Well-Known Member
Doesn't sound like something I would say.
I never heard any JW refer to anyone on earth as their leader. Christ? Yes. Men? No.
You are too funny nPeace! So you have no leaders in your congregation! Why? Because they’re not called “leaders”!
It’s the same “reason” you have no clergy…because they’re not called priests or reverends. Overseers? Sure. Elders? Of course. Pioneers? You betcha! But we ain’t got no human leaders!
But I noticed your response does not address my main point, that a “New System” before the 1914 generation expired was “the truth”, falsely testified and verified by His “Witnesses” for decades. We told you this stuff wasn't true, yet your Organization became obstinate, doing everything possible to tie Jehovah with this error and bring reproach from door to door worldwide. And even now, having recognized this human error that you once claimed was Jehovah's, your Organization refuses to apologize and repent. So you testified falsely to God and Christ, yet deem your own Organization "clean".
So you are saying you have a plank in your eye.
Most certainly I do.
How nice of you to admit it.
Thank you.
Ah. Here we go again. Let's dig up another bone for our agenda. <shaking my head>
This distraction is worn out. Next.
It’s not just a “distraction” but an obvious embarrassment for the WT. For decades we heard how the 1914 generation was “marked” in scripture. You even put this “distraction” into Jehovah’s mouth!
And now, like a magician, the sole earthly Organization able to "channel" truth from Jehovah today, wants us to"fawgetaboutit" and move on to their next distraction? Why can’t your Organization simply apologize for their prior false prophecies made in God’s name and repent? Why would that be difficult for the" humble men" you proclaim?
Ah But wait... You can find articles which go all the way back to 1920, and you can't find those?
I can’t find apologies that aren’t there. You can’t find them either…for the exact same reason.
Ah Perhaps the plank is too large Oeste. Extracting it might help.
But I’m not the one who came up with your false prophecies. Neither am I the one who suggested going “door to door” proclaiming false prophecies in Jehovah’s Name.
Until your Organization apologizes and repents their sin remains.
Ah Please, don't be so vague. Give me an example, so that I know what you are talking about.
I’ve already posted plenty of examples like the “Creator’s promise” that you’ve ducked and dodged and have no reasonable explanation for. As such your unrepentant “clean and undefiled” Watchtower, the alleged home of “true worship” remains in its sin.
Honestly, I think you’re the only one here who didn’t understand the analogy.
You claim the Governing Board was not perfect. They are “fallible”. Well so was Moses, and when he went beyond what God ordered him to do he lost the right to lead Israel into the promised land. Likewise, when your Governing Board went beyond anything Jehovah told them and put a lie about 1914 into His mouth, we can reasonably infer they lost any perceived right to lead the Earth into the “New System”.
It's not the "fallibility" of the person we look for nPeace, it's the "fallibility" of the message.
Ah Cool. Whom did they apologize to?
If you answer, "Jehovah", we agree.
If that’s all you do, then we don’t agree. There is an important biblical concept involved that’s apparently not taught in the Kingdom Halls. See Matthew 5:24.
Also, David apologized to God before all of Israel. How do we know? Because I can pick up a bible and read about it. It was recorded. Now please…tell us where we can read about your Organization’s apology to Jehovah. I’m sure they followed David’s example, right?
Of course not…that would be wrong. We can’t read about it because it never happened. Too humble perhaps.
How can you tell that they love the Lord? Is it not by their willingness to obey God's word, come what may?
So does that not involve obeying such scriptures as 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 and 2 Corinthians 6:14-18?
Good point!
1 Corinthians 5:11 tells us not to associate with slanderers, which is what a false prophet is.
2 Corinthians 6:17 warns against touching unclean things, and your false pronouncement of the “Creator’s promise” and “1914” were certainly unclean utterances.
In short, neither of these scriptures recommends turning a blind eye to false prophesy.
We can't pick and choose which instructions are easier for us to carry out, and then say that we love the Lord. That would be lying, would it not? Jesus said, “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of the heavens, but only the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. ..." Matthew 7:21.
Was it the will of God to go "door to door" spreading lies about His word? Is it His will now that we be unrepentant about past sins? Why does your Governing Board insist members be ready to perform tasks they're not willing to do themselves, like apologize and repent? Are they really that "humble"???
Yes. According to Jesus, we show that we love the Lord, by keeping his commandment, which includes preaching the message of good news of God's kingdom.
(John 14:15) . . .“If you love me, you will observe my commandments.
(John 8:31) . . .“If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples,
Did the “good news of God’s kingdom” include the “Creator’s promise” regarding the generation of 1914 ? How about 1975? Was the "remaining few months before Armageddon" a commandment in 1940? Was preaching a resurrection in 1925 the way Christians "remain in the word"?
Of course not. All of these were false prophesies given in the name of the Lord.
In the Old Testament, false prophets were stoned as blasphemers. Of course, Christians do not stone false prophets now, but then we're not asked to follow them when they knock on our door either.
Remember this article in 1972 (still present in a modified form at JW.org)?:
The only thing "they" know, based on your Organization's prophetic history, is that the testimony of this prophet has been consistently false.It is as scripture states:
"Let God be true, and every human being a liar." Romans 3:4.
It is truly unfortunate that your Organization mixed the word of God with their own, but it's a relatively simple fix. All it would take is the Governing Board to state their remorse, issue an apology and repent, the very same thing your Organization asks it's own members to do when they sin. They could then proceed with a biblical message about the coming judgement without the dates, finger pointing, and hubris. But it appears too many Witnesses take too much pride in their Governing Board so such a course would never be considered.
And getting back to thread theme, God does not curse peace makers, and that was the purpose of the League and now the United Nations. Yes, the United Nations has not brought world peace, but they only promised to work towards peace, not bring it. In this, the UN has been largely successful.
Again, it's unfortunate that the Watchtower has confused the United Nations' purpose with some sort of promise. The two words are not the same.