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Post-evangelicals shift away from faith tied to Republican politics


Eastern Orthodox
I thought this an intetesting story.

'The times they are a-changin'

"The post-evangelical movement predates former President Donald Trump’s political rise, but has been accelerated by his alliance with White conservative evangelical leaders. It’s also part of a broader community of Christians who’ve been turned off by mainstream evangelicalism’s embrace of Republican politics – a group Democrats are hoping to make inroads with in November in battleground states.

There’s room to grow. In a Fox News poll released late last month that found Vice President Kamala Harris and Trump virtually tied in a head-to-head matchup, 79% of White evangelicals in North Carolina said they would vote for Trump, compared to 20% who would vote for Harris.

It’s not clear what post-evangelicals voting patterns are, though many of their political stances align with Democrats. At its core, however, the movement isn’t about encouraging people to vote for Democrats – if anything, they have urged people to decouple their partisan and spiritual identities altogether."

Seems like a potentially important shift. Now if they would just see the light and become Orthodox :cool:

Oops, link https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/07/politics/post-evangelicals-politics/index.html
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I thought this an intetesting story.

'The times they are a-changin'

"The post-evangelical movement predates former President Donald Trump’s political rise, but has been accelerated by his alliance with White conservative evangelical leaders. It’s also part of a broader community of Christians who’ve been turned off by mainstream evangelicalism’s embrace of Republican politics – a group Democrats are hoping to make inroads with in November in battleground states.

There’s room to grow. In a Fox News poll released late last month that found Vice President Kamala Harris and Trump virtually tied in a head-to-head matchup, 79% of White evangelicals in North Carolina said they would vote for Trump, compared to 20% who would vote for Harris.

It’s not clear what post-evangelicals voting patterns are, though many of their political stances align with Democrats. At its core, however, the movement isn’t about encouraging people to vote for Democrats – if anything, they have urged people to decouple their partisan and spiritual identities altogether."

Seems like a potentially important shift. Now if they would just see the light and become Orthodox :cool:

Oops, link https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/07/politics/post-evangelicals-politics/index.html
Reminds me of a video I saw, part of a sermon where the pastor was tearing up this thing of people approaching him and saying Trump's Bible is great with the Constitution and Declaration in, and how infuriated he is that people are mixing up documents of man with the word of god, amd how it's a slap in the face to his god to weave the two together like that. You cannot serve two masters, and the stuff of this world is of this world while the things of god are sacred and not to be mixed and mingled with worldly affairs they aren't supposed to be all caught up in anyways.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Reminds me of a video I saw, part of a sermon where the pastor was tearing up this thing of people approaching him and saying Trump's Bible is great with the Constitution and Declaration in, and how infuriated he is that people are mixing up documents of man with the word of god, amd how it's a slap in the face to his god to weave the two together like that. You cannot serve two masters, and the stuff of this world is of this world while the things of god are sacred and not to be mixed and mingled with worldly affairs they aren't supposed to be all caught up in anyways.
The way conservatives tend conflate religion, politics, and patriotism is rather creepy. I've seen bumper stickers that place god, guns, and Trump upon the same pedestal.
I'm surprised they haven't retconned Jesus out of their religion yet given how they consider all of his teachings and examples to be socialist and woke.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I know Christians who don't fall into that pit. They're very seldom in the news except as a positive story about a church or group who has read that part of the Bible about the "least of these" and the commandments to love and consequently feed the hungry, aid the poort etc.

What strikes me about this story is that some others have started realizing that they've been in effect worshiping political figures.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Near the bottom of the link one can read ...

Another group, Vote Common Good, is seeking to encourage White evangelicals and Catholics who are open to changing their conservative voting patterns to take that next step. The organization launched its fall bus tour in Georgia this month, with visits concentrated in the three “Blue Wall” states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

“If you watch Donald Trump’s behavior and you’re still for him, there’s nothing we’re going to say that’s going to get you to change your mind,” said Pastor Doug Pagitt, the executive director of Vote Common Good. “We’re talking about the voters whose minds have already changed, but they’re conflicted about their voting habit.”​

... prompting me to check out Vote Common Good. Its What We Are Doing and Why page is worth a look.

I'm please to see this work being done. I'm perhaps more pleased to see news that challenges the view of Christian Evangelicals as constituting a right-wing monolith. We shouldn't view them as such and nor should they.


Eastern Orthodox
The way conservatives tend conflate religion, politics, and patriotism is rather creepy. I've seen bumper stickers that place god, guns, and Trump upon the same pedestal.

I see this a lot out in rural PA where I live. Creepy for sure. I wonder what's going to happen around here if Trump loses...