Everybody and every thing changes. In fact, in Earthseed, God is change. However, some people are more willing to change their spiritual and religious beliefs than others. For some people, the religion they were raised in is the religion they stick to their entire lives. For others, religion is a lifelong process of self-discovery and actualization, and change is expected upon learning new facts. I'm wondering where most of the people in Religious Forums fall regarding this question. Are you open to change and processing your religious beliefs and practices differently if you found compelling evidence to do so? Or, is the religion you believe and practice now most likely going to be the only religion for you for your entire life?
To answer the poll easier just imagine I'm rating your willingness to change, from 1-5. One being the least likely to change, five being the most. The first option is one out of five, the second is two, the third is three and so on. And of course, to make this thread a bit more interesting, I added an other option who doesn't fit into any option I listed. You may only choose one option, but can change it anytime you wish.
Overall, I would say I am a two out of five. I may change my positions slightly, adding or subtracting small, insignificant things, but overall I would say that my central theology and religious positions are the same and will remain the same probably for the rest of my life. The words I use to describe my theology changes over time but the meanings behind the words essentially stay the same.
TL;DR - How open are you to changing your religious positions? How did you answer the poll and why did you answer it that way?
Thanks for reading this and participating in advance. Remember, this is Interfaith, so no debating! Let us know what you think.