A rather interesting perspective.
Jesus said that the standards you use to judge others will be the same standards used to judge you.
Nowhere did Jesus say to not judge at all.
There is a type of judging that is done with charity to help a person out of genuine love. Judging and gossiping can also be a very addictive way to whip oneself into a frenzy and feed a person's pride and get them to not have to focus on themselves.
A few posts down from the OP I mentioned the Christians that I have seen with blood red eyes , beads of sweat on their forehead , and saliva coming forth from their mouth as they shout that homosexuals, atheist, and pagans (and Catholics) are all going to hell.
In jail we have had many fragile people withdrawling from drugs, ashamed, leaving their lives of sin, , and they go to church and hear a preacher come at them like that and they get up and leave. It does them no good.
They're already full of guilt and shame and know there's something very wrong with their lives. The accuser is already beating them up. They don't need to be having visions of worms and maggots eating them and Flames scorching them for all eternity. They need Gods light and mercy.
How do these fire and brimstone preachers know God is any more pleased with them?
People have very hard lives and struggle with depression as it is, so what good does it do for a person's soul to make them more depressed, more anxious, and straight up traumatized because they think so many of their friends and relatives are going to a place of eternal torment.
It is true I judge the philosophy of Richard Dawkins as being quite empty and depressing and not conducive to bring a lot of people happiness. If His views were my philosophy on life, I would have killed myself.
I strongly disagree with Dawkins and I have been given in my own personal life and in the research done, enormous amounts of evidence that make it impossible for me to believe what Dawkins believes.
So, in that sense I suppose you could say I judge, because I believe his views are erroneous and would decrease the peace, hope, joy , and meaning to a lot of people's lives if they were to believe the same.
His views are not good for society because there are many people who do volunteer work, tell the truth, feed the hungry , help the poor, and care for the sick based on their religious convictions.
However I respect what he has to say. He is a very educated man and has a lot of good qualities. I wish we all can understand science, nature, and animals as well as he does.
He isnt aware that he is rejecting God or rejecting the truth, but doing the best with what he knows , and that he does care about other people and doesn't want people to have to suffer so much.
If He is not fully enlightened to know the truth and then fully and willfully choosing to reject God and the truth, I don't believe a just God would condemn him to hell for all eternity.
Does this make it more clear? Any more questions?