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Peace vs Terrorism - Clergies, Leaders & Media – Revolution to Peace - International Comments


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you…. After the recitation of Surah Alfatiha, Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help) said: A person who claims to be Muslim, the beauty of his Muslim-hood will be manifested if he is strong in Eman (faith) and undertand the reality of Islam.

Eman mean to completely give up the self to Allah the Exalted, and to practice His commandments.

Islam means to save oneself from every evil while keeping eyes on commandments of Allah the Exalted and to make means of peace for others too.

It is the gist of Eman and Islam….If the Muslim world understand this, then such scenes of establishing and spreading durable peace and safety will be seen which make the world paradise.

In this era, to establish this real Eman in the hearts, and to show models of real Islam, Allah the Exalted has sent Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace).

And after being attributed towards him, it is our responsibility that by establishing real Eman and by being right model of Islam we should become his helper in this service, and we should tell the world about the reality of Eman, and we should spread safety.

By the grace of Allah the Exalted, Jama'at Ahmadiyya is doing this servise through its system everywhere in the world. But it is the duty of each Ahmadi that he should make himself a model of Islamic teaching so that each of us should fulfill our duty.

Unfortunately the mayhem in Muslim world these days, it is bring bad reputation to the name of Islam. May the Muslim countries understand that how much their personal interest have harmed Islam. Extremist organizations and groups have surfaced up due to the reason that selfishness is increasing at each level. Peace of countries are being destroyed. Neither they are in peace nor they impart peace to others. Neith governments are doing justice with citizens nor people are paying rights of governments. Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has written about the excesses of these two:

As long as these two aspects [duties of government and duties of citizens] progress with moderation, till then, peace stays in that country. And when excess is shown by citizens or ruler, peace from the country vanishes.

Unfortunately, these days we are seeing all this happening in many Muslim countries. Anti-Islam powers are drawing their benefits from this situation. On one hand both sides are helped to swell their disputes, and on the other hand press and media gives vast coverage and publicity to actions of extremist groups and defame Islam.

Huzur (a.t.) said he gave some interviews to media, in which he told them this thing too, that their hand was present too in spreading hate against Islam and in presenting it as an extremist and terrorist religion. Media in not doing justice. It gives name religion to the political ambitions of a group, and it gives so much publicity to it that it has changed the thoughts of people of the world about Islam. The people who do not know Islam, media has created such a horrible picture in their minds that their face change the colour when they hear name of Islam.

Media hides news where they have their own interests. For example, sometimes ago in Ireland, when incidence of extremism took place by separatists, press decided (or it was forced to) not to give news about it. As the result, government suppressed the rage raised at local level.

Huzur (a.t) told the media: It is true that the actions of separatist groups in Muslim countries are more severe than those done in Ireland but how these groups are being continuously able to do their deeds. Weapons and fuel are being provided from outside.

When perturbed people, troubled by environment, join extremists, media does a lot of propaganda about it that so many people went from here and so many from there. Then Islam is made target by one or another way. It causes more unrest and reaction…. But media does not mention those hundred of thousands muslims who talk about peace; they are not given acceptance as compared to those who show negative attitude.

Ahead of everyone, it is Ahmadiyya Jama'at which spreads teaching of love of Islam in the world with an urge. As the result of it, under the flag of peace, hundred of thousands of people join the Jama'at every year, to spread peace and safety. If we tell media about them it does not pay much attention to them - rather no attention at all, no where any mention is made.

Negative picture of deeds of some Muslims or Muslims groups is presented before the world . As the result, non-Muslim population of the world thinks that there is only one representation and aim of Islam, and it is extremism and unfairness. People think it is real face of Islam. It leads to increasing hatred for Islam in non-Muslims……... Anyway, now press is a business, they paste spicy news for monetary gain.

Every year hundreds of thousands people gather under the Ahmadiyya Muslim flag of peace every year. It was mentioned in Jalsa UK 2015 reports. In the address of second day of Jalsa Huzur (a.t.) mentioned examples of such people. Some more examples of the people are being presented, who saw the real face of Islam through Jama'at Ahmadiyya which created an effect in their hearts. They people included Muslims and non-Muslims. There are many who accepted Islam after seeing its beautiful picture and after coming in the Bai'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) they made the promise that they shall do their best to pay rights of Allah the Exalted and His servants, and to manifest the true Islamic teaching, and shall spread this message of peace and safety of Islam further. Some of them said that the world need this beautiful teaching of Islam. They said the media had put lock on our thoughts by giving negative impression of Islam. The efforts of Jama'at Ahmadiyya removed these wrong thoughts.

1=In Benin, at Chirima Jama'at, on the occasion of inauguration of Mosque, a Christain pastor of Apostalic Church openly said: The day of today is an amazing day of my life. Today Muslims and Christains are sitting at one place. I have earlier worked in area of Muslims but I have never seen any ceremony, where Muslims and Christains are together. No doubt Jama'at Ahmadiyya has gathered us togethered. I salute to Ahmadiyyat.

2=A great effect of our work is on fair minded politicians. Some spoke in Jalsa UK too. The Islamic teaching presented by Jama'at Ahmadiyya and its services which are practical models of Islam are lauded everywhere in the world. People likes services of Jama'at and mention the beauty of its teaching……In Gonzogo village of Benin, there was inauguration of mosque, minister of transport had come as guest. He said: Jama'at Ahmadiyya is not a new Jama'at for us, its services for humanity are not hidden from anyone. We, the representatives of government make research about every group and organization and it is our job to keep vigilant eyes on their manifesto, aims and mission. The sevices for humanity by Ahmadiyyat for Benin, and the effort for love and peace done by Jama'at Ahmadiyya is at number one in Benin. I present greeting to the efforts of Ahmadiyyat in the services for love and peace. And this love have attracted me here……From the chief of this place to all governmental machinery, all is present in your service because of your slogan ‘love for all hatred for none’ and because the Islamic teaching you present, it is such thing that we feel compled to accompany you.

3=The role of media is so strong, on one hand, that not only grown ups, children too are made fearful of Islam. At some places, in schools such incidence take place that non-Muslim children sometimes treat Muslim children in such way which indicates hatreds are on the rise…….On the other hand, how Allah the Exalted parishes their effect through Jama'at Ahmadiyya; a little event is being mentioned: In Kababir, we have Jama'at and mosque. Missionary writes that few days ago, a Jewish teacher was introducing Jama'at to school children. The teacher probably knew Arabic. Above the door of our mosque, it is written:
من دخله كان امنا
‘man dakhalahu kana aamena’. […whoso enters it, enters peace……..part of 3:98]The teacher was informing the children by making translation that this sentence means 'whoso enters it, enters peace'. The teacher said that all Muslims say these words [these words are in Quran] but you should know that the practical model of this sentence can be seen only in the mosque of Ahmadis.

4=How Allah the Exalted draws the attention of people towards Jama'at. A French speaking country in Africa is Burkina Faso. There, in Kalambago area, moque was constructed. At the inauguration, a friend said he learned about Jama'at Ahmadiyya 10 years ago, but I thought Jama'at Ahmadiyya was an ordinary organization of Muslims. That is why I neither accepted Ahmadiyyat nor mentioned it in the area. But today, after seeing the mosque of Jama'at Ahmadiyya in my village, I learned that, the Jama'at which I ignored by considering it an ordinary organization of Muslims, it is the Jama'at which is doing true service for Islam. Today this Jama'at has made a mosque in my village too. Today it became clear to me this Jama'at is surely truthful and support of Allah is with it.

5=There is a place Moyo in Benin, where everyone is polytheist. Our missionary went there to convey message. After introducing Jama'at he asked if anyone had a question? An old man said: I had bad thoughts about Islam. When I saw you, I thought Boku Haram (which are strong in Nigeria) have entered in us too. But when I heard your speech, my all fears were removed. I am the first man from these polytheists who accepts Islam and Ahmadiyyat. After that 40 people from this village entered Islam-Ahmadiyya and a new chapter of Jama'at is establehed in a village of polytheists…..There are some customs which are vigorously followed when someone dies, hundreds of thousands Francs are spent. Without these rituals, body is not buried. A large ceremony is held. Body may remain in mortuary for a month…..But this senior-person, after becoming Ahmadiyya Muslim, announced when he should die he should not be buried in this way his burial should be according to Islamic way. This was a quick change he left customs. One day he told our Mu’allam (religious-teacher) a new soul has entered in him after he became Ahmadi. Whereever I am, even working at farm, my soul awakens my conscience and tells ‘It is time to offer Salaat’ (this observance of Salaat has been developed in them), I stand for Salaat and it gives tranquility and happiness to my soul. (those who are lazy in offering Salaat should see to it, new comers are punctual and offer worship with zeal). I feel great change in me.

6=Today the true teaching of Islam can reach to the world through Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) only. It is mentioned in reports how Allah the Exalted is conveying his message to the world and how it effects people……An event: In Faranah (Guinea Conakry) which is 500 km away from the capital, when our Murabbi reached there for Tabligh, there a Tabligh-sitting was arranged by Ahmadi friend Abu Bakr sahib. Murabbi sahib said: We conveyed message of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) to these people. The proceeding was continuing when a opponent molvi (clergy) arrived to do evil. He listened for sometime silently then he said with anger, ‘You are e not allowed to convey message here and I shall have you arrested by police’….Young men of the are stood up, they told the molvi with anger, ‘Today we are hearing these things, you are here for long time you never told these things. These things, these words of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) is affecting our hearts. It is the way to present the teaching of Islam in beautiful way which is wining our hearts, we are getting peace with it. Till now, you have been making us astray. Therefore leave this area immediately’……The molvi left much ashmed. As the result of this meeting, 15 people joined the Jama'at.

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Peace be upon you.
7=Another event at Guinea Conakry: In a town, 200 km from the capitol, when our people went to convey message, a man said, ‘Before you, some people of Tabligh-jama’at came here but what were there attitudes! They too talked about Allah and Messenger, then they did some non-sense acts in this village which we cannot speak about. Have you come to do the same? It is better you go from here before we beat you and throw out!’……Ahmadis said, ‘Let us speak’. An elder too told the area-people that these people seems to be different, let’s listen to them. Then Ahmadis mentioned the purpose of coming of Hazrat Promised Messiah (On whom be peace). They told them Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) had foretold the signs of latter days and advent of Promised Messiah will take place……Anyway, there was an extraordinary effect on people. Visiting Ahmadis left a local missionary there who continued Tabligh. By the grace of Allah, in one week, not only that village joined Ahmadiyyat along with their imam and mosque but also four or five nearby villages have joined Ahmadiyyat – the true Islam by doing Bai'at. More links are being made. Continuous messages are coming that people are eagerly waiting to join the true Islam.

Unfortunately, Muslim Ulama (scholars /clegy) and leaders have played a large role to make people away from Islam (as example is given above how people see their character and go away from Islam). That is why everywhere non-Muslims feel courage to defame Islam.

8=Jama'at Ahmadiyya brings off-tracked-gone or doubt-in-mind Muslims back to Deen (faith/religion/way/Islam):

At a place in Africa, we arranged a bookstall. It was exhibition of Holy Quran. Two Muslim youths came from Portonovo city in Benin. When they were told about Ahmadiyyat, they were told Imam Mahdi (on whom be peace) has come and he is the Imam of this era, they quick said Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) is the Khatamun Nabiyeen. Will anyone come after him (s.a.w.)?...They were given the book ‘Truth of Promised Messiah (a.s.)’ in French language. And Holy Prophet (s.a.w.)’s sayings about latter days, second coming of Messiah (a.s.), Ahmadiyyat i.e. The true Islam (i.e.the true Islam which was brought by Holy Prophet s.a.w. and these days its shape has been misfigured), What is Islam: It has teaching of love, safety and security [Katamun Nabiyeen: The seal of all Prophets, The last Prophet with Shariah, The chief of all Prophets]….Upon this, both the young men said that they are surely Muslims by creed but we were so much tired of barbarism and terrorism by Muslims that we were about to become Christain. But now we are feel satisfied by listening to Jama'at Ahmadiyya that Islam is not like what Mullahs present. They thanked our missionary that they were saved from becoming Christain, and leaving Islam.

9=Non-Muslims, when see the true Islam, they too become fond of spreading the true Islam and they too help us. Muballigh (missionary) of Japan writes: A Budhist Japanese visited our stall and said his information about Islam were very little. When he was introduced about Islam and models of Islamic teaching regarding other religions were told through verses of Holy Quran – then he not only thanked us but said, ‘this beautiful teaching is worth to be told to the world and misunderstandings of the world about Islam should be removed. Allow me, one day I like to distribute the message of peace with you’….Then according to his promise, he came to our stall and from 10 a.m to 4 p.m. he continued to announce, being a Bhudist, with loud voice ‘Islam is the religion of peace’ and continued to distribute folders among people.

10=In Karnataka province of India, at place Gadag, a bookstall was established. A non-Muslim friend came there and said he had seen many bookstalls before this one but he had never seen till that day the people who conveyed message of peace and ‘shanti’ and conveyed beautiful teaching of Islam to people. He was much impressed and bought many books from the stall.

11=In Luxemberg, at an exhibition, a bookstall was arranged by the Jama'at. The city mayor visited the stand and saw various books. After that the sadder (president) of Luxwmberg Jama'at briefly introduced Jama'at to him and presented him a book as gift. The mayor said: Your community is working very good. You need to spread this beatiful picture of Islam in the world as soon as possible.

12=A narrative of heart broken Dutch new-Muslim: Ameer sahib of Holland writes: Bilal sahib, a Dutch Muslim, became very heart broken at the condition of Muslims. Once he went to bazaar to buy a gift for his child. On his way, he stopped at a bookstall, which belonged to Jama'at Ahmadiyya. He saw the Holy Quran published by Jama'at Ahmadiyya first time. He talked to Ahmadi Khadim present at the stall too and took home some literature of Jama'at. After sometimes when he was contacted again, he said he was very impressed by the teaching of Jama'at Ahmadiyya. He said: When I happily mentioned Jama'at Ahmadiyya to my Suni friends and told them I have literature of Jama'at Ahmadiyya, they became very angry and aggressive. My wife who is from Moroco, became very angry too. It became impossible even to mention name of Ahmadiyyat in home. I decided to make research about Ahmadiyyat covertly. Allah the Exalted enabled me to meet that young man again who met me at bookstall. He invited me to attend Jalsa Salana. I attended tha Jalsa for 2 days. Meanwhile I found some videos at Youtube in Dutch language which helped me a lot. After seeing these videos, my wife changed her opinion about Ahmadiyyat. That is how Allah the Exalted dawned the truth of Ahmadiyyat at me and I was enabled to do Bai'at. I attend the programs of Jama'at now and feel spiritual progress. The previous unrestful feeling is vanishing.

13=How the teaching of Holy Quran affects others. From Canada, one of our member who is Daee ellalah (caller towards Allah) writes: We arranged a bookstall for Tabligh. Canadian husband and wife visited our stall. After seeing Holy Quran they asked what are the properties of this Book. He gave a brief introduction of Holy Quran. Man wanted to buy the Holy Quran but the wife, a Christain, insisted it should not be bought. The man said, ‘Tell my wife something from Quran which shoul make her agree to buy it.’ (he wanted to buy but did not want unrest at home). The Ahmadi person at stall told him there is a chapter in Holy Quran, in which, Hazrat Jesus and his mother (peace be on them) are mentioned and it gives such a detail which is not present in Bible. That place was shown to them. Man’s wife began to read the translation. After reading a while, she said, ‘It is truly a very interesting Book. We had read in Press / media / newspapers that Quran is filled with hate. But it mentions Jesus and his mother with very much love.’ Thus they bought Holy Quran….Few weeks latter they passed by our stall, they thankfully said, ‘We have read Holy Quran. The hate is being spread in media for Quran and Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), if anyone read the Book, or even make a quick look at it, his all misunderstands are removed. The man said the he asks his Christain friends to read Quran.

14=In Benin, at occasion of arrangement of a bookstall, a teacher of a govermment school came. He read the teaching of peace and love of Jama'at and asked literature for his students: ‘I want my students should read this literature and the society may be filled with peace and love.’ (the literature which fills society with peace and love is the literature of Jama'at Ahmadiyya). He took the literature and distributed among his students. Latter when students visited the stall, they said their teacher had already given it to them.

15=When good natured Muslims observe the system of Jama'at Ahmadiyya which is exact Islamic system, it makes good impression on them, and this thing becomes a reason for their guidance….The Murabbi of Burkino Faso writes: They went to a place Silaghogho for Tabligh. People welcomed them nicely. All men and women gathered to hear the message. Questions answers continued till 2 at night. I told them our Jama'at is gathered at one hand and we have a system of Chanda (alms) which has taken an international shape. Jama'at has a Baitulmal (house of money) wich is under Khalifah of time. The Chanda goes to this Baitulmal and comes from it for expenses. After the Fajr Salaat, a friend Zakaria sahib came and said, ‘I saw a dream sometimes ago that I am offering Chanda and voice comes: Give Chanda to such an Islamic group which has a Baitulmal. I was in search of this Islamic group for long time. At night when Murabbi sahib informed about monetary system of Jama'at, I found meaning of the words which I had heard in dream.’ …… He immediately paid 10,000 Francs CFA….. Murabbi sahib had recipt-book, he issued the receipt to the person…..When people heard about this dream, and saw there was a systematic receipt-book of Chanda, which kept all record, they were imprerssed greatly. After that, by the grace of Allah, 282 people in that village did Bai'at. All these people are registered in the regular system of Chanda.

16=Guete mala, a country in South America: During the distribution of fliers, connection was developed with a young man Yusuf. He came to mission house, accepted Ahmadiyyat…Earlier, sometimes ago he had accepted Islam. He said, ‘He could not find peace of heart in nonm-Jaa'at mosque. People have mutual malice and rancor. One day when I prayed and slept, in dream I saw a spiritual-elder who possed extremely spiritual countenecae…. There is a path which has nothing but ash..This Elder began to walk in front for me and indicates for me to walk behind him. Due to walk of the Elder the path with ash began to get cleaned. In the dream, it is understood: Remember this lesson till tomorrow only…..Next day I saw you people distributing message of peace among the people. I read it, heart felt that it is the real Islam. For the purpose of Bai'at, I gained all the information from the website and has come here.’….He was shown the photograph of Hazrat Aqdas Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) he said, ‘He is the Elder who was showing me the path in the dream.’ By the grace of Allah the Exalted this event made him stronger in faith.

17=France: Ameer sahib writes: A new-Bai'at-done friend Kamal sahib said: I was custormary-Muslim since many years and was not satisfied at explanations of Holy Quran by Ulama. I was living life in two extremes. One side was the matter, at which, my faith existed. But on the other side there was my mind which was rejecting somethings and wanted logic. Because of this I was in strange inner-struggle. But suddenly a light appeared in my dark spiritual life which pulled me from ignorance and showed me new path to light. One day I was discussing a religious issue with my brother-in-law, he mentioned Jama'at Ahmadiyya, and asked me to read Tafseer (Commentary) of Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah II (may allah be pleased with him). When I read the Tafseer, I remained astonished, why such clear and transparent Tafseer has not been written by anyone else in 1400 years. Then he told me about MTA; and gave me link of internet [alislamDOTorg], at which I read many books of Hazrat Aqdas Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and watched many programs. Sincere.The people who did these programs, I found them sincere they talked with reason. I felt, I have found a treasure, and my soul has gotten freedom. My all doubts vanished and I learned the true Islam, thus did Bai'at.



Peace be upon you.

18=When the message of Jama'at – the message of peace and safety – reaches to various parts of the world, pure natured people accept it…….Mubaligh Incharge of Guete Mala writes: As the result of distribution of leaflets, 91 persons were enabled to accept Ahmadiyyat; among the acceptee one is pastor, who was attached to Catholic Church for 33 years and 5 years with Protestant sect -- another person is a Judge in municipality. The student graduated from Jamia Canada were sent there for one month, they distrubted more than 100,000 leaflets and pamphlets in Guete Mala. They went in various areas. The earlier mentioned Judge too received a folder, he came to mission house and talked about Islam with missionary incharge for two or three hours. He obtained ainformation and was very impressed. He took two or three hundred folders with him too for distribution in his area. After sometime, he brought a group of seven people with him from his area. He stayed for ten days in mission house. Comparison of Islam and Christianity, Trinity, Salvation were discussed. He was told about the beauty and excellence of teaching of Islam and Jama'at was introduced. By the grace of Allah, Domingo sahib and his wife by filling the Bai'at form accepted Ahmadiyyat and has started Tabligh of Islam Ahmadiyya in their region, after retrun…….In July a Tabligh program was made. ……There was a meeting in a school-hall. People from nearby villages were invited. Islamic teaching was explained in detail. Ahmdiyya message was told. Ahmadis of Guete Mala narrated the events of their acceptance of Ahmadiyyat. Question answers took place. This meeting continued for seven hours. Before the end of meeting, all the antendees announced to accept Islam. They were 89 men and women.

19=From Europe (perhaps Switzerland) someone wrote: The work you are doing, your flier, I liked very much. The work you are doing is like changing fall-season into spring. Some time spring will come for sure. This is comment of non-Ahmadi.

Likwise, a Swiss person said: The leaflet which was put in my letter box, I liked its subject. I congratulate you. I desired from long May there should be someone among Muslims, who should make a drive for peace like this. You people have fulfilled my desire.

Muballigh of Switzerland writes: In Zurich, Jacob sabib of a Church, who admires services of Jama'at and likes Jama'at tells that a Chruch has adopted the slogan of Jama'at : Love for all hatred for none. They will celebertae 33 rd week of 2015 in this reference. For this they have published an informative leaflet, in it they have mentioned Jama'at Ahmadiyya in very good way, they have written : There are two basic principles of Jama'at Ahmadiyya; one is the sentence Love for all Hatred for none, and secondly the sentence, There is no compulsion in religion.Peace can be established by exercising these two principles.

In Switzerland a lot of things are said against Islam. By the grace of Allah the Exalted there too is such an air that Allah the Exalted Himself is raising people.

20=How the others thank the teaching of Islamic teachings…..From Congo Kinshsaw, Muballigh writes: By hearing our radio programs, a pastor of Orthodox church said: I am very much impressed from your way of conveying the message and Islamic teaching. I have decided to join Islam and first of all I shall make my child join Islam-Ahmadiyyat . Thus his child, after doing Bai'at, in local Jama'at, has joined Islam-Ahmadiyyat.

21=Bondono, Congo: A Murabbi writes: Director of Radio Bondono FM said about programs of radio of Jama'at Ahmadiyya: At our radio, Christain pastor do Tabligh too. But the method of Tabligh of Jama'at Ahmadiyya is unique. In your programs, mud is not thrown at anyone. You speak about excellences of Islamic teaching and give education to human to make them beneficial part of human society.

22= A Muslim teacher of Nigerea says: Your all Jama'at posseses great qualities of Islam which make you join with Sahabah (Companions) of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). May Allah the Exalted accept the prayers of your Khalifah in favour of Islam. (Aameen).

23=Our Murabbi from Benin writes: On the occasion of inauguration of a mosque, King of Doso came there too who said, ‘I would say to everyone Be Ahmadi. These are the true people.’….A poet of local language said some verses (poem) at the occasion. Its gist is: A plant planted by human dies if water is not given, but the plant planted by God does not need it. Ahmadiyyat is the plant planted by God and the construction of this Mosque is self evidence of it. My house is near this mosque then why should I go to a Church for worship, why not go to Mosque.’

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) further said: Thus this plant is of Islam, planted by Allah the Exalted. In this era, according to the prophecies of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), He has sent Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). And till Qayamat, by getting blessing from Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), for the sake of his (s.a.w.) blessing, Allah the Exalted will continue to provide water to it too (Aameen). The water which is required spiritually, Allah the Exalted provided according to His Promise and will continue to provide in future too. InshaAllah Ta’ala. (Aameen) . And always this plant IshaAllah will remain green and fresh….. For, the world may follow the pleasure of Allah the Exalted, and to spread safety and love, I have presented these few events from thousands of events which strenghthen our faith; these continue to appear. How Allah the Exalted opens the bossom of people, how He enables others (non-Ahmadis) to speak in our favour. Some one lives in Africa, others from Arab, Europe, South Africa but the effect is same on all because international teaching is only one and it is teaching of Islam. Every fair minded, even if he immediately accepts Islam or not, but he is compled to say that only Islam is the guarantee of peace of world. No fair-minded person accept the deed of selfish Muslim leaders or benefit-seeker evil-liker groups, part of Islam. Only he will say so who does not have justice. Anti-Islam powers, no matter how much propaganda they do against Islam, only Islam will have to show the world, the ways of nearness of Allah the Exalted and provide peace and safety(Aameen). If not today, then tomorrow, world will have to accept that Islam is the guarantee of peace of world. May Allah the Exalted enable us that we become the part of this success, and see the many fold blessings of Allah the Exalted and mold our deeds according to the teaching of Islam. (Aameen).

Reference: Friday sermon (September 11, 2015) by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), Baitul Futuh Mosque, Mordan, London, UK, alislam.org and mta.tv