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Well-Known Member
What types of pets does everyone have, if any? If you don't have pets, why not? Tell us about your pets, share your stories, the works!

I have 2 cats one dog and 2 horses.

My first cat, Scamp, I brought home from my aunt's farm as a kitten on my 8th birthday (I still remeber holding him in the car!). He's a bit of an old man now, but I am so incredibly attached to that cat! I don't know what I'll do when he 'passes on'.

My second cat...er, kitten I should say, is Sophie. I brought her home about a week ago (without asking my parents first, mind you!). She is my heart and soul right now!

My dog is a black lab. Truth be told, the breeder just dropped him off tonight! He doesn't have a name yet, but I'll be sure to post it the minute I know it! I've always loved dogs ever since I was little, but my mom would never let me have one. She finally broke down and let me have Scamp, only because he doubled as a functional mouse catcher!

Paddy is my first horse. He's more of a partner than a pet really. He saves my butt every day...he is so good to me--by far the favorite of all of my animals. I can't and won't even begin to try and explain how much I love that horse!

Vader is my second horse. He's actually for sale right now, which breaks my heart, but that's the horse business! I bought him as a prospect when he was 6, but as I've had him in training this past year have come to realize that my sport just isn't for him. Unlike dogs and cats, horses are too expensive to keep around just because I love them, so he must move on. He'll be happier with someone who will do with him what he loves though...I'm just happy that I've been taught by good honest horse people who listen to the horse's needs rather than making them do something they hate.

Alright, thats my story and I'm sticking to it! I'm anxious to hear about everyone elses pets!
I have two very old golden retreivers named Penny and Curley. I love them a lot, even though they smell bad (hey, who doesn't?)


high overlord of sod all
I have no pets whatsoever.... *sniff* Mostly because I can't afford them to be honest.


Well-Known Member
Pets. LMAO, do I have pets...

6 CATS: 2 kittens (Dany-- male orange tabby, Envy-- female pure black), 2 toms (Merlin-- pure black, Charm-- gray and white), 2 spayed females (Sassy-gray tabby, Razz-tortose shell)

I love cats! They are so much better than dogs! They are loving, and yet aloof. They are dependent upon you only so long as they want to be. They have attitude, and are so smart! Well... sometimes that last is questionable... about 3 years ago my cat Pixie (one of the "lost pets" at the bottom) got stuck in the garage door (don't worry, she was fine!). She was laying on the top of the garage door, and when it was closed she got caught. The ridiculous thing is that she had to have been sitting there for about 5-10 seconds as the door moved backwards and down before she got trapped. NOT a bright cat... but very lovable.

7 DOGS: Micco (fawn and white long haired chihuahua), Ebony (black longhaired teacup chihuahua), Froto (deaf gray and white Las Opso-sp?), Anubis (blue--a kind of gray-- short haired chihuahua), Willy (white maltise), Bria (white maltise), Puka (german shepherd/austrailian sheepdog puppy)

My dog Data (another of the "Lost Pets" below) was such a character. Chihuahuas are annoying, and ugly. This one was different. Instead of looking like a... well, CHIHUAHUA, she looked like a miniature wolf. I am not kidding. I'll put a picture of her up if I can convince my dad to let me use the scanner. And she was not yappy like chihuahua's usually are, nor highly excitable. She was incredibly intelligent, and the pack of dogs were HER'S. She had them completely under her control; the food was hers, they were hers, I was hers, the cats were hers, and if ANYONE did anything she didn't like she'd show them who was boss. I really miss her.

4 HORSES: Bairacctar (20 year old Arabian gelding), Sierra (7 year old Arabian mare-halter show horse), Bey (2 year old Arabian--Sierra's colt), and Neferset (4 year old Arabian mare-- halter show horse)

Bairacctar isn't really mine (he's my mom) but he SHOULD be mine (he likes me way more than her). He's my buddy. I usually ride him bareback with an indian bridle (halter and leadrope creatively fashioned into a bridle), so it is no wonder he likes me-- no bit, no itchy saddle to make his back all sweaty. The other 3 horses are sweeties too. We've had Neverset since she was just a few months old, so she is incredibly affectionate, and we've had Bey since he was born-- he trusts us completely. I helped do imprinting with him a day after he was born.

1 RAT: Guido (albino male)

Smelly, dirty rat (he needs a bath) but incredibly affectionate. My sister got him at the Renaissance Faire from some clowns who breed and train rats to do tricks... so he is very used to being handled and likes to sit on your shoulder and sniff your ear.

PETS I'VE LOST: Data (blue and white long haired chihuhahua-- killed last week), Heidi (white shorthaired chihuahua-- stolen), Hex (orange kitten--my mom gave him to the neighbor >.<), Pixie (gray tabby--ran away when we moved :( )

Data, Hex, and Pixie are the only animals that were ever mine. So, in truth I have no pets anymore, though my mother, father, and sisters do.


Well-Known Member
I have an imaginery cat and dog. However, I am considering adopting them out, because the imaginery vet bills are piling up. I trip over the imaginerty litter box, but my guests never do.


Well-Known Member
Large backyard. And my mom breeds animals (dogs and horses), so a lot of them are earning their keep... though they are pets, not just "work animals".


New Member
I love animals! I came from a farm so my house is full of them. I have the following:
1fish- a butterfly Koi named Zippy
2parakeets- Lucky and Whiskers
2cats- Sylvester (1/2 maine coone who gave Lucky his name), and Sassy an orange and white american shorthair.
1snake- a Ball Python named "Nake" -he's my husband's
3rats- Al (Short for Albino -he came with the name), Precious, and Spotling (the son of Al and Precious-one of a litter of 13 the only one I kept)
2rabbits-Pay (a reddish female mini rex) and Tootsie (a black and white male rex) both of which are at my parents.
well those are my pets!

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
This is a tough one. I personally don't have any, being that I am moving today and cannot bring pets with me to my apartment. However, my parents have a cat and a dog. Cat is a 6 year old calico (VERY CALICO!!) She does not like anyone really. And a 8 month old puppy Jesse (border collie/terrier mix). They just got the dog 2 weeks ago, and he loves my mom!!! My girlfriend has 9 cats (one cat just had 5 kittens), a dog, and a turtle. The cats I cannot have, nor the dog, but I am going to keep the turtle, Paco. She (we thought it was a he when we named her) is a red eared slider she got in new york (one of the illegal ones) for 5 bucks. And she is growing fast. So in about a month or so, I will have a turtle. I want to take one of the kittens, but it is an extra 15 bucks a month to keep one. And with my job situation, I cannot afford that right now. Perhaps in a few weeks I can. We will see *crosses fingers*. We did have another dog, named Logan. This dog was a beast. We first got him when he was like 2 months old. And he already weighed like 25 lbs. He is a Malamute/Collie mix. BIG DOG!!! And he was too big for my little house. So we gave him to my aunt. She owns 65 acres in the mountains. So he's much happier out there. I still feel like hes mine though, he used to sleep with me at night. But thats the way life is. Thats about all, if it made any sense.


Officially? Just a dog.

Not sure if these count, but I raise a couple hundred tadpoles a year (they drain the reservoir, so I have to save them). We put food out in our woods for the deer during the winter (bloody ******** moving into town and chopping down all the animals' homes). Had a pet fox for a while too, but he got ran over by a car. : (


Vile Stove-Toucher
At the moment I have just the one pet - a black cat named Robin (a.k.a. The Hell Cat). I saved her from the animal shelter when she was about 4 months old (she's almost 3 now). She's pure evil, and can be a demanding, opinionated little cuss (or as sweet as can be when it suits her), but I wouldn't be without her. She came out a little while ago to tell me it was time to go to bed lol. :rolleyes: She's gone back to bed herself, cause I ignored her and got online instead. :p She'll climb into bed with me for about 5 minutes when I go to bed, until the electric blanket gets too much for her...she slept all night with me when she was a kitten. I'd wake up and find myself hanging off the edge of the bed by my toenails, and she'd be stretched out across the rest of the bed. :rolleyes: Actually, she still manages to do that without being under the covers lol.

I grew up on a farm, and have had many many pets over the years. The majority of pets that could have been called "mine", were cats (part of the reason for my handle here)...but I also had (not all at once, mind) a Khaki Campbell duck (Duckles...I know, not terribly original), a Muskovy drake (Boris), a chook or two (can't remember names, but they were some of our laying hens), a Hooded rat (Roland...although it was female), a few horses (Skeeta [grey pony], Mystery [dun pony], Brownie [brown quarter horse] & Paddy [bay Thoroughbred]), a rabbit (Ginger), and a sheep (Flood), among other things. Although we bred dogs at one point (Salukis), none of them were mine...I've always been the cat person. I'd list all those, but I'd be here all night lol.
The only time I've been without a pet was after I moved out of home. So, from about 1996 - 2001. I did have a little grey kitten called Merlin, briefly in 1999, but I gave him away when I moved into a new flat, because they didn't allow pets. He went to live on a farm and now has a pet dog. Merlin grew a lot lol.


Well-Known Member
I'd say I'm pretty much a cat person too, although this new puppy of mine is growing on me...as he himself grows actually. He's 8 weeks and already 25 lbs! He's gonna be one massive SOB (literally! har, har). Oh, and his name is Gus, by the by...in my first post I hadn't know what to name him yet. He reminds me of the fat mouse in Cinderella named Gus because he's so clumsy (legs the size of tree trunks already!).

Sophie kitten, the love of my life for a week, died a few days ago. She was outside and we think she must've gotten attacked by an animal, but we're not sure. I would sneak her up to my room to sleep with me at night (my mom didn't want her in the house), and if I laid on my back she would curl up into a little ball of purring fuzz right on my chest. She loved me so much and I loved her too...I'm still not really over it and probably won't be for awhile, but I figured it would help to post it here.

Quiero mia Sofita!


New Member
My boyfriend has a dog. She is a german shepard and is one of only three internationally accredited urban search and rescue dogs in Australia. She's pretty special and an infinately loving animal. I love her to bits and would always like to have a large dog in my life.

I used to have fish, but I had to move a few times over the last 6 months and they just didn't cope with the changes :(


New Member
I have...

1 Dog
His name is Samson and he's a huski, chow, and golden retriever mix. He is my little brother. We adopted him from the pound(rescued dogs always make the best pets ;) ) He Is 6 months old and weighs around 50 pounds, so I'm hopeing he will double his weight by the time he stops growing.

1 Ferret
Ferrets are the coolest pets! :D I have a little girl named Cloie, and I plan on getting another. She is so funny when she does her "happy dance".She is very smart and gets into EVERYTHING. They really aren't afraid of anything. Cloie will take on my dog and make him cry!She also loves to eat his food just to make him mad.

2 Green Iguanas
Iguanas are awesome! I have two juviniles named Zoey and Gizzy. The are a lot of work, but its well worth it. They have big personalities and are very smart for lizards. Zoey is the boss, and thiks she is better then everyone else, and Gizzy has that inocent look and is submissive to zoey. I love them so much, and I can't wait till they get six feet! :D

2 budgies
named comet and zuce. Comet is the daughter of two budgies named marshmallow and sunny. Marshmallow was very close to me and we had a special bond, but sadly he passed away. When he died, sunny died frome depression, and then we got zuce to keep comet company.

1 gerbil
named cookie. She is an escape artist, and used to get out all the time. Now we got her a new cage that is sealed up nicely because we really don't want her out when Cloie is running around. Cookie would end up as dinner.

and 1 guinea pig
named cinnamin. She has a really beautiful coloring, and is really loud. We just got her about a month ago.


New Member
I have a dog named Sparky and a parrot named coco. I am trying to teach the parrot punjabi. The dog refuses to learn.
I have 3 dogs: a rat terrier named Mojo...our only purebred.
Roxy is a shepherd mix we adopted from animal control. We basically adopted her out of pity becuase she was a real mess...a little tiny thing shivering in the back of her cage with a glazed look, not wanting to make any eye contact. Our vet warned us that she might become a fear biter....it took months before she would allow us to pet her and during that time we realized part of her problem was that she was neurologically impaired...she doesn't use the right side of her body much (can't bear full weight on the right side or lay down on the right side...runs leaning to the left :). Anyways, she is 2 yrs. old now and the most wonderful, loving, loyal companion one could hope for (still a little neurotic though...lol)
Josie is another pound puppy. we were originally looking for a small dog but there are no small dogs in pounds so we decided to get a medium sized one....well, my husband and daughter went out and came home with this adorable tiny, tiny puppy with the head the size of a bowling ball. She turns out to be a Rhodesian Ridgeback mix. She has turned 1 yrs. old recently and weighs about 100 lbs.! Josie is a very laid back, gentle and friendly dog....she loves everyone and everything. Her only downside is that she is a bit of a klepto.....If she sneaks out of the fenced in yard, she visits the neighbors and returns home with some of their items....1 day she went on a rare fruit binge and stole a mango, a papaya and a star fruit from various neighbors and brought them home totally intact; on other occasions, she has brought home a basil plant....pot and all; a large conch shell weighing over 3 lbs; and the funniest....2 bags of completely sealed Ramen noodles (we never did figure out where she got those!)

I also have 2 cats: Ali is 17 yrs. old...I rescued her from a kindergarten show&tell. A student brought in this kitten with its eyes still closed but when we contacted his mother she said they didn't even own a cat no less kittens....sooo, I took her home and bottle fed her, etc; Dervish is 8 yrs. old...he adopted my husband when she walked into his Radiator shop as a kitten and wouldn't leave.....I think she new a sucker when she saw one.

Lastly, I have 15 birds which run the gamut of parakeets, cocketiels, lovebird, several conures, a dove, an African Grey, an Amazon and a couple of Lories. With the exception of the Lories, all the others were given to us by either persons or animal welfare organizations so they would have a good home after they became unwanted or abandoned. I love them all but the parrots are my favorites with their quirky personalites.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
lets see, I have had numerous animals share my home over the years.
currently I live with
2 dogs... one hound/mutt and one wolf-hybrid (or "husky mix" as the vets like to call her)
1 cat... belongs to the landlord but spends almost as much time with us.
same goes for the
2 goats
1 rabbit
and the 'immortal' chicken... she is one tough bird having survived a Hawk attack, bear attack (ate her siblings), two dog attacks (neighbors not mine) and various small children and one of the coldest NH winters.

prior to that I had
2 cats (currently living with my mom)
3 lizards (2 passed on, one living with a friend)

prior to that in total I've had:
21 cats (we 'adopted' and then got homes for a bunch over the years)
3 more lizards
various freshwater fish
two mice

what can I say I love animals.... Eventually my fiance wants to try living witout animals for a whole year... I'm not shure I'll make it but hey its worth a try. :D
