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Part2:Ways to Attain God’s Nearness, their Significance and Expectation.


Peace be upon you.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) wrote:
“God is light, as He said: “allaho noorus samawatey wal ardh….” [(Holy Quran, ch 24 : v 36)i.e. ‘Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth….’]. So the person who sees only the necessaries of that light, he is like the person who sees a smoke from distance but does not see the light of the fire therefore he is deprived of benefits of fire and also from its heat that burns the pollution of humanness. Thus such people who accept the argument of the existence of God the Exalted through narrative or logical arguments or via inspirational inferences, like apparent ulama (religious leaders) or like philosophers, and or such people who, through their spiritual faculties which is the capacity of visions and dreams, only believe in God but are deprived of the light of nearness of God. They are like such person who sees smoke from fire from a distance but does not see the light of fire and by pondering over smoke only, he believes about the existence of fire. [Haqiqatul Wahi, Ruhani Khazain, Vol 22, reprint edition, p 14]


“Because stages of nearness and connection with Hazrat e Ahadiayat (The Exalted One God) are different, therefore when a person, in spite of being near to God, contends with a person who is far superior to him in the station of nearness and love (of God), then finally it results in that, the person with low stage of Divine nearness, is not only destroyed but dies by becoming faithless, just as happened to Bal’am Ba’ur against Musa (Moses).” [Chashma’ey Ma’rey’fat, Ruhani Khazain, Vol 23, p 349]
Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah be his Helper) explained that the highest station of Divine nearness was of Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) and in his (s.a.w.) perfect obedience by Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), God has given him this (reflective) station; now looking for that station, separated from Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), will be like the case of Ba’lam Ba’ur.


“Everyone who contends with the person who is true follower of Holy Quran, God makes it evident to him with His awe-inspiring signs that He is with that person who follows His Kalam (Book), just as He made it evident to Lekh Ram and his death took place in such a way that he understood very well that, through his death, God has put a seal on the truthfulness of Islam. Thus, like this, through His living interventions, God keep on drawing the follower of Holy Quran, to cause him reach the high minaret of (Divine) nearness. ” [Chashma’ey Ma’rey’fat, Ruhani Khazain, Vol 23, p 309]


= Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) explains that earthly and heavenly things are made beneficial to human and these are projections and signs of Divine attributes. While the attributes are entirely beneficial, imagine the level of benefits in the Being of God. Things become harmful sometimes and trials, tribulations, problems and grieves are borne. These are due to human’s errors and lack of insight, understanding and knowledge of some Divine attributes.

By virtue of insight into Divine attributes, we find Allah the Exalted to be Ever Merciful, Noble and beyond imagination Beneficial Being. Only a righteous and close person to Him can have understanding of this benefit Such person gets light of His guidance which illumines his awareness and senses according to degree of closeness but the one who go away from God, a ruinous darkness overtakes his heart and mind.

= Earthly gains never fulfills thirst, but the person who finds satisfaction in Divine nearness does not care at all for all riches he may have when compared to God the Exalted. True happiness is in nearness of God and love for Him. Turning away from Him starts a life of Hell.

= Highest delight is found in God. True paradise is God with Whom there is no problem associated, this is why the highest blessings of Paradise are counted as: “….And the pleasure of Allah is the greatest of all….” (ch 9 : v 72).

= The more Divine nearness, human attains the greater he is imbued in the colour of Allah.

= One who surrenders his being to God and devotes his life in His paths and is eager to do good, he will get his reward from the fountain of Divine nearness. And they shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve.

= Just as fish cannot live without water, similarly prayer is that water for a believer without which he cannot stay alive. It is through prayer alone that human becomes close to God the Exalted and draws God to himself.

= Human should have a yearning to attain nearness to God, by virtue to which he will become worthy in the eyes of God. If he does not have this yearning and only yearns for word, he will be ruined after a brief respite. This respite is because God is Forbearing.

= Heart should be fully and sincerely inclined to God, only ritualistic worship is not good.

= The garden of practice flourishes with purity of heart: “Surely, he prospers who purifies it (self), And he who corrupts it, is ruined.” (ch 91 : v 10-11)

= There are thousands of impediments in the way to reach God but they can be removed by the grace of God the Exalted. Human should turn to God for the grant of power and strength.

= Sin is a toxin, which ruins human and it deprived him of attaining Divine nearness. The more he turns to sin, the more he becomes distant from light of nearness of God. Such human is thrown in darkness and is embroiled in troubles until Satan takes possession of him and ruins him. However, Allah the Exalted has facilitated a way, called repentance -- turning to Allah. One of His names is Tawwab (oft-Returning with compassion), He too turns to human.

= Islam teaches those means of salvation which has be appointed by God the Exalted from the very beginning; they are to seek stations of God’s nearness with true belief, pure practices and being absorbed in pleasure of God……All turmoil is in being far from God and in His wrath. By sincere repentance, adopting sincere means, true obedience and sincerely accepting Unity of God, his turmoil is removed.

= Good deeds are a great blessing. With good deeds, God is pleased and His nearness is attained. To get the blessings related to good deeds, they should be done to their highest point.

="I know that a true believer is purified and he is imbibed in the colour of angels. Just as his closeness to Go the Exalted is enhanced, he listen to the Words of God the Exalted and is assured by it. Each of you may reflect in your heat whether you have attained this station? I say truly that you are content on the external shell alone whereas it is nothing and God the Exalted is interested in the kernel. Just as it is my task to stop the external attacks on Islam, it is also (my task) to instill the true spirit and essence of Islam among Muslims." [Malfuzat]

= Allah the Exalted showers thousands of blessings on the person close to Him. Qurasih and entire nation used great force against Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) but look who was successful and who failed. Divine help is a great sign of those who are close to God the Exalted.

= “Be very wary of God’s curse as He is Holy and with honour. The wicked cannot attain His nearness; arrogant cannot attain His nearness; tyrant cannot attain His nearness; disloyal cannot attain His nearness; and anyone who does not have sense of honour for His name , cannot attain His nearness. Those who fall on world (earthly life) like dogs or ants or vultures and are comforted with world, they cannot attain His nearness. Each impure eye is far from Him. Each impure heart is unaware of Him. The one who is in fire for Him, he will be given salvation from fire. The one who weeps for Him, will laugh. The one who breaks off with the world for Him, he will find Him. You - Become friend of God with sincerity of heart, with full honesty and with step of keenness so that He too becomes your friend. Be kind to your subordinates, your wives and your poor brothers so that kindness is shown to you in the heavens. You - Be His truly so that He too becomes yours.” [Kashti e Nuh, Ruhani Kazain, Vol 19, reprint edition, p 13]



Peace be upon you.

= “When the matter of contempt and persecution reaches height and the trial that God had Willed comes to pass, then God the Exalted ‘s sense of honour for His friends is stirred, and God looks at them and finds them the victims and sees that they are persecuted and called names and unjustly branded kafir and are suffered by the hands of oppressors. Thus He rises so that He should fulfill His way for them and demonstrate His mercy and help His pious people. Thus, He puts it in their hearts to be fully attentive to God the Exalted and humbly supplicate day and night to Him. And like this, His way continues for His near ones. So, ultimately, wealth and help is given to them and God the Exalted makes their enemies food for lions and cheetahs. Like this, continues the way of Allah for the sincere; they are not wasted but are blessed; they are not slighted but are given eminence.” [Hujjatullah, Ruhani Khazain, Vol 12, p 198]

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah be his Helper) said that such Divine treatment has taken place repeatedly with the opponents at various places. In this regard, Ahmadiyya Muslim should move fast to get nearness of Allah the Exalted. May the kingdom of Satan be replaced by kingdom of those who are close to Allah the Exalted. May Allah the Exalted enable us to do such prayers and include us in those people who are near to Allah the Exalted.

Reference: Parts from Friday Sermon (2 May 2014), by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), London, U.K., alislam.org and mta.tv