Andrew Brown
Just kinda curious. So, evidently Muhammad was the " seal " of the prophets ? Hmm... okay, I can accept that. BUT... I've read in the Holy Quran ( more than once ) that it is possible to reach " Paradise " while still on Earth. I have a quote too:
Chapter 89: The Daybreak
22: And thy Lord comes with angels, ranks on ranks;
23: And hell is made to appear that day. On that day
man will be mindful, and of what use will being mindful be then?
24: He will say: O would that I had sent before for ( this ) my life!
25: But none can punish as He will punish on that day.
26: And none can bind as He will bind on that day.
27: O soul that art at rest,
28: Return to thy Lord, well-pleased, well-pleasing.
29: So enter among My servants,
30: And enter My Garden!
30a. The concluding verses of this chapter refer to the highest stage of the spirtual development of man, the stage in which he rests contended with his Lord, and finds his quietude, his happiness and his delight in Him. This is the heavenly life. It has already been noted -- see 12:53a and introductory note to ch. 75 -- that the Holy Qur'an recognizes three stages in spiritual develpoment, the ammarah or the animal stage ( 12:53 ), the lawwamah or the human stage ( 75:2), and the mutma'innah or the heavenly or spritual stage, mentioned here. At this last stage, the pure and perfect sincerity, truth and righteousness of a person are rewarded by Almighty God by granting him a heaven on this earth. All others look to a prospective paradise, but he enters paradise in this very life. It is at this stage, too, that a person realizes that the prayers and worship which at first appeared to him as a burden are really a nourishment on which the growth of his soul depends, and that this is the basis of his spirtual development. The spirit-- which resist the evil tendencies, or to blot them out wholly, and too infirm to establish a man upon the principle of virtue with firmness -- now reaches a stage of development in which its efforts are crowned with success. The state of struggle with sinful propensities passes away, an entire change comes over the nature of man, and the former habits undergo a complete transformation.
So... my question is: If it is possible to reach " Heaven " on " Earth " then wouldn't you be something like a prophet ? Obviously you would have been chosen for some greater purpose than just your average person, right ? And, obviously, there must be some people on this Earth who have reached Paradise while still on Earth... otherwise I don't understand why that would be in the Holy Quran ?
So... not really trying to start some heated debate... just something that I have been thinking about for a while now.
Chapter 89: The Daybreak
22: And thy Lord comes with angels, ranks on ranks;
23: And hell is made to appear that day. On that day
man will be mindful, and of what use will being mindful be then?
24: He will say: O would that I had sent before for ( this ) my life!
25: But none can punish as He will punish on that day.
26: And none can bind as He will bind on that day.
27: O soul that art at rest,
28: Return to thy Lord, well-pleased, well-pleasing.
29: So enter among My servants,
30: And enter My Garden!
30a. The concluding verses of this chapter refer to the highest stage of the spirtual development of man, the stage in which he rests contended with his Lord, and finds his quietude, his happiness and his delight in Him. This is the heavenly life. It has already been noted -- see 12:53a and introductory note to ch. 75 -- that the Holy Qur'an recognizes three stages in spiritual develpoment, the ammarah or the animal stage ( 12:53 ), the lawwamah or the human stage ( 75:2), and the mutma'innah or the heavenly or spritual stage, mentioned here. At this last stage, the pure and perfect sincerity, truth and righteousness of a person are rewarded by Almighty God by granting him a heaven on this earth. All others look to a prospective paradise, but he enters paradise in this very life. It is at this stage, too, that a person realizes that the prayers and worship which at first appeared to him as a burden are really a nourishment on which the growth of his soul depends, and that this is the basis of his spirtual development. The spirit-- which resist the evil tendencies, or to blot them out wholly, and too infirm to establish a man upon the principle of virtue with firmness -- now reaches a stage of development in which its efforts are crowned with success. The state of struggle with sinful propensities passes away, an entire change comes over the nature of man, and the former habits undergo a complete transformation.
So... my question is: If it is possible to reach " Heaven " on " Earth " then wouldn't you be something like a prophet ? Obviously you would have been chosen for some greater purpose than just your average person, right ? And, obviously, there must be some people on this Earth who have reached Paradise while still on Earth... otherwise I don't understand why that would be in the Holy Quran ?
So... not really trying to start some heated debate... just something that I have been thinking about for a while now.