This is an example of how I used dramatic play to create a lesson plan to teach building stuff which could be used to learn shapes, and measurement...I used a goal indicator from the nc foundations book early childhood eduactors use
Dramatic Play Lesson Plan
Name of Activity: _________Workshop_____________________________
Curriculum Area: _____Cognitive development________________________________
Age of Children: ______Preschool_________________________________
NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development Goal (write the entire goal, such as APL-1: Children show curiosity and express interest in the world around them): Goal CD-12: Children identify and use common shapes and concepts about position during play and other activities.
NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development Indicator (write the entire indicator, such as APL-1d: Imitate what others are doing): CD-12i Use 2- and 3-dimensional shapes to create pictures,designs, or structures.
Materials Needed: (number and list all items needed to complete the lesson)
Play tools and maybe safe real tools
paper and pencil
plastic levels
tool belt
wooden blocks
Safety goggles.
tape measure
Objectives: (purpose of lesson – how will you know they are meeting the NC FELD goal and indicator)
Kids stack blocks on top of each other
Kids draw on blueprint paper
Introduction: (what you say or do to introduce the activity and motivate the children)
Tell them we are going to be playing pretend regarding a workshop today and ask them questions regarding what is a workshop? How do people build things there? After discussing and explaining what a workshop is and what folk do there I'd then encourage them to look at the tools and such.
Procedures: (how the lesson will progress - give clear, specific directions)
Let the kids play and help lead the activity by asking them to build specific items
Help kids with conflict resolution when problems arise like fighting over specific items.
Model drawing a blueprint with the paper and pencil and measure things. How to use tools if needed.
Ask kids what the tools they using are called and what they are used for.
Help any student struggling with how to play with the items by joining in the play and helping them with the play scenario.
Ask questions about the play scenario when needed during play to get a grasp on what the kids are doing instead of assuming how the kids are playing.
After the kids are done playing ask them about how they went about playing and look for ways to improve the play situation for next time.
Evaluation: (write 4 questions you may ask the children during and/or after the activity - ask a variety of questions including open ended questions - avoid questions that children can answer with a simple "yes" or "no")
What are these lines used for?(talking about the lines on a tape measure)
What are you building?
What are safety goggles used for?
What is that tool used for?(point to tool)