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PMSNBC Ripped by Both Political Sides


Well-Known Member
Both FOX News and MSNBC suck. I will stick with the internet media outlets. However, it is nice to see a liberal station on television to balance out the bias that FOX News has towards the right. My father watches FOX News and it sickens me when I see how they are framing the whole election, Barack Obama, his "ties" to terrorists and other groups. They are as much in the tank for McCain as MSNBC is in the tank for Obama. CNN is probably the most balanced out of all of them, but they still tell you exactly what they want you to hear. CNN and MSNBC are both catching Fox News in the ratings...

Cable News Nielsen TV Ratings for Monday, October 27, 2008: Fox News, CNN, Headline News, MSNBC, CNBC, FOX & Friends, American Morning, Morning Joe, Squawk Box, Morning Express w/ Meade, Special Report with Brit Hume, Situation Room, Race for the Whi

Notice that MSNBC is right there with Fox News in the 25-54 demo during prime-time and beats them 908,000 to Fox News' 889,000. CNN only had 594,000. Also, notice that MSNBC is not as widely available as Fox News or CNN. They are available in 5 million less homes then CNN, and about 3 million less homes then Fox News...

It is only a matter of time before Fox News slips even further in the ratings. While CNN and MSNBC are improving, Fox is nowhere near the total viewers that it had around 2001-2002.


Well-Known Member
If you have ever watched Keith Overbite, I am sorry. If you have not then you are not missing much.;)

Something tells me that you have probably never taken the time to watch Keith, but just repeat the same drivel that is being fed to you from Fox News and other right-wing news agencies...

I agree that Keith Olbermann is skewed towards the left, but so is the truth. Something that you seem to be missing...


Well-Known Member
mediabistro.com: TVNewser

Hey Zippy, notice that Keith Olbermann has been beating Bill O'Reilly at the 8 'o clock hour for consecutive days now. Also notice that MSNBC has been leading FOX News in prime-time ratings. You may also want to check out the fact that they(MSNBC) are catching Fox News in the day time ratings as well...

AND, keep in mind that MSNBC is in 3 million less homes then Fox News is. Could you imagine if they had the potential to snatch up 3 million more viewers from both Fox News and CNN? The ratings would look really ugly for your favorite news agency.
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The Devil's Advocate
Fair and inbalanced: Kieth Overbite: Countdown to no ratings!
Um... I agree that Olbermann has gone overboard with unrestrained contempt lately. I used to like him; now I cringe when I see him.

BUT... he routinely surpasses Bill O'Reily in the ratings, so I don't think his viewership is hurting.

Btw, are you capable of making posts where you don't call anyone names? Just curious.


Your Tax Dollars At Work
Something tells me that you have probably never taken the time to watch Keith, but just repeat the same drivel that is being fed to you from Fox News and other right-wing news agencies...

I agree that Keith Olbermann is skewed towards the left, but so is the truth. Something that you seem to be missing...

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
If you have ever watched Keith Overbite, I am sorry. If you have not then you are not missing much.;)


It's the same thing we've been saying about Rush and O'Reilly.......

Come on dude....There's no shortage of PUBs jumping on DEMS and vice versa. So...what's the point of this thread?

EDIT: It's not even that important for you to answer since the exit polls are leaning toward Obama (according to FAUX Conservative News)....:rolleyes:

NEW EDIT: FAUX is out of control....They're reporting Obama won Virginia way before MSNBC.....:biglaugh:

EDIT NEW, NEW....: BARACK OBAMA is YOUR, YES Zippy, YOUR New President.......
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Well-Known Member
Fox News looked completely defeated tonight. You could hear the wind rush out of their sails, as the prospects of a John McCain presidency slipped further and further away...


The Devil's Advocate
Fox News looked completely defeated tonight. You could hear the wind rush out of their sails, as the prospects of a John McCain presidency slipped further and further away...
There's no denying that O'Reilly and other pundits on FOX are sick puppies. But if you just watch the regular news part, with the real anchors, it seems to me that FOX has gotten better lately, more restrained, less over-the-top....

And honestly, I used to like MSNBC, but now I think that, while they still have token conservatives on like Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan, they have become the "liberal" equivalent of FOX.

They make me cringe.


Your Tax Dollars At Work
There's no denying that O'Reilly and other pundits on FOX are sick puppies. But if you just watch the regular news part, with the real anchors, it seems to me that FOX has gotten better lately, more restrained, less over-the-top....

And honestly, I used to like MSNBC, but now I think that, while they still have token conservatives on like Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan, they have become the "liberal" equivalent of FOX.

They make me cringe.
Fox isn't perfect I agree. But it is the best TV news media we have:cool:


Your Tax Dollars At Work
Zippy, you do realize, don't you, that you have zero credibility in terms of being objective on this.
If you think I am being objective on this, you sadly misunderstood me. Most posts I have do carry a viewpoint commonly called my opinion. You may like it or hate it. But it is mine and I accept full responsibility for it.

If I ask for your credibility rating I will let you know:thud:


Well-Known Member
Fox isn't perfect I agree. But it is the best TV news media we have:cool:

None of them are perfect. We can agree that Keith Olbermann has a rather blunt leftist perspective on the news, much like Hannity with his perspective which comes from the far right. Where do we disagree? If you wanted a perfect news source, you would check out the New York Times, the Huffington Post, or Air America:D. But you are only interested in the right-wing propaganda filled nonsense of Fox News...

By the way, have you noticed how Fox News has been slipping even further behind both Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow? Does that perhaps mirror the direction in which this country is now heading? We are now a center-left country, whether you neo-conservatives would like to admit it or not...


The Devil's Advocate
By the way, have you noticed how Fox News has been slipping even further behind both Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow? Does that perhaps mirror the direction in which this country is now heading? We are now a center-left country, whether you neo-conservatives would like to admit it or not...
I would like to think so.... but I don't.

I think the ratings are more reflective of people being anti-Bush and therefore anti-GOP than it is a real shift to the left. And I say that because people are drawn to MSNBC's negativity. They like watching Olbermann (a man I used to admire) do the same thing to the Right as O'Reilly has done to the Left. Sorry, but in my book that is divisive, hate-driven, and not a liberal value.

Obama doesn't operate that way, and I'll say for the umpteenth time that I wish some of Obama's most vocal supporters would actually listen to him more.


Well-Known Member
Obama doesn't operate that way, and I'll say for the umpteenth time that I wish some of Obama's most vocal supporters would actually listen to him more.

I would have to agree with you on this. Obama has been very humble in his victory and has spoken in such a non-divisive way, that it is sometimes hard to believe that he was the nominee for the Democratic Party. Barack Obama and Keith Olbermann hold nothing in common when it comes to dealing with the right-wing ideologues, which is certainly a good thing. Remember that the most vocal supporters are at times only interested in spouting the win of their candidate, rather than actually trying to reach across ideological differences to bridge the divide and help save this country from collapse...