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People Who Lived Before Jesus


Here is a question I've always wondered. As far as I know only people who accept Jesus as their savior are allowed into heaven. What happens to the people who lived before Jesus? Those who never had an opportunity to believe or not believe in him, what happens to them after they die? Let me know if you have any input.



Self-appointed Lunatic
I think that during Jesus' 3-day time being dead, he went into Sheol (underworld, grave, etc) and offered all the people there (that would be, the dead people) to be brought up with him, and they would choose whether to follow him or not at that point (why the heck someone would refuse a free invitation to heaven, I have no idea).
Not sure though.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Theya re all gonna burn in the fiery pits. We all know only 144,000 christians are saved.
The rest o' you are worm fodder in the pit


Typical picture of a non saved sinner


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Here is a question I've always wondered. As far as I know only people who accept Jesus as their savior are allowed into heaven. What happens to the people who lived before Jesus? Those who never had an opportunity to believe or not believe in him, what happens to them after they die? Let me know if you have any input.

Greetings ?'sNoAnswers, and welcome to RF. Hope your stay here is interesting.

Jesus as Christ said that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you. From one perspective, heaven is for the living and is found within. The same perennial message was available before Jesus as it is now from many religious founders. Each taught to 'know thyself' to know God.


Self-appointed Lunatic
Theya re all gonna burn in the fiery pits. We all know only 144,000 christians are saved.
The rest o' you are worm fodder in the pit


Typical picture of a non saved sinner

Er, if I'm not mistaken and my translation is correct, the 144000 aren't ALL of the Christians that get saved (actually, if I remember correctly, that's the same number as there were men in Israel).
Revelations 14:1-5
Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads. And I heard a sound from heaven like the roar of rushing waters and like a loud peal of thunder. The sound I heard was like that of harpists playing their harps. And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the 144000 who had been redeemed from the earth. These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they kept themselves pure. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among men and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb. No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless.
It looks to me that these are simply an elite class of righteous people who were chosen for certain qualities to be taken up before the Revelation began.
However, I couldn't help but notice that they clearly labelled sleeping with women (even in marriage) as defiling themselves (or maybe they were refering to something else when they said "defile themselves with women," such as a certain type of sex? I wish the Bible was less poetic and more clear...), and that these men are distinctly described as being perfect ("they are blameless"), when every human being is inherently a sinner. Perhaps these were those who died during their birth or in the womb?


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
***Mod Advisory***

Please note guys that this thread is located in the Christianity DIR and as such is only for Christians and those with respectful questions

Green Kepi

Active Member
Here is a question I've always wondered. As far as I know only people who accept Jesus as their savior are allowed into heaven. What happens to the people who lived before Jesus? Those who never had an opportunity to believe or not believe in him, what happens to them after they die? Let me know if you have any input.

Jesus’ blood saved those that loved God…back then. The blood in Jesus body was not the magic. He had to die on a certain day and time to fulfill the plan of the Passover lamb.

The blood of Christ refers to his sacrificial death. He was given as a lamb on a specific day and time for a specific purpose. If it was done any other way or day it would not have been acceptable to God.

Just as John the baptizer introduced him as "the LAMB that takes away the sins of the world." Christ fulfilled all the Old Testament types including the scapegoat but it was the Passover lamb that is of the most importance. He was judged instead of us today...and those back then, so he passed over our judgment and we go from death to life.


Active Member
Here is a question I've always wondered. As far as I know only people who accept Jesus as their savior are allowed into heaven. What happens to the people who lived before Jesus? Those who never had an opportunity to believe or not believe in him, what happens to them after they die? Let me know if you have any input.

Jesus’ blood saved those that loved God…back then. The blood in Jesus body was not the magic. He had to die on a certain day and time to fulfill the plan of the Passover lamb.

The blood of Christ refers to his sacrificial death. He was given as a lamb on a specific day and time for a specific purpose. If it was done any other way or day it would not have been acceptable to God.

Just as John the baptizer introduced him as "the LAMB that takes away the sins of the world." Christ fulfilled all the Old Testament types including the scapegoat but it was the Passover lamb that is of the most importance. He was judged instead of us today...and those back then, so he passed over our judgment and we go from death to life.
Lets go back further in time to the people before the flood. Are any of those going to be save by Jesus blood??? :D


Active Member
Why should they be saved?. They only had "every imagination of thoughts in their heart was only evil continually" says the Lord. He said he will blot out man from the face of the ground. So says the Lord. No second or third chance, nothing.:sorry1:


Not your average Mormon
Here is a question I've always wondered. As far as I know only people who accept Jesus as their savior are allowed into heaven. What happens to the people who lived before Jesus? Those who never had an opportunity to believe or not believe in him, what happens to them after they die? Let me know if you have any input.

According to LDS (i.e. Mormon) doctrine, every person who has ever lived will have the opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, understand it, and choose to either accept or reject it prior to being judged by God. There is quite simply no other conceivable way for God to judge fairly and impartially. We do not immediately go to either Heaven or Hell after we die, but continue to exist as cognizant entities (spirit but no physical body) until we are resurrected. The gospel of Jesus Christ continues to be taught today in the Spirit World and no one will be judged without having had the opportunity to accept His gospel and His atoning sacrifice. As far as I'm concerned, any religion which tries to answer this question in any other way has simply got it wrong.


Well-Known Member
Why should they be saved?. They only had "every imagination of thoughts in their heart was only evil continually" says the Lord. He said he will blot out man from the face of the ground. So says the Lord. No second or third chance, nothing.:sorry1:

Quite the benighted claim.

Green Kepi

Active Member
Since the fall of man, the basis of salvation has always been the death of Jesus. No one, either prior to the cross or since the cross, would ever be saved without that one critical event in the history of the world. Christ's death paid the penalty for past sins of Old Testament believers and future sins of New Testament Christians.

The requirement for salvation has always been faith. The object of one's faith for salvation has always been God.

“Blessed are all who take refuge in him” (Psalm 2:12). Genesis 15:6 tells us that Abraham believed God and that was enough for God to credit it to him for righteousness (see also Romans 4:3-8).

The Old Testament sacrificial system did not take away sin, as Hebrews 10:1-10 clearly teaches. It did, however, point to the day when the Son of God would shed His blood for the sinful human race...before the flood and then after....


Active Member
Quite the benighted claim.[/quote]
OK - then please explain how all the people that lived before the Genesis deluge are going to be judged by God as to how they will be saved or not saved @ the end of earth time? They didn't have the 10 comandments or Jesus teachings or is it like what the mormons teach???:D


Active Member
1 sheol and hades are the same things. They are the 'common grave of mankind" or death as we liek to call it.

2 When dead we are conscious of nothing at all (eccl 9:5)

3. Its called the ressurection. All people are ressurected, because Jesus is the ranson sacrifice not for our sins as such, but for the perfection of the human race.

Jesus life was perfect his sacrifice of his perfect life kind of rubbed out what Adam did, which was to give up perfection