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Palestianian atheist arrested

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Just how western do you think Human rights are Lava,hereare the countries that signed the 1948 version:

Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Burma, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Iceland, India, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Liberia, Luxembourg, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Siam, Sweden, Syria, Turkey,United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, and Venezuela. The following eight member states abstained: Belorussia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, South Africa, the USSR, and Yugoslavia.

And yet a bunch of those have failed on human rights quite a lot since...

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Out of curiosity, I was in a one-on-one debate with someone that I haven't seen in a while... who had that avatar, and his name was Mike. (Just Me Mike)

Please tell me he's not the one who passed away?


Veteran Member
.lava -- Do you think the punishment of life imprisonment is appropriate for this crime? This man's entire life is ruined. And what is the benefit? It won't make him Muslim. It won't take back the things he said. The people he offended will still be offended. So in this case isn't the "cure" worse than the "disease"?

.lava I apologize if you already answered this question, there are too many posts for me to completely keep up with this thread! I remember you said something about banishment ... ?

it is OK :) IMO it is too much but i am unsure if they are not trying to protect his life because he might be in danger out of prison


Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
it is OK :) IMO it is too much but i am unsure if they are not trying to protect his life because he might be in danger out of prison


But were they trying to protect his life when they tracked him down and made his attempt to be anonymous public news?


Veteran Member
But were they trying to protect his life when they tracked him down and made his attempt to be anonymous public news?

i believe they were trying to protect soceity from a man who claims to be God and giving orders to his followers... i think after his family cut the internet connection off, he had no choice but to come public because he was using public cafe


Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
i believe they were trying to protect soceity from a man who claims to be God and giving orders to his followers... i think after his family cut the internet connection off, he had no choice but to come public because he was using public cafe


It looks clearly like a satire though, what's there to protect from?


Actually I'm pretty sure male brains are more sophisticated, I think females have more connective tissue while males have more gray matter... it all ends up the same though, but it might be why women do more things like gossip. Or that could just be an ingrained cultural thing. Who knows?
The more you know: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/15/world/americas/15iht-gossip.html?_r=1

On Palestinian laws: 2003 Amended Basic Law | The Palestinian Basic Law
2003 Amended Basic Law said:
Article 18
Freedom of belief, worship and the performance of religious functions are guaranteed, provided public order or public morals are not violated.

Article 19
Freedom of opinion may not be prejudiced. Every person shall have the right to express his opinion and to circulate it orally, in writing or in any form of expression or art, with due consideration to the provisions of the law.

Article 32
Any violation of any personal freedom, of the sanctity of the private life of human beings, or of any of the rights or liberties that have been guaranteed by law or by this Basic Law shall be considered a crime. Criminal and civil cases resulting from such violations may not be subject to any statute of limitations. The National Authority shall guarantee a fair remedy to those who suffer from such damage.
I guess we'll see how it goes in court.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
one must be a Muslim or at least a member of that public to make that judgement correctly

I'm afraid we'll never agree as you said, so I'll just say that again I hope that systems which treat mere non-threatening words as crimes go extinct and may that happen sooner than later for the sake of all the victims they will create. I wish I could do more to rid the world of such evil.


Intentionally Blank
of course. i agree 100%. but the definition is Western. definition is occured by its limits. that limit is decided by non-Muslims in West side.

PS: sorry for not responding the rest. i am a little tired

Well it seems to me then that Muslims should stop immigrating to those Western countries that prize these Western values, since they don't share them.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Well it seems to me then that Muslims should stop immigrating to those Western countries that prize these Western values, since they don't share them.

But I welcome Muslims to move here if they want. Freedom isn't a "western" value. If Muslims live in my land they will find that they are free to practice however they want and to express themselves however they want. In America they can wear burqas, you can build the dome thingies at the top of mosques. The newer administration is not the type to hold people in prisons just for being Muslims (besides, my town alone has a HUGE Muslim community). That such ever occurred is an outrage and the American people voted the people who were doing that crap OUT of office.

Muslims have nothing to fear in my town. I have everything to fear in Palestine.


Intentionally Blank
It occurred to me that some of the attitudes in this thread are the sort of thing that make us New Atheists tear our hair out. You take a certain subject, and if you call it religion, suddenly it becomes entitled to all kinds of protection that other things aren't, and other people can be put in jail for insulting it, because it's "divine," and when something is "divine" it's entitled to special protection, such that people who dare criticize it can be put in jail or burnt alive.