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Pagans/Heathens do you believe in an all powerful God above the rest?


Just to clarify right off the bat I am talking about you personally. There is obviously not any ideological body that would declare what pagans believe or don't believe.

I was checking out a book called The Search for God in Ancient Egypt. The book is by Jan Assman and has been interesting so far. I haven't gotten very deep into it yet so I might change my mind as I go.
The book implies that there are pantheistic ideas or ideas of what we might call God with a capital G pretty early on within ancient Egypt. Examples of Egyptians referring to God in certain instances etc.

This got me thinking about the views of modern pagans and polytheists. Do you believe in a higher power in the sense of there being a God above the other gods? Do you hold to any sort of pantheism? I was just curious what pagans on here might believe in regards to this matter.



Aštara, Blade of Aštoreth

Some call it “henotheism” or “monolatry”. Call it what you will. I worship in my own way a small pantheon of gods and goddesses, with a Supreme God above all others.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I believe that there was once a being that could be considered a supreme ruler over all. There was a conflict which resulted in the end of it's supremacy. That God was either destroyed or merely overthrown and slumbers. When it was active it was only a god to the gods and would have been mostly unapproachable for us. This is also how I explain the diversity of theologies among us. In my pantheon there is no god above the rest. However, Cornitch and Lucifer seem to pull quite a bit of weight. In my more theistic Satanism days, I bordered on being monolatristic... with the Horned God being above all others. But neo-paganism has been drawing me closer to where I am now since then.


Premium Member

Just to clarify right off the bat I am talking about you personally. There is obviously not any ideological body that would declare what pagans believe or don't believe.

I was checking out a book called The Search for God in Ancient Egypt. The book is by Jan Assman and has been interesting so far. I haven't gotten very deep into it yet so I might change my mind as I go.
The book implies that there are pantheistic ideas or ideas of what we might call God with a capital G pretty early on within ancient Egypt. Examples of Egyptians referring to God in certain instances etc.

This got me thinking about the views of modern pagans and polytheists. Do you believe in a higher power in the sense of there being a God above the other gods? Do you hold to any sort of pantheism? I was just curious what pagans on here might believe in regards to this matter.


In my version of Hinduism, Siva is the supreme God, from which all other Gods (excluding other names for the Supreme, like Vishnu in Vaishnavism) were emanated. But at the very core, He is formless, and called ParaShiva, which is equivalent to ParaBrahman.


Be your own guru
I think I qualify for your label Pagan/Heathen, but I am an atheist Hindu. I do not believe in existence of God.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Nope, definitely not. I quite firmly reject that sort of hierarchical vision - it is at odds with understanding the universe and everything in it as fundamentally interdependent.