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we are not supposed to live life to live life.

We are supposed to live life to prove to God that We are worthy to enter the gates of heaven.

Everyone’s heaven is different, in other words, heaven is what you make of it.

Anything physical, or real is a test.

The bible is the gateway to heaven.

Chosen people are made, not given, the right to be better then others as they appear to be (but are equal).

Heaven cannot be achieved without pain. Pain is what keeps us alive .

When people ask why are we here? The answer is pain. Pain is Satan, pain is not real. Pain is what turns you away from God. The feeling of relief from pain is nothing but when you turn back to him. Chi is given to him (us).Every time God gives you life he loses a little bit of his own. Everything thing is one, (him is what you have had all along). everything comes from the beginning . The beginning is what we are, why we are here. Everything you touch, taste, smell ,see or hear is from the beginning. God is the beginning. The messiah is the beginning, and the second time the beginning comes, is the end.

People who search for the one and only answer, are the people who are searching for what has already happened. When good balances out with evil it is what has happened within a given timeframe of 666 moments.

The reason metaphors are used so often in the bible is because metaphors are a password. The only people who know (or who can break) the passwords are the people worthy of preaching philosophy. The people who are worthy of philosophy are only worthy enough to write it, and have achieved nothing but the gift (of the ability) to write it. Pain will not prevail because pain will lose. Pain will lose because it will not win, it will not win because pain is knowledge, and knowledge is not only meant to be forgotten but meant for those who not only worthy, but suffering. Apple is the metaphor for knowledge. Faith is the stubbornness to believe in what is true. Trueness is nothing, nothing is God, nothing is why we are here, nothing is the connection between us and heaven, nothing is heaven the truth is nothing. Atheists have a religion, atheists believe in science and truth. The answer is nothing, and the only way to equal out good and evil is by something. Something is tempting (knowledge) and evil, nothing is euphoric and spiritual, good and God.

To get to heaven, you must admit that you know nothing, and nothing is above you.

Belief in your own ignorance in comparison to God, Nothing=good (God)

Belief in what appears to be real is Something=evil (Satan)

I reed revelations in the catholic bible often, and I wanted to express what I have learned and believe. Please post your comments on what I wrote and tell me if it makes any sense to you or if it has answered any questions.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I rejoice in pain. Not only does pain let you know your still alive, if the pain does not kill you, it will only make you stronger.


friedrice118 said:
When people ask why are we here? The answer is pain. Pain is Satan, pain is not real. Pain is what turns you away from God. The feeling of relief from pain is nothing but when you turn back to him.

I have a question. Why is it that if a non-believer has a horrible experience it's considered punishment, but if a truly good believer has a bad experience it's considered a test?

I've never understood that.
personally I believe its all about perspective, if your a believer, pain can be looked at as a test or punishment. For a non believer pain can be looked at as punishment or test. Tomato-To mah toe. You can only achieve what your meant to achieve and only experience what your meant to experience, you can look at it as test or punishment but they both have the same effect.

I have questions like that myself. Like, how come miracles happened in the time of Moses and Jesus but nothing has happened recently. You hear about all the miraculous seemingly impossible happenings in the bible but nothing has happened in our lifetime.

The simple fact is that we are here whether we like it or not. Inevitably all questions will be answered some day (when we die), so why waste a lifetime finding an answer?

Everything in life should be looked at as a test if you believe in heaven, if ultimate salvation for eternity can be achieved in a lifetime one should pursue it. The only way you can fail is by not believing your being tested at all, which is one of the hardest decision to make. Society can tell you its punishment, or society can tell you its a test. I believe that punishment comes after the test, not during it.

Pain does not make you stronger, pain makes you numb.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Heidi said:
I have a question. Why is it that if a non-believer has a horrible experience it's considered punishment, but if a truly good believer has a bad experience it's considered a test?

I've never understood that.
Who on Earth told you that, Heidi ? - any horrible experience is just that - a horrible experience. I personally don't even look upon the action that you take as a 'test' . Of course, you have the option to deal with that experience in a positive or negative way. The winners are those who react positively, and as long as the action is O.K with their conscience, then it doesn't matter if you are a non-believer or a believer.

life is full of opportunities for you to make a choice; moral people make moral choices - that's all anyone can ask of you.:)


friedrice118 said:
we are not supposed to live life to live life.

We are supposed to live life to prove to God that We are worthy to enter the gates of heaven.

Everyone’s heaven is different, in other words, heaven is what you make of it.

Anything physical, or real is a test.

The bible is the gateway to heaven.

Chosen people are made, not given, the right to be better then others as they appear to be (but are equal).

Heaven cannot be achieved without pain. Pain is what keeps us alive .

When people ask why are we here? The answer is pain. Pain is Satan, pain is not real. Pain is what turns you away from God. The feeling of relief from pain is nothing but when you turn back to him. Chi is given to him (us).Every time God gives you life he loses a little bit of his own. Everything thing is one, (him is what you have had all along). everything comes from the beginning . The beginning is what we are, why we are here. Everything you touch, taste, smell ,see or hear is from the beginning. God is the beginning. The messiah is the beginning, and the second time the beginning comes, is the end.

People who search for the one and only answer, are the people who are searching for what has already happened. When good balances out with evil it is what has happened within a given timeframe of 666 moments.

The reason metaphors are used so often in the bible is because metaphors are a password. The only people who know (or who can break) the passwords are the people worthy of preaching philosophy. The people who are worthy of philosophy are only worthy enough to write it, and have achieved nothing but the gift (of the ability) to write it. Pain will not prevail because pain will lose. Pain will lose because it will not win, it will not win because pain is knowledge, and knowledge is not only meant to be forgotten but meant for those who not only worthy, but suffering. Apple is the metaphor for knowledge. Faith is the stubbornness to believe in what is true. Trueness is nothing, nothing is God, nothing is why we are here, nothing is the connection between us and heaven, nothing is heaven the truth is nothing. Atheists have a religion, atheists believe in science and truth. The answer is nothing, and the only way to equal out good and evil is by something. Something is tempting (knowledge) and evil, nothing is euphoric and spiritual, good and God.

To get to heaven, you must admit that you know nothing, and nothing is above you.

Belief in your own ignorance in comparison to God, Nothing=good (God)

Belief in what appears to be real is Something=evil (Satan)

I reed revelations in the catholic bible often, and I wanted to express what I have learned and believe. Please post your comments on what I wrote and tell me if it makes any sense to you or if it has answered any questions.

Before anything, god creates confusion, and then he creates everything else in six days

He created Adam and Eve with a navel but told them he made Adam from earth and his sister Eve from Adams rib. They were the fist people but yet God told them to go and replenish the earth. God is perfect but yet he produced something that could make an imperfect decision. Perfect tree can only make perfect fruit, not in this case.

God does not leads people into temptation but tempts them with the best crop in the garden. God had an eternity to get his wisdom but expects man to do the same in less then a blink of an eye. God is just but too bad if you have poor sight because he doesn’t want to know you. God is love, but yet he has no problem ordering babies hands to be smashed against rocks. (Who needs friends with all that love.)

Anyway, it all depends from which angle you wants take up the story. If you want love then you will disregard lust, if you want good then you will turn a blind eye to evil.

I think there are over 3000 variation of the Christian faith alone and all stem from the same bible. So your philosophy is only from your perception, though it makes an interesting topic.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
CMIYC said:
Before anything, god creates confusion, and then he creates everything else in six days. He created Adam and Eve with a navel but ...
I see that you're still making things up as you go along - though I admit that few can match your familiarity with confusion. Let me ask you a question: have you ever said anything in these forums that you are capable of subsantiating? :mad:


Deut. 32.8 said:
I see that you're still making things up as you go along - though I admit that few can match your familiarity with confusion. Let me ask you a question: have you ever said anything in these forums that you are capable of subsantiating? :mad:
Humor, either you have it or you don’t, same goes for intelligence.

Education is the key to life, so is a good laugh. I would do both, it will make you less stiff.


High Priestess
Heidi said:
I have a question. Why is it that if a non-believer has a horrible experience it's considered punishment, but if a truly good believer has a bad experience it's considered a test?

I've never understood that.
It's not about how the world treats us, it's how we react, that matters.

All sins are based on negative feelings, which make you vibrate at low levels. All gifts of the spirit are based on positive feelings, which make you vibrate at higher levels. When you are depressed, your body feels heavy, and when you are happy, especially in love, you will feel as if you are floating.

Our purpose is to overcome the 'natural instinct' of anger and fear, and to replace it with 'higher instinct' of love and peace. It is a spiritual evolution. Once we are vibrating at higher levels, we will stay healthy longer, and will be less likely to hurt others.

The only thing in this whole world that we really have control over is our emotions. Choose them wisely, and decide with each feeling, is it based on Love or Fear.


EnhancedSpirit said:
It's not about how the world treats us, it's how we react, that matters.

All sins are based on negative feelings, which make you vibrate at low levels. All gifts of the spirit are based on positive feelings, which make you vibrate at higher levels. When you are depressed, your body feels heavy, and when you are happy, especially in love, you will feel as if you are floating.

Our purpose is to overcome the 'natural instinct' of anger and fear, and to replace it with 'higher instinct' of love and peace. It is a spiritual evolution. Once we are vibrating at higher levels, we will stay healthy longer, and will be less likely to hurt others.

The only thing in this whole world that we really have control over is our emotions. Choose them wisely, and decide with each feeling, is it based on Love or Fear.
I think that is good education for all of us and more it has been medically proven. Laughter, which I relate to happiness is a positive vibe. Leads to good health and happiness.



EnhancedSpirit said:
It's not about how the world treats us, it's how we react, that matters.

fair enough. how about how the world treats others? how does that matter?

EnhancedSpirit said:
All sins are based on negative feelings, which make you vibrate at low levels. All gifts of the spirit are based on positive feelings, which make you vibrate at higher levels. When you are depressed, your body feels heavy, and when you are happy, especially in love, you will feel as if you are floating.

nice thought. However, as someone who's disposed to manic depression, i can't help to laugh at folk who tell me to be happy ALL the time. It's great being up; nothing beats it, really. But a depressive phase helps you realize that an unhappy thought or two are entirely necessary when pondering what ails us and the world. Not proposing that everyone need be miserable half the time, but you can't go at any length about happiness unless you have experience with misery, no? I find depression in moderation extremely useful.

EnhancedSpirit said:
Our purpose is to overcome the 'natural instinct' of anger and fear, and to replace it with 'higher instinct' of love and peace. It is a spiritual evolution. Once we are vibrating at higher levels, we will stay healthy longer, and will be less likely to hurt others.

What have you against so-called natural instinct? You don't think that love and peace are natural? Do you think that multinational corparitions will quit privatizing water in latin america and africa, demanding the bulk of their income (or all of it) if we love them more? Do you think the recinding of rights across north america (save that to shop) is something to be complacent about? Don't dismiss anger so quickly. We need it badly. I can understand perpetual fear, but to be honest, that's largely an american quality. If it were directed towards facisim, it might be useful for once.

The only thing in this whole world that we really have control over is our emotions. Choose them wisely, and decide with each feeling, is it based on Love or Fear.[/QUOTE]
Once there was a Buddist monastary. A young monk, having learned his mother had just died, started wailing and crying. Another monk, shocked by the outburst, inquired: "You musn't cry: we monks ought not feel such undesireable emotions. We are aspiring to buddah nature, thus we are in perpetual control of are feelings."
"I am in control," sobbed the monk, "and i WANT to cry."


High Priestess
Mr. Guy,
In response to your last post which I did not want to quote because there is alot. Ummm, where to start. How the world treats others, that is up to them to deal with. If something bad happens to my children, I will be there to love and support them, but the bad happened to teach them a lesson, I do not know what lessons they are to learn in this lifetime, I can only give them love and support and guidance as they go through them. The bible says that we are to forgive those who do harm against us.

Depression has a purpose, of course, it means something's wrong. But what kind of depression? A pity party can do some one a lot of good, a good cry can release a lot of anxiety, but if someone sits on the pity pot, and never gets up, they have created there own hell. I'm not going to get into a discussion about someone who is diagnosed with any emotional disorder, that is something deeper than what we are discussing here.

Natural Instinct-more specifically Animal Instincts- nothing wrong with it, in fact it is necessary for survival. But it is the animal instinct that causes us to seek revenge, and start war, steal for food, and fulfill desires of the flesh. There is a higher voice -a deeper instinct-that says do not seek revenge, but forgive. Do not steal, your needs and desires will be met. Do not start war, but love your enemies. Do not lust after one another, but love one another unconditionally. Do you know how hard it is to love someone, and not have physical feelings for them? God wants us to love our neighbor, but not lust after our neighbor. That is overcoming animal instincts and following something greater.


EnhancedSpirit said:
Natural Instinct-more specifically Animal Instincts- nothing wrong with it, in fact it is necessary for survival. But it is the animal instinct that causes us to seek revenge, and start war, steal for food, and fulfill desires of the flesh.

Now THIS is good stuff!

EnhancedSpirit said:
There is a higher voice -a deeper instinct-that says do not seek revenge, but forgive.

Sounds nice, i think. But a political animal like man can easily conjure up reasons to abstain from revenge that needn't very deep, spiritual, and certainly not altruistic. One might be simply self-interested and can intellectually see how little revenge can serve oneself.

EnhancedSpirit said:
Do not steal, your needs and desires will be met.

You initially mentioned that one ought not steal FOOD. If i was hungry and desperate, i don't think it would be a far stretch of morality to feed myself by means of theft. There are loads of folk who's needs aren't met, much less their desires.

EnhancedSpirit said:
Do not start war, but love your enemies.

we should foward that one to Bush.

EnhancedSpirit said:
Do not lust after one another, but love one another unconditionally. Do you know how hard it is to love someone, and not have physical feelings for them? God wants us to love our neighbor, but not lust after our neighbor.
EnhancedSpirit said:

What's wrong with lust? It's a fantastic part of life. That's like telling myself not to be hungry. Reciprically, one profits little by constant gorging.

EnhancedSpirit said:
That is overcoming animal instincts and following something greater.
I guess what i'm taking exception to here is the devaluation of the animal instinct. Some of them are great, and the greater, higher qualities you've mentioned are part of that animal instinct. As i stated earlier, I think man is more a political animal than a social one. I alot of our "higher morality" is part of our nature as well. I don't think we do good to benifit the world, but to help guarantee some social stability (not our forte, in my opinion) so each of us can live with less fear of our neighbour. That is to say i'm good so as i don't have to be afraid. I'm not trying to debunk God or any such thing, for He could have made us this way on purpose without any active proding, right? In short, our animal instincts ARE great, just got to tweak 'em right.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I have questions like that myself. Like, how come miracles happened in the time of Moses and Jesus but nothing has happened recently.
If you look for them, you will find them. Miracles aren't a part of the heavily biased main-stream media.

Pain does not make you stronger, pain makes you numb.
Please explain why you feel that way. I very strongly say pain that doesn't kill you makes you stronger. A bodybuilder goes through the pain of soreness from weight lifting, to gain stronger muscles. The pain of a mistake will help you make better discisions in the future. The pain of failure can motivate to do better.

Do not start war, but love your enemies.
we should foward that one to Bush.
Thats a great idea.

In short, our animal instincts ARE great, just got to tweak 'em right.
I agree with ES that our basic, or animal, instincts should be overcome and replaced with better ones. I have come to realize that survival and lust are two animal insticts everyone has, and some can controll them, and alter them to be better people, such as being a loving person, but having a good since of survival. If everyone was filled with love for one another, there would be no need for our survival instincts, for there would always be a plate of food to eat and a warm bed for everyone to sleep in. If there was no lust, there would be no sex-crimes, fewer STD's, and abortions.

i don't think it would be a far stretch of morality to feed myself by means of theft. There are loads of folk who's needs aren't met, much less their desires.
There are many alternatives to theft, even if you are going hungry. There are charitable people who will lend a few dollars, and shelters that offer a meal to the homeless.


Luke Wolf said:
I agree with ES that our basic, or animal, instincts should be overcome and replaced with better ones. I have come to realize that survival and lust are two animal insticts everyone has, and some can controll them, and alter them to be better people, such as being a loving person, but having a good since of survival.
can you expand on what animal instincts are? Does that mean we have non-animal instincts?

Luke Wolf said:
If everyone was filled with love for one another, there would be no need for our survival instincts, for there would always be a plate of food to eat and a warm bed for everyone to sleep in. If there was no lust, there would be no sex-crimes, fewer STD's, and abortions.
One of the best solutions to that is forced castration. If it acheived the above goals, do you suppose it would be worth it?

Luke Wolf said:
There are many alternatives to theft, even if you are going hungry. There are charitable people who will lend a few dollars, and shelters that offer a meal to the homeless.
Ohhhh man! I feel lucky that theft is an option! There's a hefty bunch of people on this planet that can't even find food to steal! And if they do, take it and run, i say.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
One of the best solutions to that is forced castration. If it acheived the above goals, do you suppose it would be worth it?
No, forced castration would be the best solution to cheap teeth removal for government agents.

can you expand on what animal instincts are? Does that mean we have non-animal instincts?
As I said, I have found that two animal instincts we all have are survival and lust. Some controll and overcome the extremes those intincts can brings, some don't. Those who can controll and overcome those are filled with an instinct of love. Love brings peace, while survival brings war. Lust can turn to hate, while love knows no hate.


Luke Wolf said:
No, forced castration would be the best solution to cheap teeth removal for government agents.
i'm sorry, i don't get ya.

Luke Wolf said:
Those who can controll and overcome those(lust) are filled with an instinct of love. Love brings peace, while survival brings war. Lust can turn to hate, while love knows no hate.
I'm happy to hear that you acknowledge love as instinct. To be honest, you make it sound difficult, though. But i think you give to little weight to what survival really is. If i want to survive, making war might not garner the best results, don't you think? I don't think it a stretch to call peace a survival instinct, for if i make peace with my neighbours, i can greatly increase the odds of my survival. Don't underate lust, either. Perhaps trying to screw everything in sight might be terribly tempting, but promiscuity has a lot of boring aspects, too. I can (abstractly) appreciate the downfalls of unmitagated lust, but also for gluttony, greed, etc. And i'm sure you'd agree, that lusting after one's parter should be forgivable, no?