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PracticalExamples-PurposeOfCreation:Coming of Promised Messiah is Huge Responsibility-Care Children


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.
God the exalted has created human so that he may attain His knowledge and nearness. ‘….ma khalaqtul jinna wal insa illa layya’bodoon. [Holy Quran, Surah Al-Dhariyat, ch 51: v57; i.e. I have not created the jinn and the human (hidden people and common people) but that they may worship Me] Whoever does not keep this real purpose in view -- and is embroiled, day and night, in the thought to acquire worldliness that he should buy such land, make such house, get possession of such property – what else treatment would be given to such person except that God the Exalted, would summon him back, after giving him the respite of few days. There should be an ache in the heart of human to get nearness of God the Exalted and because of that, he would become worthy for Him. If he does not have this ache and the only ache is for the world and for what is in it, then he would be destroyed after getting some respite.”

“ It is matter of sorrow, that many people who come to the world, after being adult, instead they understand their obligation and keep in view, the purpose and aim of their life, they abandon God and turn toward world. And they are so fascinated for the worldly wealth and its honours that their measure for God the Exalted is extremely little. And it [this measure] is not present in many people’s heart and they get fully involved and consumed in worldliness. They have no awareness that God is there also.”

TRUE WORSHIP IS A BROAD CONCEPT The true worship requires that in every matter, pleasure of God and His commandments are kept in view. Worship is not only offering Salaat but other commandments should be observed too in every matter. One’s earning of livelihood should be pure, one should avoid rancour, malice, jealousy and other ills.

REMINDING THE GUIDANCE BY HAZRAT MUSLEH MO’UD (MAY ALLAH BE PLEASED WITH HIM) He was the second Ahmadiyya Muslim Khalifah, also known as Hazrat Musleh Moud. His father, the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was told by Allah the Exalted that he was the Promised Son and would be a Khalifah. Thus he was a promised Khalifah -- according to him, a status of his khilafat was between commissioned by Allah and khilafat. Ahmadiyya Jama'at should read his writings.

Many philosophers and educated people ask about the high purpose for which human was created and the success of this purpose….The purpose of creation of human is: “And I have not created jinn and human but they may worship Me.” (51:57)….The Prophets of God come and generate a wave of piety, which is acknowledged by their opponents too. The time in which Prophets are sent is very precious; it is ‘lailatul qadr (night of destiny). “The Night of Destiny is better than a thousand months.” (97:4)

Promised Messiah’s Jama'at is required to convince the world about Islam and by practices through practical reformations.

-- A land of terrace belonged to family of Promised Messiah [a matter before his advent]. The owner of a house had had long possession of it. Matter was taken to court by Promised Messiah’s brother. It was common that people used real and unreal testimonies in such cases when they assumed they were right. The owner of house said the younger brother should be called and they would agree whatever he would say… He said yes, when he was asked if these people had been seen come, go and sit at this place for long periods. Court decided in favour of house owner….Latter younger brother [Promised Messiah before advent] was angered upon but he said how he could he deny the fact.

-- Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) sent a parcel containing material for publication [in support of Islam...] to a newspaper [This matter was before his advent] . The letter was about instructions about material… In those days, putting a letter in a post office parcel was a punishable offence. The religious opponents of Promised Messiah filed a case in court. Promised Messiah’s lawyers told him that intent of the plaintiff was clear so he should deny the matter and present few false witnesses. Promised Messiah said, ‘No, how can I deny something which I have done.’ In the court, Promised Messiah said that he indeed placed the letter in parcel but he considered it was part of parcel and he did not do it to avoid revenue. Court acquitted the Promised Messiah.

-- Because of truthfulness and honesty of Promised Messiah, some non-Ahmadiyya lawyers wanted to represent Promised Messiah in cases filed by opponents. Two names are: non Ahmadiyya Muslim Sheikh Hamid Ali Sahib and Hindu lawyer Lala Bheem Sain Sahib; he wanted his lawyer son to represent Promised Messiah.

Prophets of God come to establish truthfulness and honesty. They are the model. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) did not invent weapons. What he gave to the world was the spirit of truth and high morals. This was missing at that time; he first earned it and gave that treasure to the world. The responsibility of his Companions and their progenies is to safeguard these matters.

--When the first revelation came to Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), he was perturbed as how he would accomplish this magnificent task. He went home, feeling cold with emotions and asked Hazrat Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her) to wrap a cover over him. She asked about the matter. She said: Most certainly, God will never let you down because you have such and such qualities. One of the qualities she mentioned was that he had instilled those morals in himself, which were lost in the world. She said how could God waste a person like him? ……This is the purpose of the advent of Prophets. The believers have to safeguard this trust.

-- The believers love their Prophets. They offer sacrifices to protect them. They love and protect the message which comes through Prophets……[After the migration, opponents repeatedly waged wars against Holy Prophet (s.a.w.)]. In the battle of O’had, a time was such that there was only one Companion (r.a.) with Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and opponents were throwing arrows and stones in large quantities. The Companion held his hand in front of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.)’s blessed face. Hits made the hand paralyzed for lifetime. Latter the Companion was asked if he wanted to groan with pain. He said yes but he did not let it because then his hand might have failed him from the duty.

-- In same field, when one of the Companion (r.a.) was found taking his last breaths, he was asked his message for family and friends. In those moments when people think about family and belongings, his message was:: Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) is a precious trust, we protected him with our lives. We are leaving with hope that they will give greater sacrifices than ours to protect this precious trust.

-- When Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) passed away, due to intense love, some Companions (r.a.) thought news was wrong as it was not the time as there were still some hypocrites present. Hazrat Umar (r.a.) was very emotional then and said no one should say Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has passed away, he has gone to heavens and would come back to take care of hypocrites and then will die. Many other Companions joined him too….This was due to intense love for their Beloved (s.a.w.)…..Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a.) came in and asked the Companions (r.a.) to be quite. Then he recited the verse: “And Muhammad is only a Messenger. Verily all Messengers have passed away before him. If then he die or be slain, will you turn back on your heels?.........” (3:145)....He then said: O people! who among you worshipped Allah the Exalted should be happy that our God is alive and can never die. But whoever worshipped Muhammad, Prophet of Allah, may hear that he has passed away….The Companion came out of extreme trauma and accepted the truth.

-- Just before the passing away of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) an expedition had prepared to go to Syria to counter the rebels. When Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) passed away, many Companions thought that under the existing circumstances, expedition should be postponed. Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a.) replied that he had no power to stop an expedition prepared by Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). He would not do as the first thing to stop it. It would go no matter what happens….Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a.) had great love for Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and had attained the station of saying the pure truth. He knew the greatness of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) teachings. Those people took this teaching and stood firm by it. People of others religions too acknowledge that not a jolt has been changed in the Holy Quran.

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Peace be upon you.

In this age, Allah the Exalted has sent Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) for the issuance of high morals, ardent love of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and his Religious Law (Shariah) and his Jama'at has to distinctively safeguard all this like Companions did.

They have to transmit the fervour for value of the teachings of Promised Messiah (a.s.) to their children as faith is of real importance as compared to worldliness. ‘And worldly life is nothing but a sport and a pastime…’ (6:33)

They should check their children against any falsehood or other crime and they must not support them for it. ‘…And help one another in righteousness and piety; but help not one another in sin and transgression…’ (5:3)

Taqwa and purity should be upheld. Observe, when concession about a criminal was asked from Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) he said he would not even give concession to her daughter.

-- One on the devout disciple of Promised Messiah (a.s.) was Syed Hamid Shah Sahib. Once a person was got killed by son. Public sympathy was with the son. Deceased was in the wrong which had led to fight and his son had punched him which killed the man….Then the deputy commissioner of Sialkot was an Englishman who happened to be among those officials who want to give punishment whether a crime is proven or not so that credibility is established. He thought Syed Hamid Shah Sahib was a superintendent in his office, punishment to his son will make his sense of justice well known….. The father asked the son if he had killed the person, then he should confess as punishment in Hereafter is stronger than that of this world……The son had confessed. The son was a cricketer. The magistrate to whom case was referred to, also played cricket at club and he found the real facts there at his own. As the law allowed that if magistrate was convinced of something there was no need to question the criminal over anything. He cross-examined the prosecution witness in such a manner that young man’s innocence was proven he was acquitted.

--In a similar case Hazrat Chaudhary Zafrulla Kha sahib wrote his younger brother to say the truth.

--A man became Ahmadiyya Muslim and learned that bribery was against the teachings of Islam. He went to all those household to return the money that he had taken.

-- Hazrat Musleh Moud (r.a.) said:
Quote: I draw attention of friends to value the trust which has been given to them. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) did not come to give us any property, any worldly governance, he did not invent anything, did not provide us with any luxuries, all he gave us was truthfulness, how unfortunate would it be if we lose it as well and we would throwing the grace with our own hands that was revealed after thirteen hundred years. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) gave us Islam and gave us high morals and told us by example that these can be practised…

--A Mr Martyn Clark falsely claimed in court that Mirza Sahib [Promised Messiah] sent a man to kill him. [The man latter confessed he was sent by claimant and his religious group]. Opponent Ulema (religious leaders) joined in the attempt. Even a Maulvi Batalwi came as [false] witness against Promised Messiah (a.s.)….Allah the Exalted had foretold the Promised Messiah (a.s.) that a Maulvi will represent the opposition but Allah the Exalted would disgrace him…..A non Ahmadiyya Muslim lawyer Fazl Din Sahib represented Promised Messiah in the court. In the court proceedings, when this lawyer wanted to ask a personal question from Maulvi Batalvi which would have been very helpful for Promised Messiah, Promised Messiah stopped his lawyer not to ask that question because that question would disgrace Maulvi Batalwi……Fazl Din Sahib always mentioned that superb practice of high morals of Promised Messiah……..Yet news about Maulvi, given by God, was to come to pass….The deputy commissioner [Captain Douglas] was a detractor but when he saw Promised Messiah’s face, his heart changed. He presented a chair to Promised Messiah to sit next him….Maulvi Batalvi came for testimony with assumption to see Promised Messiah hand-cuffed or at least standing with disgrace. But when he saw Promised Messiah sitting on chair next to deputy commissioner, he was out raged and immediately demanded a chair for himself too. The court told him he did not have the right to a chair. When Maulvi insisted, the judge very harshly told him to back off [and stand straight]…….Ahmadiyya Muslims should copy the high morals of Promised Messiah (on whom be peace).

--A leader Lekh Ram continuously used extremely abusive language against Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). Once Promised Messiah did not respond to his Salaam (greetings) [when pointed out, Promised Messiah (a.s.) said he uses abusive language against our Master (s.a.w.) and greets us!]…….However, in personal matter, Promised Messiah would not allow that his opponent Maulvi Batalvi be disgraced.

--Hazrat Musleh Moud (r.a.) said:
Remember a person who does not teach pious morals to his children not only commits enmity against his children, but commits enmity against the mission, enmity against the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and commits enmity against Allah the Exalted.
He also said that effects of advices given in Friday sermons should be permanent…..Ahmadiyya Jama'at should realize that Allah has put the huge responsibility on them by sending Promised Messiah. If one resolves, one can get rid of his mammoth ills. A famous saying of Jesus (on whom be peace) is that even if you have an iota of faith in your heart, you can move mountains…..It means the day a believer resolves, no mountain of sins remains in his way……Reform your children and other youngsters of Jama'at. Abandon falsehood, deception, fraud, deceit, back biting etc. and bad habits. Others should feel that these are good people….Take care of this blessing and pass all your virtues to your progenies to safeguard the trust so that you are rewarded for thousands of years. Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said that a person is rewarded for a virtue which is established through him and he is also rewarded for as long as it remains established in the world and for as many people continue to adopt it. Thus the reward is also great and the trust is also great in it self.

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper and we get blessings of his prayers) prayed:
May God enable us to pay the dues of this trust! May we honour the dues of the trust given to us by our elders and may those who have taken on this trust themselves also honour it. May this trust continued to be honoured generation after generation!

Reference: Based on Friday Sermon, 29 th November 2013 by Hadhrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah strengthen him with His Mighty Help), UK, mta.tv and alislam.org

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