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Pedophilia does not have anything to do with homosexuality.


Considering that tens of thousands of girls become child brides every year, by patriarchal and conservative societies who incidentally are also homophobic, I'd say that homosexuality is not the problem.

Not sure why you posted this to me?

I know homosexuality is NOT the problem - Patriarchal heterosexual men are.



perhaps it has something to do with the fact that most peodophiles are men who prey on young males and they proceed to commit homosexual acts on them.?


Far more girls are molested - and it is RAPE - not homosexuality.

The majority of pedophiles are married heterosexuals.

Truth - 51% of men selected female children.
21% selected both. Females victimized 2-1.
83% of child molesters are heterosexual.



Jehovah our God is One
Far more girls are molested - and it is RAPE - not homosexuality.

The majority of pedophiles are married heterosexuals.

Truth - 51% of men selected female children.
21% selected both. Females victimized 2-1.
83% of child molesters are heterosexual.


yes, however if 51% choose to abuse girls, then 49 percent choose to abuse boys.

And if those 49% are abusing the same sex, then are they 'really' hetrosexual? If they were hetro, then surely they would be abusing girls??

The figures are bad whichever way we look at them. Sexual perversions are rife and until people start curbing their violent lusts, the problem will continue and get worse.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
yes, however if 51% choose to abuse girls, then 49 percent choose to abuse boys.

And if those 49% are abusing the same sex, then are they 'really' hetrosexual? If they were hetro, then surely they would be abusing girls??

The figures are bad whichever way we look at them. Sexual perversions are rife and until people start curbing their violent lusts, the problem will continue and get worse.

Still fail to see how a relationship between two consenting adults has anything to do with pedophilia.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
yes, however if 51% choose to abuse girls, then 49 percent choose to abuse boys.

And if those 49% are abusing the same sex, then are they 'really' hetrosexual? If they were hetro, then surely they would be abusing girls??

The figures are bad whichever way we look at them. Sexual perversions are rife and until people start curbing their violent lusts, the problem will continue and get worse.

Try this....a sexual assault isn't sexual. It's violence. It's why prison rape is committed against someone of the same sex.

Molestation isn't about sex, it's about power and control. It falls under the same definition as rape and sexual assault.


Well-Known Member
perhaps it has something to do with the fact that most peodophiles are men who prey on young males and they proceed to commit homosexual acts on them.?


They prey on young girls too and proceed to commit "heterosexual acts" on them!
Homosexuality and pedophilia are completely different Pegg, don't be ignorant about sexual orientation.


Well-Known Member
yes, however if 51% choose to abuse girls, then 49 percent choose to abuse boys.

And if those 49% are abusing the same sex, then are they 'really' hetrosexual? If they were hetro, then surely they would be abusing girls??

The figures are bad whichever way we look at them. Sexual perversions are rife and until people start curbing their violent lusts, the problem will continue and get worse.

So should we compare heterosexuality to pedophilia?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
And if those 49% are abusing the same sex, then are they 'really' hetrosexual? If they were hetro, then surely they would be abusing girls??
No. Pedophilia isn't a sexual preference; it's an age fetish.

Plus, the act doesn't define the orientation. Many homosexuals mask their orientation by having sexual relationships with the opposite sex. That doesn't magically "make" them heterosexual.


Well-Known Member
Pegg said:
Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that most peodophiles are men who prey on young males and they proceed to commit homosexual acts on them?

No, an article at Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation says:

Gregory Herek said:
For example, in one review of the scientific literature, noted authority Dr. A. Nicholas Groth wrote:

Are homosexual adults in general sexually attracted to children and are preadolescent children at greater risk of molestation from homosexual adults than from heterosexual adults? There is no reason to believe so. The research to date all points to there being no significant relationship between a homosexual lifestyle and child molestation. There appears to be practically no reportage of sexual molestation of girls by lesbian adults, and the adult male who sexually molests young boys is not likely to be homosexual (Groth & Gary, 1982, p. 147).​
In a later literature review, Dr. Nathaniel McConaghy (1998) similarly cautioned against confusing homosexuality with pedophilia. He noted, "The man who offends against prepubertal or immediately postpubertal boys is typically not sexually interested in older men or in women" (p. 259).


Premium Member
perhaps it has something to do with the fact that most peodophiles are men who prey on young males and they proceed to commit homosexual acts on them.?


There are male pedophiles who prey on little girls and female pedophiles who prey on little boys. So that is hardly evidence.

Edited to add: Actually, I have noticed more heterosexual pedophilia in cases.


Well-Known Member
There are male pedophiles who prey on little girls and female pedophiles who prey on little boys. So that is hardly evidence.

Edited to add: Actually, I have noticed more heterosexual pedophilia in cases.

Like I said, the ages that pedophiliacs are attracted to do not fit the ages were an individual has defining sexual characteristics. You're talking ages 11 and younger.


Well-Known Member
Pegg said:
Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that most peodophiles are men who prey on young males and they proceed to commit homosexual acts on them?

No, an article at Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation says:

Gregory Herek said:
For example, in one review of the scientific literature, noted authority Dr. A. Nicholas Groth wrote:
Are homosexual adults in general sexually attracted to children and are preadolescent children at greater risk of molestation from homosexual adults than from heterosexual adults? There is no reason to believe so. The research to date all points to there being no significant relationship between a homosexual lifestyle and child molestation. There appears to be practically no reportage of sexual molestation of girls by lesbian adults, and the adult male who sexually molests young boys is not likely to be homosexual (Groth & Gary, 1982, p. 147).
In a later literature review, Dr. Nathaniel McConaghy (1998) similarly cautioned against confusing homosexuality with pedophilia. He noted, "The man who offends against prepubertal or immediately postpubertal boys is typically not sexually interested in older men or in women" (p. 259).

An article at Daily Kos: Gays are pedophiles? No. Here's the proof. says:

dailykos.com said:
Hereis Fischer's reasoning:
As Tony Perkins of FRC said in his update yesterday, "While activists like to claim that pedophilia is a completely distinct orientation from homosexuality, evidence shows a disproportionate overlap between the two. About a third of all child sex abuse cases involve men molesting boys--and in one study, 86% of such men identified themselves as homosexual or bisexual. Try as they might, gays and lesbians can't shrug off the link. This is a homosexual problem." Think about that for a moment. Homosexuals comprise less than three percent of the population, yet are responsible for one-third of all child sex abuse cases. There is an overwhelming correlation between homosexual preference and pedophilia. This is further evidence that homosexuality is in fact sexual deviancy. For this reason alone, no homosexual should be elevated to the United States Supreme Court.
First it is not activists who "like to claim that pedophilia is a completely distinct orientation" from homosexual orientation. It is very serious social scientists who have studied the subject closely who differentiate homosexual orientation from pedophilia -- even when acts of pedophilia are homosexual in nature.

One of the world's foremost experts on the subject of pedophilia is Fred Berlin. Here's a summation of his view:
According to Dr. Fred Berlin, a Johns Hopkins University professor who founded the National Institute for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Trauma in Baltimore, Md., pedophilia is a distinct sexual orientation marked by persistent, sometimes exclusive, attraction to prepubescent children. ~ Time
The simplest understanding of this, and a very correct understanding is to see that sexual abuse isn't about sexual orientation or sexual attraction. Unattractive people are often victims of sexual abuse and sexual violence. Sexual violence and abuse is about power, domination, and control. It's not about sexual attraction.

Fischer cites a study that says 86% of men who molest boys identify themselves as gay or bisexual with no breakdown of gay or bisexual perpetrators. The study Fischer references is strongly criticized by the consensus of experts in this field. The paper he's referencing is Erickson et al. (1988). Behavior patterns of child molesters. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 17, 77-86. The paper does claim in passing that 86% of molesters of boys identified as gay or bisexual, but the paper does not describe how this data was gathered, and how it ascertained the sexual orientation of these men.

"But wait!" You might begin. "If men molest boys aren't they necessarily gay?" The answer is no. Because , for one, sexual orientation isn't about behavior alone. For example, when Governor Jim McGreevy feigned heterosexuality most of his life and formed a heterosexual family, and presumably engaged in heterosexual behavior was he a heterosexual all of that time? Or was he simply a closeted gay man? Behavior isn't always consistent with sexual orientation and attraction. Pedophiles are attracted, primarily, to children. The sex of those children matter less than that they are children. The sex of victim has more to do with access than sexual orientation.

The US Catholic Bishops commissioned a study on priestly child sex abuse from John Jay College. John Jay researcher Margaret Smith reported back to the Bishops on early findings from their study. From the USA Today:
We do not find a connection between homosexual identity and the increased likelihood of subsequent abuse from the data that we have right now ... It's important to separate the sexual identity and the behavior. Someone can commit sexual acts that might be of a homosexual nature but not have a homosexual identity.
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Premium Member
No. Pedophilia isn't a sexual preference; it's an age fetish.
Out of curiosity, using the same logic how come homosexuality isn't a gender fetish?

Plus, the act doesn't define the orientation. Many homosexuals mask their orientation by having sexual relationships with the opposite sex. That doesn't magically "make" them heterosexual.
Regardless, straight or gay doesn't change based on age. Your either attracted to males or females or both.


Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity, using the same logic how come homosexuality isn't a gender fetish?

Regardless, straight or gay doesn't change based on age. Your either attracted to males or females or both.

Why is heterosexuality not a gender fetish?

But the attraction for pedophilia does appear to be more "age" related then sexually related.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Out of curiosity, using the same logic how come homosexuality isn't a gender fetish?
AS I understand it, a fetish is an affinity for something other than a person -- leather, bondage, clothing, a certain body part, etc. That's not quite the same thing as sexual attraction, whose focus is the person and the relationship (of whatever kind) that can be built. Age is a thing, not a person, just as clothing is a thing, not a person. Sexual attraction goes way beyond the body parts involved. Pedophilia isn't that extensive. It objectifies the person because of age alone.


Premium Member
AS I understand it, a fetish is an affinity for something other than a person -- leather, bondage, clothing, a certain body part, etc. That's not quite the same thing as sexual attraction, whose focus is the person and the relationship (of whatever kind) that can be built. Age is a thing, not a person, just as clothing is a thing, not a person. Sexual attraction goes way beyond the body parts involved. Pedophilia isn't that extensive. It objectifies the person because of age alone.
I think this makes sense. Though it seems that we are just labeling what we think as "normal" and labeling it an orientation while throwing out everything else as a fetish. When even the gender thing can be a fetish because it is shoved down our throats by society and we are urged to be "normal". Like when I was a kid I always like adult women, could just be a fetish because my dad and society said that is the way it should be.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I think this makes sense. Though it seems that we are just labeling what we think as "normal" and labeling it an orientation while throwing out everything else as a fetish. When even the gender thing can be a fetish because it is shoved down our throats by society and we are urged to be "normal". Like when I was a kid I always like adult women, could just be a fetish because my dad and society said that is the way it should be.
No, I don't think that's quite right. Orientation is orientation and has nothing to do with sexual objectification. It has to do with who one responds to with one's whole being.