Pro-life Mommy
All I ask is that anyone who wants to leave a comment on what I'm about to say please read my comments entirely. I will not reply to people who are stating their own opinion without facts and are ignorant to my argument. I encourage you to educate yourself on this issue before you take a stance. This took me a lot of time and effort to compile, so please be respectful as I will be respectful to you, especially if you are sincerely trying to understand this issue and not just airing an uneducated opinion.
Why should I care about Planned Parenthood?
This is the largest, most powerful, most effective pro-abortion, anti-life, anti-family, anti-Christian force in the U.S. and internationally.
1. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America is one of over 90 national affiliates of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (London). It gets about two-thirds of its U.S. financing through tax money, local, state, and national. It has five regional offices, about 160 statewide affiliates, over 900 local clinics in the U.S. Over 70 of its clinics do abortions. Its total annual cash flow is almost one-half billion dollars ($472 MILLION in 1995). It concentrates its efforts on abortion, contraception, and sex education.
How many abortions does Planned Parenthood do?
The number increases each year as it converts more of its clinics to killing centers. In 1985 it had 51 chambers which killed 110,000. By 1994 it had 70 which killed 134,000. Every year, it refers to other facilities almost as many abortions as it does itself.
Was Planned Parenthood always pro-abortion?
In its early years of existence, Planned Parenthood limited itself to contraception and specifically opposed abortion, even though its founder did not.
The following is a quote from an official Planned Parenthood pamphlet :
"Is birth control an abortion?" "Definitely not. An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun. It is dangerous to your life and health. It may make you sterile so that when you want a child you cannot have it. Birth control merely post-pones the beginning of life." Planned Parenthood, Aug. 1963 Available from Cincinnati Right to Life, P.O. Box 24073, Cinn., OH 45224, $3. pp. (Emphasis is mine)
But Margaret Sanger, its founder, opposed abortion.
1. Not so! Not only did she favor abortion, but she proposed forced sterilization for those whom she considered unfit to reproduce. She worked hard for a "race of thoroughbreds" until Hitlers similar "Master Race" made that goal unpopular. She was a true eugenicist. For example, her April 1933 Birth Control Review, devoted an entire edition to eugenic sterilization.
Why should I care about Planned Parenthood?
This is the largest, most powerful, most effective pro-abortion, anti-life, anti-family, anti-Christian force in the U.S. and internationally.
1. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America is one of over 90 national affiliates of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (London). It gets about two-thirds of its U.S. financing through tax money, local, state, and national. It has five regional offices, about 160 statewide affiliates, over 900 local clinics in the U.S. Over 70 of its clinics do abortions. Its total annual cash flow is almost one-half billion dollars ($472 MILLION in 1995). It concentrates its efforts on abortion, contraception, and sex education.
How many abortions does Planned Parenthood do?
The number increases each year as it converts more of its clinics to killing centers. In 1985 it had 51 chambers which killed 110,000. By 1994 it had 70 which killed 134,000. Every year, it refers to other facilities almost as many abortions as it does itself.
Was Planned Parenthood always pro-abortion?
In its early years of existence, Planned Parenthood limited itself to contraception and specifically opposed abortion, even though its founder did not.
The following is a quote from an official Planned Parenthood pamphlet :
"Is birth control an abortion?" "Definitely not. An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun. It is dangerous to your life and health. It may make you sterile so that when you want a child you cannot have it. Birth control merely post-pones the beginning of life." Planned Parenthood, Aug. 1963 Available from Cincinnati Right to Life, P.O. Box 24073, Cinn., OH 45224, $3. pp. (Emphasis is mine)
But Margaret Sanger, its founder, opposed abortion.
1. Not so! Not only did she favor abortion, but she proposed forced sterilization for those whom she considered unfit to reproduce. She worked hard for a "race of thoroughbreds" until Hitlers similar "Master Race" made that goal unpopular. She was a true eugenicist. For example, her April 1933 Birth Control Review, devoted an entire edition to eugenic sterilization.