I think that junior high kids, on the verge of puberty, need a certain education of their developing sexuality.
After all, they have the internet; they're going to see things, and they're going to have questions about themselves and about the world. Where would you prefer they go to find the answers to those questions? Deeper into the Internet into God-knows-what, or a more academic setting?
Academics, especially for younger students is all about memorize and repeat, with grades on the line. If you do not agree, and demonstrate that on a test, you can get a worse grade, thereby making it easier to program even smart students. The smart students compete for grades to get into good colleges. If a Liberal teacher wanted to teach revisionist history, the young student will need to learn; memorize, to get good grades. If a teacher is pushing a subject with questionable content, what do you think a student needs to do to get an A? If they critique against the bias of the teacher, they may be sent to the office, since this opinion can impact how the rest of the students will react and behave. Even Liberal college teachers and professors are afraid of descent from their one sided propaganda. This is not teaching critical thinking and openness to diversity of opinion, but indoctrination.
Sex education used to be something children would learn on their own or from their parents, when they become curious. There is plenty of sources in the young people's underground; kind older siblings of some students. Kids pick up computer hack tricks and game cheat codes from the young people's underground. They may even get beer or wine, The young people are often the first to come up with new things, with this a one stop shopping place, not based on a test with grades. It is a place to find tools for all the new adolescent choices as they appear. This young people underground is useful since the young people will be the leaders of tomorrow, and need to become more self reliant, since they will not always have mommy or teachers holding their hand, spoon feeding them.
As a way to put the shoe on the other foot, so Liberals can learn, guns are considered a problem by the Left. Say the political Right started to push for gun education in schools as a way to lower gun violence. Knowledge is important, right? This is why we teach sex eduction, right?
This gun course work will teach about different type of guns, gun safety, proper gun usage with lab learning using real guns and live ammo, as well as proper gun maintenance. These courses will have grades and be taught by teachers who know about guns, based on their first hand experiences and skills; best gun teachers like former navy seals. Will the Left agree that this will solve the problem? Or do you think an enthusiastic teacher attaching a test to learning will make it worse? Do you think parents in Liberal cities will allow this to happen?
The Durham report that just came out. It showed how we have a two tier injustice system in the USA. When there are two sides to a political topic, the Big Brother injustice system and allied teachers union, will always have a bias for tails, over using the head; become linear like a horny dog.