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Planet X, The Sumerian Gods, the Annunaki and Creation of Man

Rio Sabinas

Old Geezer
As you say, "Very interesting view".
It still poses 2 questions that mankind has asked for a long time.
(whether or not God is an "Alien" being from a distant star, you cannot impose "Human" motives to it)

1-What is the true nature of God?
2-What is the purpose of my life?

Or did I miss something in the video?


Alien Hybrid
As you say, "Very interesting view".
It still poses 2 questions that mankind has asked for a long time.
(whether or not God is an "Alien" being from a distant star, you cannot impose "Human" motives to it)

1-What is the true nature of God?
2-What is the purpose of my life?

Or did I miss something in the video?
Yep that is unanswered and left for the viewers to make up their mind


Well-Known Member
Just for the record, I'm studying Ancient Sumerian Mythology right now, and in actuality, the Annunaki were worshipped as a group of 50 Gods, judges over man and the rest of the Gods....

Not supernatural alien beings...


Well-Known Member
Ok, commenting while I'm watching:

Tiamat: According to Sumerian Mythology, Tiamat (translated as the Salt-Water Ocean) wasn't, as they're claiming, a planet, but actually, along with her Consort, Apsu (the Sweet-Water Ocean), were the two original Gods. They thought to be the embodiement of the Tigris and the Euprhates, and the place where the two met was how the world began. The place where they met became the birth of second pair of Gods, Lahmu and Lahamu (translated as the silt deposited at the bottom of the ocean). From there, came the rest of the Gods.

The destruction of Tiamat is recorded as being brought about by Marduk, another God. He threw a net around her, and when she openend her mouth to swallow him, he pierced her heart with a bow, and then cut her in half, placing half of her above the world to create the sky. With the other half, he built a temple to the Gods.


Well-Known Member
Oh, also, for the record, Tiamat was from Babylon, now that I'm thinking about it. She wasn't written about at all in Sumerian texts. Sumerian was An and Ki (where the word Annunaki comes from).


Well-Known Member
And it wasn't the Annunaki that created Man. It was the Gods Enki & .... I think it may have been Innana, I'll have to look it up.

They were created from the clay of the Abyss (Nammu).

Rio Sabinas

Old Geezer
Let's assume, for the sake of this disucission, that the theories put forth
in the video are in fact...."Fact". God is an Alien creature from a distant
Star System.
From a Christian POV what does it change?

Does it change that God created us in his own image?...Physical?...Mental?...
Spritual?...all three?...
Does it change that God gave Moses the Commandments on which we base
our social & moral values?
Does it change that God gave us his son to teach us how to live our lives?
Does it change "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"?
Does it change "What ye sow, so shall ye reap"....
...Even "Street Lingo" has this concept. ("What goes around, comes around".)

All I can see is that it changes our perception of what God "IS"....
But I'm certainly willing to listen to other ideas.


The value in these hypotheses lie in their stimulating multiple angles one can look at with the human origins issue. Sitchin is probably the most popular proponent of the extraterrestrial hypothesis these days...definitely a creative take on Sumerian culture and religion, but don't take his work at face value (an extensive critique of Sitchin can be found here). Not to be dismissive, but I suggest the same with any source one looks at.

Second issue I have, Jacques Vallee atleast puts reasonable doubt on the idea that UFO encounters today are simplistic nuts-and-bolts machines by a biological species from another planet. It doesn't appear so simple.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
I don't know that I'd call the Sumerian gods, or any gods for the matter, aliens. I have a lot of respect for the gods, so I'd hate to say something of them that's not true. As for the Annunaki returning in 2012, sounds like a new age Christian idea to me. I guess the only way they'll read the ancient writings is to misquote them.


Agnostic Theist
One thing that can be said about this theory is that they constantly have to change it. There have been a quite a few times that they were suppose to have returned, but they never do.

This is pseudo history at it's best.