying and why and she confirmed the word and told me about the beetle. I don't make a habit of saying certain words at home around my kids at all, like here I use words like "darn" and "frick" so I'm not too sure where she got it. Obviously someone let it slip. :eek: I just hope she doesn't do that at school.
You mean that place where she heard it, and everyone else there is doing the same? Nah. :rolleyes: Not a chance.


Wonder Woman
You mean that place where she heard it, and everyone else there is doing the same? Nah. :rolleyes: Not a chance.

I'd be a bit upset if she picked it up there, considering her school is just for K-1st grade. We're talking a school of 5-7 y/o kids. I wouldn't normally think that's the age they are cussing up a storm. :cover:


Premium Member
Ever have your kids sing the lyrics to a song, before you ever heard it?

When my daughter was about 4, I was driving to her pre-school one morning. The radio was not on. It was pretty quiet, which was unusual.

Suddenly, I hear her belting out, "Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Don't wish your girlfriend was a freak like me? Don't cha?"

I think I screamed.

I had never heard the song before, and she had apparently heard it while in the car with her Dad.


Wonder Woman
Ever have your kids sing the lyrics to a song, before you ever heard it?

When my daughter was about 4, I was driving to her pre-school one morning. The radio was not on. It was pretty quiet, which was unusual.

Suddenly, I hear her belting out, "Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Don't wish your girlfriend was a freak like me? Don't cha?"

I think I screamed.

I had never heard the song before, and she had apparently heard it while in the car with her Dad.


Reminds me of the time, many years ago, I heard my eldest, when she was about that very age, singing loudly in her room to the radio "you and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals so let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel!" :faint: Needless to say I switched the station. I was used to having a radio on in her room for her when we lived in San Diego, but out there we had stations like "Radio Disney", we don't get that here on a regular radio. :p


What? Me worry?
My 4 year old grandson does a rousing rendition of Gangnum Style, especially the "sexy lady" lyric. His mother keeps trying to get him to say "pretty lady", but he's not buying it.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
My 4 year old grandson does a rousing rendition of Gangnum Style, especially the "sexy lady" lyric. His mother keeps trying to get him to say "pretty lady", but he's not buying it.

Haha. My 5 yr old cousin informed his mom that she was "sexy". She asked him what he thought that meant and he said "Really cool". :D

And yes, he had discovered this word for complimenting the ladies from Gangnam Style.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
My absolute favorite thing I have heard a kid say is from the same cousin. He was enjoying a blue freezie pop. He comes up to me and says "You know what this tastes like? It tastes like happiness."

I cherish that.


My two oldest (7 and 4) really know how to belt out that "Thrift Store" song, including the vulgarities. My 4 year old really loves cussing, and we try to keep him from doing it, but to no avail. Most of the time, it's just bad, but sometimes, he's really funny with it, and it's hard to keep from laughing. For instance, one day, we're all in the living room, watching TV, and the kids were playing. All of a sudden, my 4 year old says "damn it". I asked him what that was about, and apparently, two of his cars got into a car wreck. But here's the funniest story from my 4 year old:

When he was learning to potty train, his grandmother told him that if he did good, she'd buy him some underwear that he wanted, which was super heroes. So, he learned to potty train, got his underwear, and me and him were over at his grandmothers house. He says to his aunt, "aunt (name), I got superhero underwear, wanna see?" She said no, that's ok, but before she could get it out, he had his pants down, showing off his underwear. All of a sudden, he says "aunt (name), wanna see my penis?" Before she could say anything, he had whipped it out, and was showing it off. I'm trying my hardest not to laugh, and get onto him at the same time. His aunt was kind of chuckling, but I don't think she found it funny. I thought it was hilarious.


Premium Member
That's funny!

That does remind me of one. When my children were very small I thought it was best to tell them the actual names of their private parts, rather than silly little names.

One day we were in line at the grocery store, and my daughter (about 3 or 4 at the time) starts talking to the person behind us. She likes to show off what she knows...so she informs the person,
"Hi, my name's _______. I'm a girl. I have a vagina. My mom has a vagina, too -- cause she's a girl. My brother doesn't have a vagina...he has a penis...my dad has one, too. That's cause they're boys. Boys have penises."

Then she smiled proudly at me like, "look what I know".

My jaw was dropped. I don't even remember if I said anything.


What? Me worry?
Same grandson this weekend. I told him not to go near the road because he might get hit by a car. I also told him I was hit by a car when I was four.
" Did you die?" he asked me with a concerned look.
He though a minute and said, "No, when you die you don't come back, except Jesus. He came back so he could die on Easter."


That's funny!

That does remind me of one. When my children were very small I thought it was best to tell them the actual names of their private parts, rather than silly little names.

One day we were in line at the grocery store, and my daughter (about 3 or 4 at the time) starts talking to the person behind us. She likes to show off what she knows...so she informs the person,
"Hi, my name's _______. I'm a girl. I have a vagina. My mom has a vagina, too -- cause she's a girl. My brother doesn't have a vagina...he has a penis...my dad has one, too. That's cause they're boys. Boys have penises."

Then she smiled proudly at me like, "look what I know".

My jaw was dropped. I don't even remember if I said anything.

My wife and I did the same thing; we taught our kids vagina and penis instead of other things to call them. My daughter has never had much of a problem, but my 4 yo son loves going around talking about his penis; he doesn't stop, and I have yet to find a way to get him to. He'll be out in the yard playing, and he'll start singing. All of a sudden, he's singing about his penis. Sometimes, I'm embarrassed, other times, I find it hard to keep from laughing.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Back when my daughter was 9, she once ran into the room where all the grandparents were hanging out at a family reunion. She was really excited to be able to sing a song to them. The grandparents were excited to hear it. She began belting out "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry.

In case some of you don't know the lyrics, here's part of the chorus:

I kissed a girl and I liked it.
The taste of her cherry chapstick.
I kissed a girl just to try it.
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it.

I'm surprised the family reunions kept allowing us to return.


Well-Known Member
I was talking to my 6yr old nephew and asked him how school was and who his teacher was. He said his teacher was a dick...
I was like: "uummm.... what?!?"
He replied: His name is Dick Kohn.


Well-Known Member
My sisters friend said she would look terrible with short her, and my niece comes out with "no, you would look great...like Joan of Arc burning on the stake."


Wonder Woman
That awkward moment when your son pokes his teacher's belly (right in front of you) and asks her "Do you have a baby in there?" when she is NOT pregnant. :eek:

Dear woman is a 1st grade teacher after all, and use to working with young children with no mouth filters, so she just smiled and said "No, I just have a big belly." Still though, I was embarrassed and as we were walking home proceeded to tell my son that you just don't ask a woman if she is pregnant, if she is and wants you to know, she will tell you. :p