I'm not sure I understand - how does responding to a survey (a poll being a type of survey) sell your vote? As part of the survey were you required to sign a legally binding obligation to vote based on your responses for monetary compensation (aka, a bribe)? Isn't that illegal?
I hear you. Let me explain my thoughts:
The mathematical package of tools we term 'Statistics' came into development in the early 1800s, after our electoral systems were devised. In my experience almost every election is 50/50. I and many others tend to dismiss this as partly a result of the winner takes all approach of our electoral system, but there is more to it. Our system was developed before Statistics became widely used.
What used to happen was that a politician seeking election could not simply do a random sample or take a poll. Instead that politician had to convince many, many people to support a position that they (first) promised to support. Supporting the position and supporting the politician were synonymous.
Now what happens is the politician pays a pollster to find out what people think in various locations, and this can be further stratefied into how much money they have, what they do, even other things like their religion, whether they smoke etc. The pollster can then determine if the politician is going to lose an election and where and how to spend money to even the odds. All candidates now do it, guaranteeing a confusing 50/50 election every time.
So how are our votes sold? Well, its that the pollster can determine what your vote is ahead of time with a certain small statistical margin of error. Therefore they can inform the candidate whether or not you can be convinced to vote otherwise and if not where they can go to get more votes. Above all it enables the politician to change their position with the wind. They can simply flip flop and say they support B instead of A. They don't have to have
any integrity at all whatsoever. They need have no skin in the game, either, for they can prove (using polls) to financial monarchs that they have at least a 50% chance of winning. Everything they do is financed, and even if they lose they win financially.
Therefore pollsters sell our votes. Do not answer polls, please.